Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Background: Caregiving by family members of elderly with chronic conditions is currently intensifying in the context of an aging population and health care reform in the Netherlands. It is essential that nurses have attention for supporting roles of family caregivers of older patients and address family caregiving aspects on behalf of the continuity of care. This study aims to explore what aspects of family caregiving were addressed during planned discussions between nurses, patients and family caregivers in the hospital.Methods: Qualitative descriptive research was conducted using non-participant observation and audio-recordings of planned discussions between nurses, older patients and their family caregivers as they took place in the hospital.Through purposive sampling eligible patients (≥ 65 years) with one or more chronic conditions were included. These patients were admitted to the hospital for diagnostics or due to consequences of their chronic illness.Retrospective chart review was done to obtain patient characteristics. Data were collected in November/December 2013 and April/May 2014 in four hospitals. Qualitative content analysis was performed using the inductive approachin order to gain insight into addressed aspects of family caregiving.Results: A total of 62 patients (mean age (SD) 76 years (7.2), 52% male) were included in the study, resulting in 146 planned discussions (62 admission and discharge discussions and 22 family meetings). Three themes were identifiedregarding addressed aspects of family caregiving. Two themes referred to aspects addressing the patients’ social network, and included ‘social network structure’ and ‘social network support’. One theme referred to aspectsaddressing coordination of care issues involving family caregiving, referred to as ‘coordination of care’.Conclusions: During discussions nurses mostly addressed practical information on the patients’ social network structure. When specific family caregiving support was addressed, information was limited and nurses did not seem toexplore the nature of the family support. Patients discharge and after care needs were addressed occasionally as aspects of coordination of care. Current nursing policies could be evaluated on nursing and family oriented theories.Implications for education could include mirroring study findings with nurses in a group discussion to enhance their awareness on family caregiving aspects.
Objective To evaluate the effects of a psycho-educational intervention on caregiver burden in partners of patients with postoperative heart failure. Background Since partners of cardiac surgery patients play a significant role in the patient’s recovery, it is important to address their needs during hospitalization and after discharge. Methods Forty-two patients with postoperative heart failure and their partners participated in a randomized controlled pilot study. Dyads in the intervention group received psycho-educational support from a multidisciplinary team. Dyads in the control group received usual care. Results No significant differences were found in the performance of caregiving tasks and perceived caregiver burden in the control versus the intervention group. Conclusion A pilot study exploring the effects of a psycho-educational intervention in patients and their partners did not reveal significant effects with regard to reduced feelings of burden in partners. Alleviating caregiver burden in partners may need a more intense or specific approach.
Zorgcapaciteit kan een belangrijke schakel zijn tussen multi-probleem omstandigheden en ongunstige ontwikkeling van kinderen. Deze studie heeft als doel om de zorgcapaciteit en de correlaties daartussen te onderzoeken in zeer kwetsbare multiprobleemgezinnen in Rotterdam, Nederland. Zorgcapaciteit (algemeen, emotioneel en instrumenteel) werd prospectief beoordeeld bij 83 zeer kwetsbare vrouwen met behulp van video-observaties van dagelijkse zorgtaken, zes weken postpartum. Ondersteunende gegevens werden verzameld op drie tijdstippen: bij inclusie, zes weken na inclusie en zes weken postpartum, en deze omvatten psychologische symptomen, zelfredzaamheid, problematische levensdomeinen, thuisomgeving, inkomen, depressie, angst en stress. Zwangerschaps- en bevallingsgerelateerde informatie werd verzameld bij verloskundigen. De scores voor zorgverlening door de moeder waren gemiddeld van onvoldoende kwaliteit. Moeders die in een onveilige thuisomgeving leefden (B = 0,62) en moeders met meer problematische levensdomeinen (≤3 domeinen, B = 0,32) vertoonden significant hogere instrumentele zorgcapaciteiten. Andere variabelen waren niet gerelateerd aan zorgcapaciteit. De zorgcapaciteit in deze zeer kwetsbare populatie was van onvoldoende kwaliteit. In de meeste gevallen was er echter geen significant verband tussen zorgzaamheid en de variabelen die gerelateerd zijn aan kwetsbaarheid. Dit betekent dat een mogelijk verband tussen kwetsbaarheid en zorgcapaciteit kan worden veroorzaakt door de interactie tussen verschillende problemen, in plaats van door het type of de omvang van de zorg.