Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
The relationship between race and biology is complex. In contemporary medical science, race is a social construct that is measured via self-identification of study participants. But even though race has no biological essence, it is often used as variable in medical guidelines (e.g., treatment recommendations specific for Black people with hypertension). Such recommendations are based on clinical trials in which there was a significant correlation between self-identified race and actual, but often unmeasured, health-related factors such as (pharmaco) genetics, diet, sun exposure, etc. Many teachers are insufficiently aware of this complexity. In their classes, they (unintentionally) portray self-reported race as having a biological essence. This may cause students to see people of shared race as biologically or genetically homogeneous, and believe that race-based recommendations are true for all individuals (rather than reflecting the average of a heterogeneous group). This medicalizes race and reinforces already existing healthcare disparities. Moreover, students may fail to learn that the relation between race and health is easily biased by factors such as socioeconomic status, racism, ancestry, and environment and that this limits the generalizability of race-based recommendations. We observed that the clinical case vignettes that we use in our teaching contain many stereotypes and biases, and do not generally reflect the diversity of actual patients. This guide, written by clinical pharmacology and therapeutics teachers, aims to help our colleagues and teachers in other health professions to reflect on and improve our teaching on race-based medical guidelines and to make our clinical case vignettes more inclusive and diverse.
Abstract Aims: Medical case vignettes play a crucial role in medical education, yet they often fail to authentically represent diverse patients. Moreover, these vignettes tend to oversimplify the complex relationship between patient characteristics and medical conditions, leading to biased and potentially harmful perspectives among students. Displaying aspects of patient diversity, such as ethnicity, in written cases proves challenging. Additionally, creating these cases places a significant burden on teachers in terms of labour and time. Our objective is to explore the potential of artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted computer-generated clinical cases to expedite case creation and enhance diversity, along with AI-generated patient photographs for more lifelike portrayal. Methods: In this study, we employed ChatGPT (OpenAI, GPT 3.5) to develop diverse and inclusive medical case vignettes. We evaluated various approaches and identified a set of eight consecutive prompts that can be readily customized to accommodate local contexts and specific assignments. To enhance visual representation, we utilized Adobe Firefly beta for image generation. Results: Using the described prompts, we consistently generated cases for various assignments, producing sets of 30 cases at a time. We ensured the inclusion of mandatory checks and formatting, completing the process within approximately 60 min per set. Conclusions: Our approach significantly accelerated case creation and improved diversity, although prioritizing maximum diversity compromised representativeness to some extent. While the optimized prompts are easily reusable, the process itself demands computer skills not all educators possess. To address this, we aim to share all created patients as open educational resources, empowering educators to create cases independently.
Ghanaian farmers suffer from a decline in cocoa production partly due to damages and diseases from insect pests. To increase predation by bats on insects on the cocoa plantations we installed two different types of bat boxes on 15 plantations around the village of Buoyem. Bat activity, bat species composition (numbers of insectivorous and frugivorous bats) and insect abundance were measured before and after bat box installation. Insectivorous bats were present on all ofthe sampled plantations, namelyleaf-nosed bats (Hipposideros sp.), slit-faced bats (Nycteridae sp.), horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus sp.) and vesper bats (Vespertilionidae sp.). Furthermore, no correlation between insect abundance and bat activity could be detected. The bat boxes were not occupied yet during the research period since rainy season started in the second half of the measurements and bat activity decreases with increasing precipitation which is supported by our Un dings. Additionally, the available time period between in stallation and measuring of the effects of the boxes was very short when compared to similar researches. Bats alsohave different preferences per species for size and shape of bat boxes and the number of naturally available roosting sites also influences bat box occupancy. Our results suggest that bats are abundant above cocoa plantations in Buoyem and therefore bat boxes have the potential to be ahelpful tool in insect pest control.
The Water Framework Directive imposes challenges regarding the environmental risk of plastic pollution. The quantification, qualification, monitoring, and risk assessment of nanoplastics and small microplastic (<20 µm) is crucial. Environmental nano- and micro-plastics (NMPs) are highly diverse, accounting for this diversity poses a big challenge in developing a comprehensive understanding of NMPs detection, quantification, fate, and risks. Two major issues currently limit progress within this field: (a) validation and broadening the current analytical tools (b) uncertainty with respect to NMPs occurrence and behaviour at small scales (< 20 micron). Tracking NMPs in environmental systems is currently limited to micron size plastics due to the size detection limit of the available analytical techniques. There are currently no methods that can detect nanoplastics in real environmental systems. A major bottleneck is the incompatibility between commercially available NMPs and those generated from plastic fragments degradation in the environment. To track nanoplastics in environmental and biological systems, some research groups synthesized metal-doped nanoplastics, often limited to one polymer type and using high concentrations of surfactants, rendering these synthesized nanoplastics to not be representative of nanoplatics found in real environment. NanoManu proposes using Electrohydrodynamic Atomization to generate metal doped NMPs of different polymers types, sizes, and shapes, which will be representative of the real environmental nanoplastics. The synthesized nanoplastics will be used as model particles in environmental studies. The synthesized nanoplastics will be characterized and tested using different analytical methods, e.g., SEM-EDX, TEX, GCpyrMS, FFF, µFTIR and SP-ICP-MS. NanoManu is a first and critical step towards generating a comprehensive state-of-the-art analytical and environmental knowledge on the environmental fate and risks of nanoplastics. This knowledge impacts current risk assessment tools, efficient interventions to limit emissions and adequate regulations related to NMPs.