Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
In the psychological field, a lot of progress has been made in values theory. In marketing theory, however, the use of values has been undervalued. Despite the widespread managerial use of brand values, attention has remained focused on the brand personality concept. This book intends to provide a new perspective to marketing science, by proposing a system of brand values that takes into account the developments in values theory. Values were tested in a number of rounds among a total of more than 3,000 respondents in the Netherlands and several other countries including Germany, Italy, and China.In this study, values that motivate consumer behavior were demonstrated to relate to each other as a consistent value system, labelled here as the Value Compass. We showed that the values with which brands profile themselves can be organized according to a similar structure as the human value system, which opens additional insights into the use of values to position brands, or to predict brand choice. The cross-cultural validation included in this book showed a high degree of equivalence of the Value Compass. This validation provided insight in the cross-cultural similarities in the structure of the value system, but it also emphasized the cross-cultural differences in priorities that individuals attach to certain values.
New social actors have emerged with the social media. Among them, we highlightedthe digital influencers, people who have millions of online followers, andinduce them in favor or against products and brands to be consumed. Therefore,we aimed to analyze this endorsement process carried out by digital influencers intheir online profiles, having as research field the fitness market that encouragespeople to evaluate and work tirelessly in their bodies. We used the Semiotic ImageAnalysis to investigate the postings of three Brazilian digital fitness influencersand identified four categories that configure the post format: body exposure, bodyextension, interaction between influencer and brand/product, and interaction betweeninfluencer and followers. By means of these categories, we identified thatthese influencers act as brand avatars, creating an intense link with these products,exposing their bodies in advertisements and extending the meanings of theirgood shape to endorsed goods and services.
Values, representing higher abstract goals in life, receive increasing attention in branding literature and practice. However, understanding of how values drive consumer behavior is limited. This research contributes to a better understanding of the importance of values and value types in marketing communications and how they can influence consumer behaviour. This is particularly relevant given the recent rise in values-based marketing, sometimes also referred to as purpose marketing. Three studies were conducted. The outcomes of study one showed that perceived values (rather than personality traits) indeed play a key role, alongside functional congruence, as a predictor of repurchase intentions. This was particularly true for consumer durables and service brands that consumers have longer relationships with. Study two confirmed that perceived brand values are, next to functional product characteristics, considered as more important than brand personality traits when longer relationships are involved. These effects were most pronounced in the case of prospective situations and services compared to products. Having demonstrated the importance of brand values, the third study zoomed in on the type of value communicated. To this end, brand messages involving self-transcending values (such as concern for society, the environment, and close others) were compared with self-enhancement values (mainly the personal need for recognition of achievements by others and power). In line with research on purpose marketing, results showed that brand messages with self-transcending values outperformed those with self-enhancement values on measures including attitudes toward the brand, perceived quality, and consideration to buy. Moreover, consumer brand identification acted as a mediator in this process, further reinforcing the aforementioned effects. The final chapter of this dissertation presents a discussion of the findings presented across the studies, including relevance to practice and directions for follow-up research. Findings across these studies show that brand values are key to consumer decision making and hence deserve more attention in marketing and branding literature.