Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Uit de publicatie: "Dit artikel beschrijft het ontwikkelproces van een telemetriesysteem om de loopactiviteiten van mensen na een beroerte betrouwbaar te meten en hierover feedback te geven aan de patiënt en de fysiotherapeut op afstand. Het FESTA (FEedback to STimulate Activity)-systeem bestaat uit een accelerometer en een intelligent docking station. De patiënt moet overdag de accelerometer op de onderrug dragen en ’s avonds in het docking station plaatsen. Het docking station berekent uit de meetgegevens een aantal loopparameters en vergelijkt deze met het door de fysiotherapeut gestelde doel. De informatie wordt per e-mail naar de fysiotherapeut gestuurd en de patiënt ontvangt motiverende feedback op een display. De eerste reacties van de gebruikers op het prototype zijn positief, ook al valt er nog wel wat te verbeteren."
PurposeTo determine which factors are associated with physical inactivity in hospitalized adults of all ages.MethodsA cross-sectional sample of 114 adults admitted to a gastrointestinal surgery, internal medicine or cardiology hospital ward (median age 60, length of stay 13 days) were observed during one random day from 8 am to 8 pm using wireless accelerometers and behavioral mapping protocols. Factors (e.g., comorbidities, self-efficacy, independence in mobility, functional restraints) were collected from medical records, surveys, and observations.ResultsPatients were physically active for median(IQR) 26 (13–52.3) min and were observed to lie in bed for 67.3%, sit for 25.2%, stand for 2.5%, and walk for 5.0% of the time. Multivariable regression analysis revealed that physical inactivity was 159.87% (CI = 89.84; 255.73) higher in patients dependent in basic mobility, and 58.88% (CI = 10.08; 129.33) higher in patients with a urinary catheter (adjusted R2 = 0.52). The fit of our multivariable regression analysis did not improve after adding hospital ward to the analysis (p > 0.05).ConclusionsIndependence in mobility and urine catheter presence are two important factors associated with physical inactivity in hospitalized adults of all ages, and these associations do not differ between hospital wards. Routine assessments of both factors may therefore help to identify physically inactive patients throughout the hospital.IMPLICATIONS FOR REHABILITATIONHealthcare professionals should be aware that physical inactivity during hospital stay may result into functional decline.Regardless of which hospital ward patients are admitted to, once patients require assistance in basic mobility or have a urinary catheter they are at risk of physical inactivity during hospital stay.Implementing routine assessments on the independence of basic mobility and urine catheter presence may therefore assist healthcare professionals in identifying physically inactive patients before they experience functional decline.
This book presents the results of the international research project CODALoop: Community Data Loop for Energy Conscious Lifestyles. It dissects the energy practices that make urban households demanding energy in their daily life and reveals the pathway towards reducing this energy demand.To unpack energy practices, the authors of this volume move away from efficiency problems studying the interaction between human and new technologies. Instead, they use a repertoire of different analytical instruments to study how interaction between humans, and between humans and data, change the social norms that shape energy needs.The volume offers a synthesis of a cross-disciplinary study of energy reduction carried out in three different countries through multiple methodological approaches. The project at the source of the book was funded under the Joint Program Initiative 'Urban Europe' and the ERA-net framework.