We report research into the evolvement of a hybrid learning environment where education, companies and government successfully cooperate. This hybrid learning environment—one of the latest inventions in curriculum design—is special because it was neither intended nor planned by the parties involved. With some self-astonishment, the participants in this research experienced a growing acknowledgement of their emerging educational creation, aside from the experience of and appreciation for their cooperation and the increasing turnover. With a bricolage research approach within the scope of a rhizomatic perspective on becoming, a multivocal perspective on the evolvement of the learning environment was pursued. In emphasizing the historical evolvement of the learning environment, our findings challenge the tradition of drawing board design, accompanied by an appeal for re-appreciating professional craftsmanship. In addition, some reflections regarding the research are discussed.
We report research into the evolvement of a hybrid learning environment where education, companies and government successfully cooperate. This hybrid learning environment—one of the latest inventions in curriculum design—is special because it was neither intended nor planned by the parties involved. With some self-astonishment, the participants in this research experienced a growing acknowledgement of their emerging educational creation, aside from the experience of and appreciation for their cooperation and the increasing turnover. With a bricolage research approach within the scope of a rhizomatic perspective on becoming, a multivocal perspective on the evolvement of the learning environment was pursued. In emphasizing the historical evolvement of the learning environment, our findings challenge the tradition of drawing board design, accompanied by an appeal for re-appreciating professional craftsmanship. In addition, some reflections regarding the research are discussed.
Ontwikkelingen in de maatschappij, in het bijzonder de ontwikkeling richting een kennismaatschappij, vereisen voor het onderwijs de ontwikkeling van een praktijkgericht en vraaggestuurd onderwijsmodel (Meijers, 2006). Studieloopbaanbegeleiding (slb), gericht op het realiseren van een loopbaangerichte leeromgeving waarin zelfsturing centraal staat, is in het hoger beroepsonderwijs (hbo) sectorbreed ontwikkeld en ingezet als een belangrijk middel hierbij. Landelijk, kwantitatief onderzoek (Kuijpers & Meijers, 2009) heeft laten zien dat het realiseren een dergelijke leeromgeving geen sinecure is. Middels nader kwalitatief onderzoek is inzicht verkregen in de manier waarop drie best practice academies invulling hebben gegeven aan slb. Uit de resultaten, samengevat in dit artikel, blijkt het belang van continu leren door studenten én docenten. In vervolg hierop hebben we literatuuronderzoek verricht naar het begrip 'collectief leren' als een belangrijke vorm van het leren van docenten. Met behulp van vragenlijstonderzoek zijn we nagegaan in welke mate hbo-docenten deze vorm van leren herkennen in hun dagelijkse praktijk. ABSTRACT Developments in society, in particular the development towards a knowledge economy, require educational institutes to develop an educational model that is both practice- and inquiry-based (Meijers, 2006). In order to support this process, Career Guidance, aimed at creating a career-oriented learning environment where students have a say in their own learning processes, is widely introduced in the higher vocational education sector. However, results from national, quantitative research (Kuijpers & Meijers, 2009) have shown that it is difficult to realize such learning environment. In a follow-up qualitative study we gained insight in the way three 'best practice' academies, as identified in the study by Kuijpers and Meijers (2009), have successfully developed and organized their Career Guidance program. Results, summarized in the current article, point to the importance of continuous learning by both students and teachers. Sequel to this study we have performed a review of relevant literature in order to explore the concept 'collective learning' as an important form of teacher learning. By means of a questionnaire we have verified the extent to which teachers in higher vocational education teacher teams recognize this type of learning in their daily work practice.