Skeletal muscle-related symptoms are common in both acute coronavirus disease (Covid)-19 and post-acute sequelae of Covid-19 (PASC). In this narrative review, we discuss cellular and molecular pathways that are affected and consider these in regard to skeletal muscle involvement in other conditions, such as acute respiratory distress syndrome, critical illness myopathy, and post-viral fatigue syndrome. Patients with severe Covid-19 and PASC suffer from skeletal muscle weakness and exercise intolerance. Histological sections present muscle fibre atrophy, metabolic alterations, and immune cell infiltration. Contributing factors to weakness and fatigue in patients with severe Covid-19 include systemic inflammation, disuse, hypoxaemia, and malnutrition. These factors also contribute to post-intensive care unit (ICU) syndrome and ICU-acquired weakness and likely explain a substantial part of Covid-19-acquired weakness. The skeletal muscle weakness and exercise intolerance associated with PASC are more obscure. Direct severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV)-2 viral infiltration into skeletal muscle or an aberrant immune system likely contribute. Similarities between skeletal muscle alterations in PASC and chronic fatigue syndrome deserve further study. Both SARS-CoV-2-specific factors and generic consequences of acute disease likely underlie the observed skeletal muscle alterations in both acute Covid-19 and PASC.
Skeletal muscle-related symptoms are common in both acute coronavirus disease (Covid)-19 and post-acute sequelae of Covid-19 (PASC). In this narrative review, we discuss cellular and molecular pathways that are affected and consider these in regard to skeletal muscle involvement in other conditions, such as acute respiratory distress syndrome, critical illness myopathy, and post-viral fatigue syndrome. Patients with severe Covid-19 and PASC suffer from skeletal muscle weakness and exercise intolerance. Histological sections present muscle fibre atrophy, metabolic alterations, and immune cell infiltration. Contributing factors to weakness and fatigue in patients with severe Covid-19 include systemic inflammation, disuse, hypoxaemia, and malnutrition. These factors also contribute to post-intensive care unit (ICU) syndrome and ICU-acquired weakness and likely explain a substantial part of Covid-19-acquired weakness. The skeletal muscle weakness and exercise intolerance associated with PASC are more obscure. Direct severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV)-2 viral infiltration into skeletal muscle or an aberrant immune system likely contribute. Similarities between skeletal muscle alterations in PASC and chronic fatigue syndrome deserve further study. Both SARS-CoV-2-specific factors and generic consequences of acute disease likely underlie the observed skeletal muscle alterations in both acute Covid-19 and PASC.
Tijdens de eerste golf van de COVID-19 pandemie hebben veel revalidatiecentra hun zorg noodgedwongen anders in moeten richten en daarbij gebruik gemaakt van e-health. Dit heeft naast de borging van de voortgang van zorg ook veel kennis opgeleverd over zorginnovatie. De ervaringen van de patiënten van Basalt met zorg op afstand willen wij graag delen.
A continuation and update of the first ALT-ER project, which produced an app for early-years students that allowed them to express their feelings and tell stories related to pro-social and important developmental themes. This follow-up project will expand the software and themes, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, to reflect a wider range of experiences for young people.
Due to the existing pressure for a more rational use of the water, many public managers and industries have to re-think/adapt their processes towards a more circular approach. Such pressure is even more critical in the Rio Doce region, Minas Gerais, due to the large environmental accident occurred in 2015. Cenibra (pulp mill) is an example of such industries due to the fact that it is situated in the river basin and that it has a water demanding process. The current proposal is meant as an academic and engineering study to propose possible solutions to decrease the total water consumption of the mill and, thus, decrease the total stress on the Rio Doce basin. The work will be divided in three working packages, namely: (i) evaluation (modelling) of the mill process and water balance (ii) application and operation of a pilot scale wastewater treatment plant (iii) analysis of the impacts caused by the improvement of the process. The second work package will also be conducted (in parallel) with a lab scale setup in The Netherlands to allow fast adjustments and broaden evaluation of the setup/process performance. The actions will focus on reducing the mill total water consumption in 20%.
De COVID-19-pandemie heeft het belang duidelijk gemaakt van continuïteit van zorgverlening binnen de GGZ. Online behandeling is een veelbelovende oplossing daarvoor. Vaktherapie is een vaak ingezette behandeling voor psychiatrische aandoeningen. Vaktherapie is ervaringsgericht en bestaat uit beeldende, dans-, drama-, muziek-, psychomotorische en/of speltherapie. Vaktherapie wordt tot dusverre nog niet online aangeboden. Virtual Reality (VR) is een innovatieve manier om vaktherapie online aan te bieden. Eerder is een innovatieve online vaktherapieruimte ontwikkeld, de VR Health Experience (VRhExp). Hierdoor konden cliënten online vanuit huis aan vaktherapie deelnemen. De VRhExp werd door vaktherapeuten als veelbelovend beschouwd. Tegelijkertijd gaven vaktherapeuten aan specifieke interventies te missen. Het ´ARts and psychomotoR Interventions for Virtual rEality (ARRIVE)´ project stelt zich ten doel om vaktherapeutische VR-interventies te ontwikkelen en te bouwen voor de VRhExp. Vervolgens worden de VR-interventies in pilots onderzocht. Dit wordt gedaan door IT-technici, vaktherapeuten en onderzoekers met behulp van de Design Thinking methode. De VR-interventies worden Open Access beschikbaar gesteld. Door het opnemen van VR-interventies in de VRhExp wordt deze daadwerkelijk bruikbaar voor het aanbieden van online vaktherapie. Dit praktijkonderzoek wordt uitgevoerd door de lectoraten ‘Vaktherapie bij Persoonlijkheidsstoornissen’ en ‘Innovatie in de Care’ van de Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen in samenwerking met twee vaktherapeutische praktijken (MKB) en GGNet (Centrum voor Geestelijke Gezondheid). De onderzoeksresultaten worden geïmplementeerd in het onderwijs en het werkveld.