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In a class or group of twenty children, - statistically - one child has a developmental language disorder (DLD). For children with DLD it is very difficult to keep up at school. The problems in the language also easily lead to miscommunication, which can cause behavioral problems. The timely recognition of a DLD is of great importance for early treatment. This way you can prevent or reduce problems at school, at home and in the children's leisure time. At the moment, children with DLD are not always identified early.Problems in language development can be identified early, for example at the age of two by child health workers. Parents, kindergarten teachers and elementary school teachers can also identify problems in children's language development. This requires a language screening instrument that can easily determine whether a child's language is 'at risk' or 'not at risk'. Early identification of language problems is important, but until today children are still missed. In this dissertation I present a new instrument for the identification of problems in the language development of children from one to six years old, the Early Language Scale (ELS). I also describe the development of the milestones in the language development of children, how good the current screening at the age of two at the health care office is and what parents think of this language screening. The ELS appears to detect DLD in young children well and can therefore make an important contribution to the detection of these problems at the primary health care.
Children with DLD in special education show improvement in language performance. No differences in improvement between: • Children with receptive expressive disorders and expressive disorders • Children with low and high IQs • Mono and multilingual children Intervention is important for all children with DLD. Contact: gerda.bruinsma@hu.nlThere is a paucity of information on the effects of special education provisions on the language skills of children with DLD. Specifically , it is unclear 1. if (and how ) school based intervention impacts various language domains 2. to what extent child characteristics modulate outcomes Method We traced the trajectory of 154 children with DLD at 18 schools for special education that provide systematic language oriented interventions . Mean age 4;10 at the start of the study; range 3;11 5;7 yrs
AIM: Little is known about predictive validity of and professionals' adherence to language screening protocols. This study assessed the concurrent and predictive validity of the Dutch well child language screening protocol for two-year-old children and the effects of protocol deviations by professionals.METHODS: A prospective cohort study of 124 children recruited and tested between October 2013 and December 2015. Children were recruited from four well child clinics in urban and rural areas. To validate the screening, we assessed children's language ability with standardized language tests following the two-year screening and one year later. We assessed the concurrent and predictive validity of the screening and of protocol deviations.RESULTS: At two years, the sensitivity and specificity of the language-screening were 0.79 and 0.86, and at three years 0.82 and 0.74, respectively. Protocol deviations by professionals were rare (7%) and did not significantly affect the validity of the screening.CONCLUSION: The language-screening protocol was valid for detecting current and later language problems. Deviations from the protocol by professionals were rare and did not affect the concurrent nor predictive validity of the protocol. The two-year language screening supports professionals working in preventive child health care and deserves wider implementation in well child care.
Psychosocial problems related to social isolation are a growing issue for wellbeing and health and have become a significant societal problem. This is especially relevant for children and adults with chronic illnesses and disabilities, and those spending extended periods in hospitals or permanently living in assisted living facilities. A lack of social relationships, social connectivity, and the inability to travel freely leads to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Loneliness interventions often use mediated environments to improve the feeling of connectedness. It has been proven that the utilization of haptic technologies enhances realism and the sense of presence in both virtual environments and telepresence in physical places by allowing the user to experience interaction through the sense of touch. However, the technology application is mostly limited to the experiences of serious games in professional environments and for-entertainment-gaming. This project aims to explore how haptic technologies can support the storytelling of semi-scripted experiences in VR to improve participants’ sense of presence and, therefore, the feeling of connectedness. By designing and prototyping the experience, the project aims to obtain insights and offer a better understanding of designing haptic-technology-supported storytelling and its potential to improve connectedness and become a useful tool in isolation interventions. The project will be conducted through the process of participants’ co-creation.
