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© 2025 SURF
Charitable donations constitute choices, and donors' values influence both the choice to donate and the selected nonprofit organization (NPO). The current study proposes a new instrument to measure NPO values. The proposed two-stage analytical procedure is novel in this research area. The first stage shows that the personal value of universalism drives the general decision to donate. The second stage reveals that donating to a specific NPO depends on the congruency between the NPO values of the organization and the individual donor's NPO values. Furthermore, distinct NPO values are relevant to donation decisions such that NPO values can attract a particular type of donor to an NPO. These findings have pertinent implications for NPOs' chosen positioning strategies as it allows NPOs to collectively guard the qualities that increase general donations and individually distinguish themselves based on the specific NPO values that ensure alignment with their own donors.
http://dx.doi.org/10.14261/postit/EF4989E2-2F5F-4E6B-B91D7CFEBE91755DIn 2015 and 2016, Saxion University of Applied Sciences organized the 2nd and 3rd edition of the Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference (RIEC).This paper is debating the regional implications of Corporate Social Responsibility in three important global economic regions. After an introduction of the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, some characteristic of each region is presented. Also some good examples are given. In the conclusion it is emphasized that the application of Corporate Social Responsibility can advance both, the international position of Russian Businesses and the attractiveness for high talented experts.
In this chapter, we propose that the democracy we wish to see out in the world is influenced by the quality of our own “inner democracies”—that is: the quality of the democracies among and between the selves or voices in the landscape of the self. We must find ways out of the I-prisons we experience and perpetuate. With this in mind, we propose that ”writing the self,” a method whereby creative, expressive, and reflective writing is used to cultivate an internal dialogue and construct a new identity narrative (Lengelle, 2014), can assist in reshaping our stories about ”the Other and ourselves” and can contribute to personal and cultural healing and reconciliation. The inner dialogue reconciled is foundational for the external dialogue at the heart of global citizenship within education. Indeed, as Schellhammer argues, we must cultivate the self in order to become inter-culturally competent, and this includes facing shadow aspects through truthful dialogues with the self and caring for the self. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-62861-5_6 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/reinekke-lengelle-phd-767a4322/