Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
We propose a novel deception detection system based on Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP). One motivation for the new method is to present stimuli on the fringe of awareness, such that it is more difficult for deceivers to confound the deception test using countermeasures. The proposed system is able to detect identity deception (by using the first names of participants) with a 100% hit rate (at an alpha level of 0.05). To achieve this, we extended the classic Event-Related Potential (ERP) techniques (such as peak-to-peak) by applying Randomisation, a form of Monte Carlo resampling, which we used to detect deception at an individual level. In order to make the deployment of the system simple and rapid, we utilised data from three electrodes only: Fz, Cz and Pz. We then combined data from the three electrodes using Fisher's method so that each participant was assigned a single p-value, which represents the combined probability that a specific participant was being deceptive. We also present subliminal salience search as a general method to determine what participants find salient by detecting breakthrough into conscious awareness using EEG.
One of the most remarkable phenomena in nature is mimicry,in which one species (the mimic) evolves to imitate the phenotype ofanother species (the model). Several reasons for the origin of mimicryhave been proposed, but no definitive conclusion has been found yet. Inthis paper, we test several of these hypotheses through an agent based coevolutionarymodel. In particular, we consider two possible alternatives:(1) Deception, in which mimics evolve to imitate the phenotype of modelsthat predators avoid to eat, and (2) Coincidence, in which models evolvea warning color to avoid predation, which coincidentally benefits themimics. Our agent-based simulation shows that both these hypothesesare plausible origins for mimicry, but also that once a mimicry situationhas been established through coincidence, mimics will take advantage ofthe possibility for deception as well.
One major drawback of deception detection is its vulnerability to countermeasures, whereby participants wilfully modulate their physiological or neurophysiological response to critical guilt-determining stimuli. One reason for this vulnerability is that stimuli are usually presented slowly. This allows enough time to consciously apply countermeasures, once the role of stimuli is determined. However, by increasing presentation speed, stimuli can be placed on the fringe of awareness, rendering it hard to perceive those that have not been previously identified, hindering the possibility to employ countermeasures. We tested an identity deception detector by presenting first names in Rapid Serial Visual Presentation and instructing participants to lie about their own identity. We also instructed participants to apply a series of countermeasures. The method proved resilient, remaining effective at detecting deception under all countermeasures.