communicative participation, language disordersOBJECTIVE(S)/RESEARCH QUESTION(S) Speech and language therapists (SLTs) are the primary care professionals to treat language and communication disorders. Their treatment is informed by a variety of outcome measures. At present, diagnosis, monitoring of progress and evaluation are often based on performance-based and clinician-reported outcomes such as results of standardized speech, language, voice, or communication tests. These tests typically aim to capture how well the person can produce or understand language in a controlled situation, and therefore only provide limited insight in the person’s challenges in life. Performance measures do not incorporate the unobservable feelings such as a patient's effort, social embarrassment, difficulty, or confidence in communication. Nor do they address language and communication difficulties experienced by the person themselves, the impact on daily life or allow patients to set goals related to their own needs and wishes. The aim of our study is give our patients a voice and empower SLTs to incorporate their patient's perspective in planning therapy. We will Aangemaakt door ProjectNet / Generated by ProjectNet: 08-12-2020 12:072Subsidieaanvraag_digitaal / Grant Application_digitaalDossier nummer / Dossier number: 80-86900-98-041DEFINITIEFdevelop a valid and reliable patient-reported outcome measure that provides information on communicative participation of people with communication disorders and integrate this item bank in patient specific goal setting in speech and language therapy. Both the item bank and the goal setting method will be adapted in cocreation with patients to enable access for people with communication difficulties.STUDY DESIGN Mixed methods research design following the MRC guidance for process evaluation of complex interventions, using PROMIS methodology including psychometric evaluation and an iterative user-centered design with qualitative co-creation methods to develop accessible items and the goal setting method.RESEARCH POPULATION Children, adolescents and adults with speech, language, hearing, and voice disorders.OUTCOME MEASURES An online patient-reported outcome measure on communicative participation, the Communicative Participation Item Bank (CPIB), CPIB items that are accessible for people with language understanding difficulties, a communicative-participation person-specific goal setting method developed with speech and language therapists and patients and tested on usability and feasibility in clinical practice, and a course for SLTs explaining the use of the goal-setting method in their clinical reasoning process.RELEVANCE This study answers one of the prioritized questions in the call for SLTs to systematically and reliably incorporate the clients’ perspective in their daily practice to improve the quality of SLT services. At present patient reported outcomes play only a small role in speech and language therapy because 1) measures (PROMS) are often invalid, not implemented and unsuitable for clinical practice and 2) there is a knowledge gap in how to capture and interpret outcomes from persons with language disorders.
Een taalontwikkelingsstoornis is de meest voorkomende ontwikkelingsstoornis bij kinderen. Een taalontwikkelingsstoornis (TOS) betekent dat je moeite hebt met praten en met het begrijpen van de ander. In iedere Nederlandse schoolklas zitten gemiddeld twee kinderen met TOS. Taalproblemen hebben een grote impact op het dagelijks functioneren van een kind. Al op heel jonge leeftijd is er miscommunicatie met ouders en broertjes en zusjes. Hierdoor kunnen gedragsproblemen en faalangst ontstaan. Op school ontstaan leerproblemen omdat het onderwijs gebaseerd is op leren via mondelinge en schriftelijke (talige) instructie. Kinderen met TOS ervaren minder schoolsucces, hebben minder vriendjes, en jongvolwassenen verliezen vaker hun baan. Een van de hardnekkigste symptomen van TOS is het zeer zwak formuleren van zinnen. De incorrecte zinsbouw en grammatica zorgen voor onbegrip bij de luisteraar. Professionals die kinderen met TOS begeleiden, erkennen het belang van therapie gericht op dit taalaspect; zij ervaren hier echter ook grote handelingsverlegenheid. Ze geven aan dat er onvoldoende behandelmateriaal is om zinsbouw en grammatica te remediëren, daarnaast zijn bestaande instrumenten niet altijd toepasbaar in de klinische praktijk, bijvoorbeeld omdat het gebruik te tijdsintensief of te complex is. Om deze problemen op te lossen, is samen met behandelaars in het mkb-logopedie het consortium ZINnig opgezet. Het consortium bestaat uit experts op het gebied van taal en technologie: kindertaal, taalpathologie, speciaal onderwijs, logopedie en taaltherapie, ICT en webdesign. Het doel van het consortium is om de zorg en begeleiding voor kinderen met TOS te verbeteren zodat zij beter kunnen participeren in onze talige maatschappij. Om dit doel te bereiken levert dit project 1) kennis over mijlpalen in grammatica, 2) best-practices en een digitale applicatie voor taalanalyse, 3) een nieuw therapieprogramma. De tools worden in co-design met het mkb ontwikkeld waarbij slimme technologie wordt ingezet zodat monitoring van taalvaardigheid van kinderen, efficiënt en doelgericht uitgevoerd kan worden.