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© 2025 SURF
© 2025 SURF
Presentation at eHealth consultation northern Netherlands, organized by Rob Giel Research Centre (UMCG), held in October 2013.Presentation on obesity issues and use of online Dialectical Behavioral Therapy to launch a research proposal.
Which components are essential for developing the online version of the DBT intervention to be an effective equivalent of the existing face-to-face DBT?Presentation, held during the Symposium Emotional Eating, 14th European Congress of Psychology in Milan, Italy, 7-10 July 2015.
Which components are essential for developing the online version of the DBT intervention to be an effective equivalent of the existing face-to-face DBT?Presentation, held during the New Year Conference KCO-January 2014.
There is a growing number of eHealth interventionsaiming at enhancing lifestyle to address obesity. However, theexisting interventions do not take the emotional aspects ofobesity into account. Forty percent of the overweight populationis an emotional eater. Emotional eaters gain weight because ofpoor emotion regulation, not just due to bad eating habits. Weaim at developing a personalised virtual coach ‘Denk je zèlf!’providing support for self-regulation of emotions for obeseemotional eaters. This paper presents a research study protocolon validating persuasive coaching strategies in emotionregulation, based on Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, ultimatelytargeting behaviour change. Our goal is to design a personalisedeCoaching framework, allowing us to optimally translatesuccessful behaviour change mechanisms and techniques, suchas dialectical strategies, into personalised persuasive coachingstrategies.
There is a growing number of eHealth interventionsaiming at enhancing lifestyle to address obesity. However, theexisting interventions do not take the emotional aspects ofobesity into account. Forty percent of the overweightpopulation is an emotional eater. Emotional eaters gain weightbecause of poor emotion regulation, not just due to bad eatinghabits. We aim at developing a personalized virtual coach‘Denk je zèlf!’ providing support for self-regulation ofemotions for young obese emotional eaters. This paperpresents an eCoaching model and a research study protocolaiming at the validation of persuasive coaching strategies basedon behavior change techniques. Ultimately, we aim atdesigning a personalized eCoaching framework, allowing us tooptimally translate successful behavior change mechanismsand techniques, such as dialectical strategies, into personalizedpersuasive coaching strategies.
This thesis presents a qualitative research on contextual theory and therapy according to Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy. It encompasses a reconstruction of contextual theory, an analysis of contextual therapy practice and the development of a model for contextual therapy.
This article presents a model for conducting contextual therapy with the aim of contributing to the further development of contextual therapy. Its founder, Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy, introduced the core of this approach, relational ethics, as a new paradigm for family therapy, which has been received well. The authors presume that the training of (upcoming) contextual therapists and conducting contextual therapy itself can benefit from more concrete guidelines and a phased structure. It can also enhance the further development, research and accountability of this approach. Therefore, using a design-oriented method, the authors developed a model that helps to shape a contextual therapy process and the applicable contextual interventions. It is based on strengthening connectedness in close relationships, using relational ethics as its compass. The framework of the model consists of three phases: exploring connectedness in close relationships, modifying connectedness in close relationships and reinforcing connectedness in close relationships, whereby the goals of each of these phases are defined as process elements and expanded into guidelines for nineteen interventions. The ingredients for these interventions are derived from two recent studies on the practice of Nagy and on the practice of current contextual therapists. The model is explained and substantiated based on contextual theory and therapy. Final remarks are presented in the conclusion.
Background. Violent criminal offenders with personality disorders (PD’s) can cause immense harm, but are often deemed untreatable. This study aimed to conduct a randomized clinical trial to test the effectiveness of long-term psychotherapy for rehabilitating offenders with PDs. Methods. We compared schema therapy (ST), an evidence-based psychotherapy for PDs, to treatment-as-usual (TAU) at eight high-security forensic hospitals in the Netherlands. Patients in both conditions received multiple treatment modalities and differed only in the individual, study-specific therapy they received. One-hundred-three male offenders with antisocial, narcissistic, borderline, or paranoid PDs, or Cluster B PD-not-otherwise specified, were assigned to 3 years of ST or TAU and assessed every 6 months. Primary outcomes were rehabilitation, involving gradual reintegration into the community, and PD symptoms. Results. Patients in both conditions showed moderate to large improvements in outcomes. ST was superior to TAU on both primary outcomes – rehabilitation (i.e. attaining supervised and unsupervised leave) and PD symptoms – and six of nine secondary outcomes, with small to moderate advantages over TAU. ST patients moved more rapidly through rehabilitation (supervised leave, treatment*time: F(5308) = 9.40, p < 0.001; unsupervised leave, treatment*- time: F(5472) = 3.45, p = 0.004), and showed faster improvements on PD scales (treatment*- time: t(1387) = −2.85, p = 0.005). Conclusions. These findings contradict pessimistic views on the treatability of violent offenders with PDs, and support the effectiveness of long-term psychotherapy for rehabilitating these patients, facilitating their re-entry into the community
Obesity is a fast growing societal threat, causing chronic conditions, physical and psychological health problems, as well as absenteeism and large healthcare costs. Despite numerous attempts to promote physical activity and healthy diet, existing interventions do not focus on often occurring emotional causes of obesity. There is a need for self-management support of this vulnerable target group: emotional eaters. This paper presents the results of the design case study focusing on a holistic development of a personalised virtual mHealth coach that provides self-management training ‘Denk je zèlf!’ (Dutch for ‘Develop a wise mind and counsel yourself’). Target group are young adults with emotional eating disorder and obesity. The contextual inquiry study was conducted to get insights into the needs and experiences of the target users, including interviews and questionnaires with emotional eaters, obesity treatment patients and healthcare practitioners. Personas and user stories were derived from these results and translated into a new ‘Denk je zèlf!’ virtual coach, based on Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and experience sampling measures to capture user experience and emotional state. This paper makes two main contributions: (a) combining holistic design with behaviour therapy in one virtual mHealth coaching application for emotional eaters; (b) applying Personas to guide the design. Preliminary results suggest that an online self-management training might be useful for the target group. Future research will be aimed at iterative evaluation and further development of the dialectical dialogues for the virtual coach and content for the education and instruction modules.