From teh UU repository: "Background: Oral immunotherapy (OIT) is a promising therapeutic approach to treat food allergic patients. However, there are some concerns regarding its safety and long-term efficacy. The use of non-digestible oligosaccharides might improve OIT efficacy since they are known to directly modulate intestinal epithelial and immune cells in addition to acting as prebiotics. Aim: To investigate whether a diet supplemented with plant-derived fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) supports the efficacy of OIT in a murine cow's milk allergy model and to elucidate the potential mechanisms involved. Methods: After oral sensitization to the cow's milk protein whey, female C3H/HeOuJ mice were fed either a control diet or a diet supplemented with FOS (1% w/w) and received OIT (10 mg whey) 5 days a week for 3 weeks by gavage. Intradermal (i.d.) and intragastric (i.g.) challenges were performed to measure acute allergic symptoms and mast cell degranulation. Blood and organs were collected to measure antibody levels and T cell and dendritic cell populations. Spleen-derived T cell fractions (whole spleen-and CD25-depleted) were transferred to naive recipient mice to confirm the involvement of regulatory T cells (Tregs) in allergy protection induced by OIT + FOS. Results: OIT + FOS decreased acute allergic symptoms and mast cell degranulation upon challenge and prevented the challenge-induced increase in whey-specific IgE as observed in sensitized mice. Early induction of Tregs in the mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) of OIT + FOS mice coincided with reduced T cell responsiveness in splenocyte cultures. CD25 depletion in OIT + FOS-derived splenocyte suspensions prior to transfer abolished protection against signs of anaphylaxis in recipients. OIT + FOS increased serum galectin-9 levels. No differences in short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) levels in the cecum were observed between the treatment groups. Concisely, FOS supplementation significantly improved OIT in the acute allergic skin response, %Foxp3+ Tregs and %LAP+ Th3 cells in MLN, and serum galectin-9 levels. Conclusion: FOS supplementation improved the efficacy of OIT in cow's milk allergic mice. Increased levels of Tregs in the MLN and abolished protection against signs of anaphylaxis upon transfer of CD25-depleted cell fractions, suggest a role for Foxp3+ Tregs in the protective effect of OIT + FOS. "
From teh UU repository: "Background: Oral immunotherapy (OIT) is a promising therapeutic approach to treat food allergic patients. However, there are some concerns regarding its safety and long-term efficacy. The use of non-digestible oligosaccharides might improve OIT efficacy since they are known to directly modulate intestinal epithelial and immune cells in addition to acting as prebiotics. Aim: To investigate whether a diet supplemented with plant-derived fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) supports the efficacy of OIT in a murine cow's milk allergy model and to elucidate the potential mechanisms involved. Methods: After oral sensitization to the cow's milk protein whey, female C3H/HeOuJ mice were fed either a control diet or a diet supplemented with FOS (1% w/w) and received OIT (10 mg whey) 5 days a week for 3 weeks by gavage. Intradermal (i.d.) and intragastric (i.g.) challenges were performed to measure acute allergic symptoms and mast cell degranulation. Blood and organs were collected to measure antibody levels and T cell and dendritic cell populations. Spleen-derived T cell fractions (whole spleen-and CD25-depleted) were transferred to naive recipient mice to confirm the involvement of regulatory T cells (Tregs) in allergy protection induced by OIT + FOS. Results: OIT + FOS decreased acute allergic symptoms and mast cell degranulation upon challenge and prevented the challenge-induced increase in whey-specific IgE as observed in sensitized mice. Early induction of Tregs in the mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) of OIT + FOS mice coincided with reduced T cell responsiveness in splenocyte cultures. CD25 depletion in OIT + FOS-derived splenocyte suspensions prior to transfer abolished protection against signs of anaphylaxis in recipients. OIT + FOS increased serum galectin-9 levels. No differences in short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) levels in the cecum were observed between the treatment groups. Concisely, FOS supplementation significantly improved OIT in the acute allergic skin response, %Foxp3+ Tregs and %LAP+ Th3 cells in MLN, and serum galectin-9 levels. Conclusion: FOS supplementation improved the efficacy of OIT in cow's milk allergic mice. Increased levels of Tregs in the MLN and abolished protection against signs of anaphylaxis upon transfer of CD25-depleted cell fractions, suggest a role for Foxp3+ Tregs in the protective effect of OIT + FOS. "
