Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Collecting local memories on-line is a growing practice with participatory elements on different levels. Three levels of participation – micro, meso and macro – are introduced by describing an exemplary case: the Memory of East in Amsterdam. These levels of this particular case can be grounded in the statements of the Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society. This indicates that the Memory of East case might be a good practice. However, looking at 53 other cases shows that the three levels are present, but designed differently with respect to the degree in which residents participate. Since the convention is not specific enough we choose the notion of cultural citizenship to assess the value of cases like these. We claim that the cases that have more focus on ordinary residents participating on all three levels assures a sustainable and self-feeding system, which is the best answer to the goals of the convention.
From the early 2000s onward the Netherlands has witnessed unexpected and unprecedented polarization. Right-wing populist activism challenged the right of newcomers to belong in Dutch society. Coinciding with this populist swing, participatory media (web communities such as Marokko.nl, blog sites such as GeenStijl – which translates as ‘BadForm’ – and later Facebook and Twitter) have become available as sites for like-minded groups, including some with recent migration backgrounds, to convene and build communities that cross from the social into the virtual and back. They have become spaces for exchange, sharing, and discussion where emotion colours most interactions. Following discussion among cultural theorists, this paper will trace how affect intersects with discursive practice in order to understand how cultural citizenship as a discussion of the right to cultural difference is being practiced and contested. The paper examines whether and how participatory platform media have changed the role and the mission of the engaged media-audience researcher, and what she might need to do now that audiences arguably have become a new type of public.
This study will examine whether voluntary work or an internship in a developing country contributes to the development of global citizenship among young people. For the purpose of this study, global citizenship will be defined as a combination of social awareness and possessing international competencies. For a period of four years, a group of 1000 participants between 14 and 25 years old was followed using online self-administered surveys, surveys conducted within the social environment and a smaller number of in-depth interviews. Data collection took place prior to an internship or voluntary work in a developing country, following their return, and six months after their return. Almost all of the international competencies that according to prior research are required to be able to function effectively when communicating with people from a different cultural background were found to have increased during their their stay abroad. Only reading and writing skills in the local language of the area were shown not to have improved. The greatest amount of improvement occurred in the area of intercultural competencies, namely attitude, knowledge, behaviour and skills. Following their stay abroad, the personal and social competencies of participants were also shown to have increased. Relatively speaking, their international professional and academic skills improved the least. Despite this, following the return from voluntary work or an internship in a developing country, a larger number of participants were shown to be exhibiting a socially responsible attitude with an understanding of interdependence, equality of all people and a shared responsibility for solving global issues, and expressed this more frequently in their behaviour. In addition, an increase in flexibility, cultural empathy, social initiative and emotional stability among participants was observed. What essentially characterises the participants according to the in-depth interviews is the ability they have developed to look through someone else’s eyes at their own culture and living conditions in the Netherlands and to use their improved self-confidence to live a more socially aware life and/or engage in international activities after their return from abroad.