Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Presented at the 14th 14th European Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance ECMLG 2018: From the article: "Online shopping in The Netherlands is rapidly becoming more popular and many web-shops are aiming to develop improved customer journeys. As a consequence pure play web-shops switch to an Omni-channel approach while conventional businesses add ‘online’ to their offline sales. In The Netherlands fast growth of online sales is made possible by industry organisations such as ‘Thuiswinkel.org’, an organisation that supports their over 12.000 retail-members with knowledge, development and information on all possible aspects of online shopping. In 2017 these members raised the question whether it is possible to mimic the ‘traditional sales conversation’ to online environments by deploying AI based conversation technology. To research this question the specific actual benefits for consumers need to be determined of the conventional ‘offline-shopping sales conversation’. Next, the current online shopping opportunities presented by the B2C market of The Netherlands were studied including the level of interaction (conversation) that is technically provided. With so many industries active in the online arena it was decided to focus on the following industries: Electronics, Clothing, Food, and Financial services. This selection was made based on levels of online sales (highest for these sectors) and interests of Thuiswinkel.org members. Subsequently, the offline sales conversation benefits that were found as ‘most important’ in these industries, were used to construct online customer journeys. These are then used to formulate requirements for the comparison and selection of conversation systems. With this insight in how to achieve true conversational commerce in the defined customer journeys of the four industry’s the retailers’ question is answered. The outcome shows differences per industry in importance of a limited number of ‘e-sales conversation’ benefits. An important conclusion is that the current available technology cannot deploy all complex aspects of the offline sales conversation benefits in an online shopping environment. The technology still needs to progress significantly to adopt offline sales conversation aspects. On the other hand pure substitution of offline benefits may not be required. Further, the maturity of the functionality within each conversation system appears to be of importance as requirements differ per company. Additional research is required to extend on the differences and first insight found in the options to develop ‘e-sales conversation’."
Out-of-home placed children or adolescents can be placed in family-style group care, a promising alternative youth care setting. It provides children and Professional Foster Parents (PFPs) with the opportunity to create a continuous relationship. This relationship, in turn, is an important factor in building and maintaining attachment. Scientific literature shows that sensitivity and responsivity are crucial interactional elements for building and maintaining an attachment relationship, but little knowledge is available on how those concepts are displayed in mundane interactions. Therefore this dissertation studies dinner conversations between experienced PFPs and adolescents in family-style group care to find out how sensitivity and responsivity unfold in these conversations. The data consist of 300 hours of videorecordings coming from six family-style group care settings. The method of Conversation Analysis was used to analyse the conversations in detail. On the basis of four studies a better understanding is gained into how the dyadic concepts sensitivity and responsivity are displayed in daily interactions between PFPs and adolescents in family-style group care. The analysis of these specific phenomena disclose the PFPadolescent interaction from different perspectives: the verbal and non-verbal actions of both PFPs and adolescents and how PFPs and adolescents align. In short, this dissertation provides a detailed analysis of interaction and improves the understanding of the dyadic concepts sensitivity and responsivity. It reveals that adolescents are active participants in interactions and shows that PFPs are inventive in their conversations with the adolescents.
Purpose: This study aimed to develop and pretest a systematic conversation approach for nurses to tailor aftercare to oncology patient's goals, unmet needs and wishes. Methods: We used an iterative developmental process for complex interventions: 1. Identifying problems 2. Identifying overall objectives 3. Designing the intervention 4. Pretesting and adapting the intervention. Results: The main results of the problem identification were: non-systematic and incomplete screening of potential issues, caveats in providing information, and shared decision-making. The overall objective formulated was: To develop a model for aftercare conversations based on shared goal-setting and decision-making. The conversation approach consists of four phases: 1. Preparation of the consultation including a questionnaire, 2. Shared goal-setting by means of a tool visualizing domains of life, and 3. Shared care planning by means of an overview of possible choices in aftercare, a database with health care professionals and a cancer survivorship care plan. 4. Evaluation. The results of the pretest revealed that the conversation approach needs to be flexible and tailored to the patient and practice setting, and embedded in the care processes. The conversation approach was perceived as enhancing patient-centeredness and leading to more in-depth consultations. Conclusion: The conversation approach was developed in co-creation with stakeholders. The results of the pretest revealed important implications and suggestions for implementation in routine care. The aftercare conversation approach can be used by nurses to provide tailored patient-centered evidence-based aftercare. Tailored aftercare should support oncology patient's goals, unmet needs and wishes. Further tailoring is needed.
Sportclubs hebben door de coronamaatregelen een stuk lagere omzet omdat hun stadion maar rond de voor 23% kan worden bezet. Sports Alliance heeft een oplossing ontwikkeld waarmee automatisch een optimalere stadionbezetting kan worden bepaald, maar om hiermee daadwerkelijk een optimale bezetting te halen in de praktijk is up-to-date informatie van de individuele bezoekers nodig. Een onhandelbare situatie wanneer het gaat om duizenden bezoekers per wedstrijd. Dit is alleen te realiseren d.m.v. een conversational agent die automatisch gesprekken afhandelt, gecombineerd met herkenning van "actionable results" en automatische afhandeling in de betrokken systemen, zoals ticketing. Een dergelijk systeem dat om kan gaan met ad-hoc wijzigingen biedt ook buiten de huidige situatie meerwaarde voor de clubs, bijv. rond de standaard 10-15% no-shows. In dit project doen we het nodige vooronderzoek en ontwikkelen we een eerste proof-of-concept van een dergelijk systeem. Ook ontwikkelen we de vervolgaanvraag incl. verdere uitbreiding van het consortium.
Dit promotieproject richt zich op Conversational Agents en hun rol in de dienstverlening in het publieke domein. Geautomatiseerde vormen van communicatie komen steeds vaker voor. Dit roept vragen op over het opbouwen van relaties, vertrouwen, vormen van servicegebruik en data-ethiek.
Dit promotieproject richt zich op Conversational Agents en hun rol in de dienstverlening in het publieke domein. Geautomatiseerde vormen van communicatie komen steeds vaker voor. Dit roept vragen op over het opbouwen van relaties, vertrouwen, vormen van servicegebruik en data-ethiek.Doel De interdisciplinaire studie onderzoekt kritisch hoe de interacties van burgers met Conversational Agents het vertrouwen in publieke organisaties vormgeven. Resultaten Inzichten over huidig en eerder onderzoek naar vertrouwen en Conversational Agents door middel van een systematisch literatuuronderzoek Identificatie van ‘trust markers’ in gebruikersinteracties met bots Inzichten over opvattingen en reacties van burgers op verschillende gradaties van antropomorfisering in CA-design Begrip over de rol van Conversational Agents in de citizen journey Looptijd 01 januari 2023 - 01 januari 2027 Aanpak Er zullen vier onderzoeken worden uitgevoerd, afgestemd op dimensies van vertrouwen. Deze studies gaan over concepten van vertrouwen, identificeren ‘trust markers’ in mens-bot-dialogen, voeren experimenten uit rond mens-bot-relaties en onderzoeken de rol van CA's in de burgerreis door digitale diensten. Afstudeerproject Chatbots en Voice assistants Tijdens het onderzoeksproject Bots of Trust (BOT) zijn er verschillende mogelijkheden om met studenten samen te werken aan een gerelateerd vraagstuk zoals chatbots en/of voice assistants en hoe deze vorm geven aan vertrouwen in verschillende sectoren.