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Voorbeelden en onderwijs lijken onlosmakelijk met elkaar verbonden. Het gebruik van voorbeelden is vaak zo vanzelfsprekend, dat zelfs in didactische opleidingen niet altijd aandacht wordt besteed aan de voorwaarden voor een optimal gebruik ervan. Voorbeelden blijken echter niet automatisch tot meer kennis en beter begrip te leiden. Leren van en door voorbeelden vereist bewuste aandacht en doet een beroep op analoog redeneren. Er is veel onderzoek gedaan naar de centrale rol van analoog redeneren in leren. De hieruit voortgekomen kennis en inzichten lijken echter nog niet algemeen bekend bij docenten noch breed geïmplementeerd in het onderwijs, zo komt ook naar voren uit een verkennend onderzoek aan De Haagse Hogeschool. Dit artikel vormt een eerste aanzet om kennis en inzichten in analoog redeneren en in het effectief gebruik van voorbeelden bredere bekendheid te geven. De aanbevelingen in het artikel zijn bedoeld om docenten te inspireren en uit te dagen. Abstract. The use of examples for teaching purposes would seem an obvious choice for teachers. This might be the reason why even courses intended to instruct teachers in their future profession sometimes skip over ways to make effective use of examples. However, research has shown that the use of examples does not automatically enhance a learner’s knowledge and understanding. Learning from examples requires conscious effort and attention and calls for analogical reasoning. Although the key role played by analogical reasoning in learning has been widely investigated, an exploratory study conducted among lecturers at The Hague University of Applied Sciences showed that not that many of them were familiar with the findings of these studies nor were these findings featured in their teaching. This article is an attempt to promote the acquisition of scientific knowledge and insights into analogical reasoning and the effective use of examples. The recommendations provided here are meant to inspire and challenge teachers.
Preliminary empirical research conducted by the leading author has shown that design students using biological analogies, or models across different contexts, often misinterpreted these, intentionally or unintentionally, during design. By copying shape or form without integrating the main function of the mimicked biological model, students failed to consider the process or system directing that function when attempting to solve the design need. This article considers the first step in the development of an applicable educational model using distant analogies from nature, by means of biomimicry thinking methodology. The analysis examines results from a base-line exercise taken by students in the Minor Design with Nature during the Spring semester of Industrial Design Engineering at The Hague University of Applied Sciences in 2019, verifying that students without biomimicry training use this hollow approach automatically. This research confirms the gap between where students are at the beginning of the semester and where they need to be as expert sustainable designers when they graduate. These findings provide a starting point for future interventions in biomimicry workshops to improve systematic design thinking through structural and scientifically based iterations of analogical reasoning. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10798-020-09574-1 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/helenkopnina/