In dit artikel worden de posities van verschillende actoren, die actief zijn op het gebied van maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen en assurance, geïdentificeerd en geanalyseerd. De nadruk wordt momenteel gelegd op vrijwillige activiteiten op het gebied van maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen en het rapporteren over deze activiteiten, ondanks dat een nieuwe richtlijn op Europees niveau bepaalde Nederlandse ondernemingen verplicht te rapporteren over maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen. Door het vrijwillige karakter van rapportages over maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen en het ontbreken van formele regelgeving is er een verhoogd risico dat bedrijven misbruik maken van mvo-rapportages voor bijvoorbeeld zakelijk of persoonlijk gewin. De verwachting is echter dat het belang en de kwaliteit van mvo-rapportages zal toenemen in de nabije toekomst om transparantie te verhogen binnen verschillende branches en sectoren. Hierdoor kunnen mvo-rapportages en de controle hierop ingezet worden om onethisch gedrag te verminderen en meer openheid van zaken te geven hoe ondernemingen te werk gaan.
In dit artikel worden de posities van verschillende actoren, die actief zijn op het gebied van maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen en assurance, geïdentificeerd en geanalyseerd. De nadruk wordt momenteel gelegd op vrijwillige activiteiten op het gebied van maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen en het rapporteren over deze activiteiten, ondanks dat een nieuwe richtlijn op Europees niveau bepaalde Nederlandse ondernemingen verplicht te rapporteren over maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen. Door het vrijwillige karakter van rapportages over maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen en het ontbreken van formele regelgeving is er een verhoogd risico dat bedrijven misbruik maken van mvo-rapportages voor bijvoorbeeld zakelijk of persoonlijk gewin. De verwachting is echter dat het belang en de kwaliteit van mvo-rapportages zal toenemen in de nabije toekomst om transparantie te verhogen binnen verschillende branches en sectoren. Hierdoor kunnen mvo-rapportages en de controle hierop ingezet worden om onethisch gedrag te verminderen en meer openheid van zaken te geven hoe ondernemingen te werk gaan.
The purpose of this paper is to conceptualise the extent to which partnerships with non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are a necessity for successful efforts of businesses in the area of corporate social responsibility (CSR). The main findings are based on an analysis of existing literature on NGO typologies and strategies for CSR and illustrated with examples from the Dutch National Research Program on CSR. Based on three different strategies towards CSR, the suggestion is that NGOs tend to become involved in partnerships with companies that have an interest in postponing concrete results, while partnerships with companies that have the potential for the biggest contribution to the ambitions of NGOs have the highest risk of diminishing NGO-legitimacy.
Social enterprises (SEs) can play an important role in addressing societal problems. SEs are businesses whose primary objective is to generate social impact (e.g. well-being, social wealth and cohesion, and ecology) through a market-based model. SEs achieve this through a hybrid business model, trading-off financial and social value creation objectives. SEs typically face higher costs, for example because of ethical sourcing principles and/or production processes centering around the needs of workers who are vulnerable or hard-to-employ. This results in SEs’ struggling to scale-up due to their relatively costly operating model. Traditional management techniques are not always appropriate, as they do not take into account the tensions between financial and social value creation objectives of SEs. Our project examines how continuous improvement, and in particular the philosophy and tools of Lean can be harnessed to improve SEs competitiveness. Lean organizations share many values with SEs, such as respect for people, suggesting a good fit between the values and principles of Lean and those of SEs. The consortium for this project is a cooperation between the research groups Improving Business and New Marketing of the Center of Expertise Well-Being Economy and New Entrepreneurship and the minor Continuous Improvement of AVANS Hogeschool, and the SME companies Elliz in Company and Ons Label. The project consists of two phases, an exploratory phase during which the question “in what ways can the philosophy and tools of Lean be used by Social Enterprises?” will be addressed. Interviews and focus groups will be conducted with multiple SEs (not only partners). Participant observation will be conducted by the students of the minor Continuous Improvement at the partner SEs. During the second phase, the implementation of the identified principles and tools will be operationalized through a roadmap. Action research will be conducted in cooperation with the partner SEs.
The overarching aim of the project is to contribute to the development of a sustainable, inclusive and just EU leisure, tourism and hospitality ecosystems, and will be achieved through three interrelated objectives:Create a body of knowledge and theoretical foundations, related to the application of land, capital and financial resources, to develop resilient and future-proof tourism destinations and tourism and travel businesses;Develop conceptual models that contribute towards collective models of resilience in tourism destinations and tourism and travel businesses and are based on equitable use of labour, land and natural resources and financial capital;Propose, through approved EU funding, interventions and applications towards new models of tourism destination management and corporate governance, that use sustainable parameters of success (regeneration of biodiversity and nature, improved human welfare of residents at destinations, social and environmental returns).The Project will lead to a series of research proposals that allows the consortium partners to address urgent societal challenges in Europe. During the project timeline, partners will disseminate findings and search for engagement by public and private actors. Ongoing collaboration and knowledge exchange with key industry actors will improve the resilience capacity of destinations through education, skill development, and co-creation of knowledge. Building resilience through tourism is not just an opportunity but a necessity in the face of global environmental and social challenges. The project will establish theoretical foundations for transitioning towards more resilient and environmentally and socially just ecosystems in the leisure, tourism, and hospitality sectors, aiming to shift the industry’s priorities from short-term gains to long-term sustainability. The project supports international collaboration by facilitating university staff mobility and involving students with diverse cultural, industry, and academic backgrounds and experiences. The successful application and completion of the project will strengthen the consortium's capacities and facilitate the ongoing international dialogue through the Resilient Tourism Ecosystems Lab (RTEL), consequently leading to future collaborative EU grant applications.
Smart office buildings are expected to incorporate user preferences, business objectives, and sustainability goals simultaneously in building operations. Furthermore, they are expected to provide comfortable, flexible and energy efficient working environment to its owners and users. Smart working environments with various implemented technologies affect the work style and user behavior. It changes how people use the office environment compared to traditional office environments. The success of a new smart technology largely depends on the user satisfaction of the office workers, which has not been studied until so far mostly due to the lack of sufficient data. Accordingly, the main objective of this research is to reveal what the significant aspects are for a successful adaptation of smart technologies in the office environment. Therefore, the case of "Stadhuistoren" which is one of the newest smart office building of the Municipality of Eindhoven is studied for which both user satisfaction data, as well as smart system control data, are collected. The smart system is a typical example of an innovative induvial climate control system, newly implemented in the Stadhuistoren. Finally, in this research, it is expected to reveal how user satisfaction is affected by smart technologies in offices for the future. The research method and the findings can be used as input for the implementation of other smart technologies in future smart offices.