Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Op verzoek van Jelle Scheurleer: Purpose: To investigate the accuracy of dose calculation on cone beam CT (CBCT) data sets after HU-RED calibration and validation in phantom studies and clinical patients. Material and methods: Calibration of HU-RED curves for kV-CBCT were generated for three clinical protocols (H&N, thorax and pelvis) by using a Gammex RMI phantom with human tissue equivalent inserts and additional perspex blocks to account for patient scatter. Two calibration curves per clinical protocol were defined, one for the Varian Truebeam 2.0 and another for the OBI systems (Varian, Palo Ato). Differences in HU values with respect to the CT-calibration curve were evaluated for all the inserts. Four radiotherapy plans (breast, prostate, H&N and lung) were produced on an anthropomorphic phantom (Alderson) to evaluate dose differences on the kV-CBCT with the new calibration curves with respect to the CT based dose calculation. Dose differences were evaluated according to the D2%, D98% and Dmean metrics extracted from the DVHs of the plans and - evaluation (2%, 1mm) on the three planes at the isocenter for all plans. Clinical evaluation was performed on 5 patients and dose differences were evaluated as in the phantom study.
We have developed an SI-traceable narrow-band tunable radiance source based on an optical parametric oscillator (OPO) and an integrating sphere for the calibration of spectroradiometers. The source is calibrated with a reference detector over the ultraviolet/visible spectral range with an uncertainty of <1%. As a case study, a CubeSat spectroradiometer has been calibrated for radiance over its operating range from 370 nm to 480 nm. To validate the results, the instrument has also been calibrated with a traditional setup based on a diffuser and an FEL lamp. Both routes show good agreement within the combined measurement uncertainty. The OPO-based approach could be an interesting alternative to the traditional method, not only because of reduced measurement uncertainty, but also because it directly allows for wavelength calibration and characterization of the instrumental spectral response function and stray light effects, which could reduce calibration time and cost.
Calibration of spectral imaging instruments is a prerequisite for many applications, in particular in the field of Earth observation. In this contribution we will present a novel traceability route to celebrate spectral imaging instruments, based on tunable radiance source that is referenced to a primary detector standard.
Size measurement plays an essential role for micro-/nanoparticle characterization and property evaluation. Due to high costs, complex operation or resolution limit, conventional characterization techniques cannot satisfy the growing demand of routine size measurements in various industry sectors and research departments, e.g., pharmaceuticals, nanomaterials and food industry etc. Together with start-up SeeNano and other partners, we will develop a portable compact device to measure particle size based on particle-impact electrochemical sensing technology. The main task in this project is to extend the measurement range for particles with diameters ranging from 20 nm to 20 um and to validate this technology with realistic samples from various application areas. In this project a new electrode chip will be designed and fabricated. It will result in a workable prototype including new UMEs (ultra-micro electrode), showing that particle sizing can be achieved on a compact portable device with full measuring range. Following experimental testing with calibrated particles, a reliable calibration model will be built up for full range measurement. In a further step, samples from partners or potential customers will be tested on the device to evaluate the application feasibility. The results will be validated by high-resolution and mainstream sizing techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), dynamic light scattering (DLS) and Coulter counter.
A-das-PK; een APK-straat voor rijhulpsystemen Uit recent onderzoek en vragen vanuit de autobranche blijkt een duidelijke behoefte naar goed onderhoud, reparatie en borging van de werking van Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), vergelijkbaar met de reguliere APK. Een APK voor ADAS bestaat nog niet, maar de branche wil hier wel op te anticiperen en haar clientèle veilig laten rijden met de rijhulpsystemen. In 2022 worden 30 ADAS’s verplicht en zal de werking van deze systemen ook gedurende de levensduur van de auto gegarandeerd moeten worden. Disfunctioneren van ADAS, zowel in false positives als false negatives kan leiden tot gevaarlijke situaties door onverwacht rijgedrag van het voertuig. Zo kan onverwacht remmen door detectie van een niet bestaand object of op basis van verkeersborden op parallelwegen een kettingbotsing veroorzaken. Om te kijken welke gevolgen een APK heeft voor de autobranche wil A-das-PK voor autobedrijven kijken naar de benodigde apparatuur, opleiding en hard- en software voor een goed werkende APK-straat voor ADAS’s, zodat de kansrijke elementen in een vervolgonderzoek uitgewerkt kunnen worden.
The bi-directional communication link with the physical system is one of the main distinguishing features of the Digital Twin paradigm. This continuous flow of data and information, along its entire life cycle, is what makes a Digital Twin a dynamic and evolving entity and not merely a high-fidelity copy. There is an increasing realisation of the importance of a well functioning digital twin in critical infrastructures, such as water networks. Configuration of water network assets, such as valves, pumps, boosters and reservoirs, must be carefully managed and the water flows rerouted, often manually, which is a slow and costly process. The state of the art water management systems assume a relatively static physical model that requires manual corrections. Any change in the network conditions or topology due to degraded control mechanisms, ongoing maintenance, or changes in the external context situation, such as a heat wave, makes the existing model diverge from the reality. Our project proposes a unique approach to real-time monitoring of the water network that can handle automated changes of the model, based on the measured discrepancy of the model with the obtained IoT sensor data. We aim at an evolutionary approach that can apply detected changes to the model and update it in real-time without the need for any additional model validation and calibration. The state of the art deep learning algorithms will be applied to create a machine-learning data-driven simulation of the water network system. Moreover, unlike most research that is focused on detection of network problems and sensor faults, we will investigate the possibility of making a step further and continue using the degraded network and malfunctioning sensors until the maintenance and repairs can take place, which can take a long time. We will create a formal model and analyse the effect on data readings of different malfunctions, to construct a mitigating mechanism that is tailor-made for each malfunction type and allows to continue using the data, albeit in a limited capacity.