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Anthocyanins do not have a toxic effect, they are safe for humans, and they are of interest as natural dyes. They are used in the food industry, cosmetics, perfumery and medicine. Nowadays, the question of the use of anthocyanins in solar cells is being widely considered. Dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) has attracted much attention as a new promising solar to electric convertor because of its low production cost, easy fabrication, more environmental friendliness compared to silicon or perovskite solar cell.
The anthocyanin composition of five purple leaves cultivars of Ocimum basilicum L. was investigated by reversed-phase HPLC with mass-spectrometric detection by ESI mode with ion partial fragmentation as well as preparation of dried differently colored forms of anthocyanins encapsulated into maltodextrinmatrix. Analysis of the mass spectra revealed that according to the chromatographic profile the set of basil cultivar anthocyanins under investigation may be divided into two groups with the common feature being ahigh level of acylation with (mainly) p-coumaric, ferulic and malonic acids of the same base: cyanidin-3-dihexoside-5-hexoside. The presence of acylation with substituted cinnamic acids permits us to obtain solutions not only with a red color (the property of the flavylium form) but also with blue shades of coloration due to quinonoid and negatively charged quinonoid forms. All forms except that of flavylium are not stable in solution but stable enough to prepare dried encapsulated forms by lyophilization. Although the loss of anthocyaninswith drying is not negligible, the final product is characterized with high stability for storage in a refrigerator.
Production of dry encapsulated forms of anthocyanins from tulip petals with high antioxidant activity and their utilization in lipsticks.Anthocyanins (of the Greek anthos = flower and kianos = blue) are the most important pigments of the plants. These pigments are responsible of the shiny orange, pink, red, violet and blue colors in the flowers and fruits of some plants. The most interesting substances of the waste material are anthocyanins as natural water soluble antioxidants with a great health benefit besides the coloring properties. Tulip is a perennial bulbous plant which is popular worldwide and especially in the Holland due to the showy flowers of the great variety of colors and shades. It was found that for flowers of different colors biosynthesis of anthocyanins of the three anthocyanidin backbones may occur. Thus, pelargonidin (Pg), cyanidin (Cy) and delphinidin (Dp) derivatives, are responsible for tulip flowers color.