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Met dit document wil ik de lezer een nieuwe invalshoek tonen op mobiliteit (Driving Guidance) en een andere benadering van automotive hbo onderwijs. De wereld om ons heen verandert en deze nieuwe wereld zal een ander type automotive ingenieur eisen. Dit is een korte weergave van een lezing voor de MBO-raad onderafdeling docenten automotive (Onderstructuur Btg MCT). De presentatie is gehouden op Miniconferentie Onderstructuur Btg MCT op 23 april 2010 bij Innovam te Nieuwegein. Kort worden trends op wereldniveau geschetst waarna wordt afgedaald naar het niveau van mijn werkplek. Het pad verloopt via niveau van Nederland, Regio Eindhoven, Helmond en tenslotte eindigt het pad bij Lectoraat Automotive Control. Als voorbeeld wordt het project Cooperative Driving getoond. Parallel aan de schets van werkzaamheden wordt besproken wat de veranderingen zijn in automotive onderwijs. Traditioneel komt automotive vanuit de invalshoek werktuigbouwkunde. De nieuwe opleidingen automotive HBO en WO zijn meer gericht op de drie componenten werktuigbouwkunde, elektrotechniek en ICT.
The research studies informal learning in cooperative art practices. It describes the way artists and artistically skilled amateurs get together to produce culture and in that way give shape and meaning to their own public lives. In many ways the "cooperative art practices" of these "communities of creative citizens" interrupt the habits of seeing, thinking and doing in our formal society that is based on economic functionalism, technologic reasoning and mediazation of public relations. These interruptions challenge further questioning of these habits developing a repertoire of alternative action that is based on subjective relations between people, things and the world. But above all these interruptions offer an opportunity for the participants to manifest themselves publicly, discuss their subjective human being and ultimately learn from that.First the dissertation explores literature on the power of imagination and a progressive force is contributed to art and the role of esthetics, symbolism and drama in our contemporary western society. Next it treats art as a social practice that creates opportunities for human growth and development. After an explanation of the methodological matters of the research the study continues with a report of three cases of learning and culture producing communities that are initiated and guided by artists. The social settings of these cases are analyzed according to their social features and subsequently investigated through the lens of pedagogical theory. The dissertation concludes with recommendations for artists, art institutions and policy makers who strive to promote the developmental quality of art.
The goal of this paper is to present the emergence of a new cooperative model for sustainable regional development through social enterprise, rooted in a historical context of societal change in the Netherlands. Our case study is the Gebiedscoöperatie Westerkwartier (GCW), a large-scale area and integrated cooperative with more than 600 organizational and institutional members within the scope of the Dutch northern rural region Westerkwartier. The paper focuses on the mechanisms by which the cooperative facilitates new connections between actors in the quadruple helix of government, entrepreneurs, education and civil society, with the goal of generating both economic and social returns. Based on empirical evidence, possibilities are explored for new business models that combine economic thinking with innovative ways of utilising regional qualities for shared, value-driven governance and enterprise.
Hotelschool The Hague (HTH) was founded and funded in 1929 by the hospitality industry to create a hub where industry partners could gain and share new insights, skills and knowledge. Since then, it has become a professional operation with a solid international reputation in hospitality management. Though HTH has expanded considerably over the years, it has always remained true to its original mandate with a clear commitment to hospitality and a strong connection with the industry. Since its establishment, HTH has sharpened its focus, remaining regionally rooted with an increasingly concentrated international outlook. In line with its heritage, HTH established an ambitious research and internationalisation strategy through its Research Center in 2010 and has pursued that strategy ever since. The goals of the strategy are clear: to achieve international recognition for high quality research that has immediate practical application in the real world while driving towards sustainable development facilitated by an expansive international network and learning community. In pursuit of this ambition, HTH finds the perfect opportunity in this Pilot Richting Europa project to advance the progress made in its established research and internationalisation strategy and to focus the expansion of its international network towards industrial, governmental, and other private and public sector partners. Through this project, it is the ambition of HTH to increase the impact of its research area, City Hospitality. City Hospitality is mainly a nationally focussed initiative which would significantly benefit from international exchange with other European cities engaging in hospitality efforts. This will be achieved through (1) the expansion of its network of industrial and governmental partners and networks across Europe and (2) by increasing its participation in cooperative European projects, with the ultimate aim of leading a consortium for a European project by the end of the project year.