BACKGROUND:Reintroduction of a food after negative food challenge (FC) faces many obstacles. There are no studies available about this subject in adults.OBJECTIVE:To investigate the frequency, reasons and risk factors of reintroduction failure in adults.METHODS:In this prospective study, adult patients received standardized follow-up care after negative FCs including a reintroduction scheme and supportive telephone consultations. Data were collected by telephone interview (2 weeks after FC) and questionnaires (at baseline and 6 months after FC(s)): food habits questionnaire, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire-Adult Form and Food Allergy Independent Measure. Frequency and reasons of reintroduction failure were analysed using descriptive statistics and risk factors with univariate analyses.RESULTS:Eighty patients were included with, in total, 113 negative FCs. Reintroduction failed on short-term (2 weeks after FC) in 20% (95% CI: 13%-28%). Common reasons were symptoms upon ingestion during the reintroduction scheme (50%) and no need to eat the food (23%). On the long-term (5-12 months after FC(s)), reintroduction failure increased to 40% (95% CI: 28%-53%). Common reasons were atypical symptoms after eating the food (59%) and fear for an allergic reaction (24%). Five risk factors for long-term reintroduction failure were found: if culprit food was not one of the 13 EU regulated allergens, reintroduction failure at short-term, atypical symptoms during FC, a lower quality of life and a higher state anxiety.CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE:Reintroduction failure after negative FCs in adults is common, increases over time, and is primarily due to atypical symptoms. This stresses the need for more patient-tailored care before and after negative food
De wereldwijde ijsconsumptie in 2016 bedroeg 18.037 miljoen kg. In de US (38,4%) en Europa (30,9%) wordt het meeste ijs geconsumeerd. Van de totale ijsconsumptie wordt 26,6% out-of-home geconsumeerd in enkele verpakking (; Global Ice Cream report July 2017). Deze ijsstokjes worden van berkenhout gemaakt. Het hout hiervoor wordt gekapt in Rusland en Scandinavië. Er van uitgaand dat bij de helft van het out-of-home geconsumeerde ijs het ijsstokje de drager is dan wordt hiervoor in Europa jaarlijks 23.721 ton aan berkenstokjes geproduceerd. Wereldwijd gaat het om 76.765 ton. Na de consumptie van het ijsje worden deze stokjes weggegooid. Dit afval wordt doorgaans verbrand. De samenwerkende partners, Babre Holding, Van Rijsingen Ingredients, HAS Hogeschool hebben de ambitie om het consumeren van ijs op ijsstokjes te verduurzamen door het gebruik van hout te vervangen door plantaardige vezels die ontstaan als bijproduct in de voedingsmiddelen industrie. Naast vezels worden eetbare zetmeel gebruikt zodat een stevige matrix ontstaat met dezelfde functionaliteit als het ijsstokje van berkenhout. Momenteel worden deze plantaardige bijproducten grotendeels afgezet naar de feed industrie en groene energie sector, bio vergisting. Met het eetbare vezelrijke ijsstokje worden deze van oorsprong bijproducten opgewaardeerd tot een humaan voedingsproduct. Bovendien draagt het eetbare ijsstokje bij aan de verhoging van de vezelinname, die bij veel consumenten nog onder het niveau ligt dat wordt geadviseerd door het Voedingscentrum. In dit project onderzoeken we de haalbaarheid om een eetbaar, duurzaam en gezond ijsstokje te maken dat opgeschaald kan worden naar industriële schaal. Het geproduceerde ijsstokje voldoet aan de kwaliteitseisen van de ijsproducenten, is vrij van allergenen en bevat voedingsvezels die als nevenstroom ontstaan bij de productie van voedingsmiddelen.