Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
De ontwikkelingen en veranderingen in de gezondheidszorg maken het noodzakelijk dat verpleegkundigen door middel van bij- en nascholing hun deskundigheid op peil houden. Deskundigheid is de basis waarop herregistratie in het BIG-register zal gaan plaatsvinden. Per 1 januari 2009 moeten zorgverleners na vijf jaar hun deskundigheid aantonen door te voldoen aan de werkervaringseis en, als ze daar niet aan voldoen, de scholingseis1. Deskundigheidsbevordering en Lifelong Learning - levenslang leren - gaan hand in hand. Lifelong Learning is het principe dat mensen gedurende hun hele leven in staat en gemotiveerd zijn om te leren en dat de omgeving daartoe mogelijkheden biedt2, 3. E-learning wordt geassocieerd met leeractiviteiten die plaatsvinden op een zelfgekozen moment waarbij een met een computernetwerk verbonden computer interactief gebruikt wordt. ‘Any place, any time’ is een wezenlijk aspect van e-learning. E-learning is belangrijk voor het levenslang leren van verpleegkundigen.
Background: Differences in professional practice might hinder initiation of student participation during international placements, and thereby limit workplace learning. This study explores how healthcare students overcome differences in professional practice during initiation of international placements. Methods: Twelve first-year physiotherapy students recorded individual audio diaries during the first month of international clinical placement. Recordings were transcribed, anonymized, and analyzed following a template analysis approach. Team discussions focused on thematic interpretation of results. Results: Students described tackling differences in professional practice via ongoing negotiations of practice between them, local professionals, and peers. Three themes were identified as the focus of students’ orientation and adjustment efforts: professional practice, educational context, and individual approaches to learning. Healthcare students’ initiation during international placements involved a cyclical process of orientation and adjustment, supported by active participation, professional dialogue, and self-regulated learning strategies.Conclusions: Initiation of student participation during international placements can be supported by establishing a continuous dialogue between student and healthcare professionals. This dialogue helps align mutual expectations regarding scope of practice, and increase understanding of professional and educational practices. Better understanding, in turn, creates trust and favors meaningful students’ contribution to practice and patient care.
Background: Physical activity is an important intervention for improving disease-related symptoms and systemic manifestations in rheumatic and musculoskeletal disease (RMDs). However, studies suggest that RMD patients report that the lack of individualized and consistent information about physical activity from managing doctors and healthcare professionals, acts as a barrier for engagement. On the other hand, managing doctors and healthcare professionals report lack of knowledge in this area and thus lack of confidence to educate and advise RMD patients about the beneficial effects of physical activity. The aim of the present study therefore, is to develop two e-Learning courses for RMD doctors and health professionals: a) the first one to provide consistent information about the collective benefits of physical activity in RMDs and b) the second on how to implement physical activity advice in routine clinical practice. Methods: An international collaboration of seven countries, consisting of one academic institution and one patient organization from each country, will co-develop the two e-Learning courses. The final e-Learning courses will primarily target to improve – through physical activity advice – RMD symptoms which are important for patients. Discussion: The main result of this study will be to co-develop two e-Learning courses that can be used by managing RMD doctors and healthcare professionals to be made aware of the overall benefits of physical activity in RMDs as well as how to implement physical activity advise within their practice.