Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
With increased share of energy generated from variable renewable sources, storagebecomes a critical issue to ensure constantly balanced supply/demand.Methane is a promising vector for energy storage and transport.
The main goal of this study is to identify knowledge gaps and uncertainties in Quantitative Risk Assessments (QRA) for CO2 pipelines and to assess to what extent those gaps and uncertainties affect the final outcome of the QRA. The impact of methodological choices and uncertain values for input parameters on the results of QRA’s have been assessed through an extensive literature review and by using commercially available release, dispersion and effect models. It is made apparent that over the full life cycle of a QRA knowledge gaps and uncertainties are present that may have large scale impact on the accuracy of assessing risks of CO2 pipelines. These encompass the invalidated release and dispersion models, the currently used failure rates, choosing the type of release to be modeled and the dose-effect relationships assumed. Also recommendations are presented for the improvement of QRA’s for CO2 pipelines.
Densely populated areas are major sources of air, soil and water pollution. Agriculture, manufacturing, consumer households and road traffic all have their share. This is particularly true for the country featured in this paper: the Netherlands. Continuous pollution of the air and soil manifests itself as acification, decalcification and eutrofication. Biodiversity becomes lower and lower in nature areas. Biological farms are also under threat. In case of mobility, local air pollution may have a huge health impact. Effective policy is called for, after high courts blocked construction projects, because of foreseen building- and transport-related NOx emissions. EU law makers are after Dutch governments, because these favoured economics and politics over environmental and liveability concerns. But, people in the Netherlands are strongly divided. The latest provincial elections were dominated by environmental concerns, next to many socio-economic issues. NOx and CO2 emissions by passenger cars are in focus. Technical means and increasing fuel economy norms strongly reduced NOx emissions to a still too high level. A larger number of cars neutralized a technological reduction of CO2 emissions. The question is: What would be the impact of a drastic mandatory reduction in CO2, NOx, and PM10 emissions on car ownership and use in the Netherlands? The authors used literature, scenario analysis and simulation modelling to answer this question. Electric mobility could remove these emissions. Its full impact will only be achieved if the grid-mix, which is still dominated by fossil fuels, becomes green(er), which is a gradual, long-term, process. EVs compete with other consumers of electricity, as many other activities, such as heating, are also electrifying. With the current grid-mix, it is inevitable that the number of km per vehicle per year is reduced to reach the scenario targets (−25% resp. −50% CO2 emissions by cars). This calls for an individual mobility budget per car user.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the final waste product for all carbon-containing products. Its reuse will partly mitigate climate change and, in addition, provide a valuable feedstock for fuels and chemicals. Zuyd University of Applied Sciences (ZUYD), Innosyn B.V., and Chemtrix B.V. will develop a flow reactor for photochemical reactions with gases conducted at high pressure. This reactor is the necessary first development towards artificial photosynthesis: the connection of hydrogen (H2) to the ultimate waste product CO2 to store energy in a chemical bond, in order to produce so-called solar fuels and C1-chemicals/products. With an increasing amount of renewables in the energy system, energy storage becomes increasingly important to continuously match supply and demand. In a cooperation between three ZUYD research groups with Chemtrix B.V. and Innosyn B.V., multiple cost-efficient reactor designs for this flow reactor will be analyzed and two designs will be selected to be implemented by small extensions of existing equipment. Simultaneously, two appropriate test re-actions involving a gas (E-Z isomerization followed by hydrogenation) and with a CO2 analogue (a hydrogenation of a carboxylic acid) will be developed to be conducted in the reactor when the con-struction has been finished. We aim to disseminate the new capabilities developed in this KIEM proposal by the project partners with respect to the new reactors to several selected stakeholders. Furthermore, to expand the project several options (SIA-RAAK and H2020 grants) will be explored.