Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Omgaan met verward gedrag is een onderwerp dat de samenleving reeds enige tijd bezighoudt en, zo blijkt, vraagt om verregaande samenwerking tussen diverse betrokken disciplines. De ervaring is namelijk dat de professionals, die te maken krijgen met mensen die onbegrepen gedrag vertonen hierop vanuit verschillende perspectieven en opvattingen reageren en daarnaar handelen. Aansluitend op geluiden vanuit de wereld van ervaringsdeskundigen wordt hier de term onbegrepen gedrag gebruikt omdat verward gedrag de associatie oproept dat mensen onverklaarbaar gedrag vertonen, terwijl het gedrag in veel gevallen verklaarbaar is.Het vraagt nogal wat van professionals om een sluitende aanpak te formuleren ten behoeve van mensen met onbegrepen gedrag en dit gaat daarom niet zelden mis. Hierdoor dreigen deze mensen met kwetsbaarheden tussen wal en schip te raken. Om een betere samenwerking tussen professionals te bevorderen zijn er door het ZonMw Actieprogramma Verward Gedrag (AVG) subsidies beschikbaar gesteld waarmee onderwijsmodules voor professionals, die met deze doelgroep gaan werken, ontwikkeld kunnen worden.
Purpose This study aims to enhance understanding of the collaboration between chairs of nurse councils (CNCs) and members of executive hospital boards (BM) from a relational leadership perspective. Design/methodology/approach The authors used a qualitative and interpretive methodology. The authors study the daily interactions of BM and CNCs of seven Dutch hospitals through a relational leadership lens. The authors used a combination of observations, interviews and document analysis. The author’s qualitative analysis was used to grasp the process of collaborating between BM and CNCs. Findings Knowing each other, relating with and relating to are distinct but intertwined processes that influence the collaboration between BM and CNC. The absence of conflict is also regarded as a finding in this paper. Combined together, they show the importance of a relational process perspective to understand the complexity of collaboration in hospitals. Originality/value Collaboration between professional groups in hospitals is becoming more important due to increasing interdependence. This is a consequence of the complexity in organizing qualitative care. Nevertheless, research on the process of collaborating between nurse councils (NCs) and executive hospital boards is scarce. Furthermore, the understanding of the workings of boards, in general, is limited. The relational process perspective and the combination of observations, interviewing and document analysis proved valuable in this study and is underrepresented in leadership research. This process perspective is a valuable addition to skills- and competencies-focused leadership literature.
In this booklet, the focus is on the stories of three Polish men in The Hague. The researcher, Karijn Nijhoff, has followed these men extensively and has recorded their migration stories in detail. We can read about their arrival, their experiences, their travels. We see a process of temporary and continuous, varied labor market participation. We can see a reality of different shades of gray. Integration, as defined by policy makers, can be a whole different process than the official descriptions prescribe. Er is ook een Nederlandse vertaling van dit rapport in deze database: "Tussen de mazen van het net".