Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
The objective of this study was to generate groups of agri-food producers with high affinity in relation to their sustainable waste management practices. The aim of conforming these groups is the development of synergies, knowledge management, and policy- and decision-making by diverse stakeholders. A survey was conducted among the most experienced farmers in the region of Nuevo Urecho, Michoacán, Mexico, and a total of eight variables relating to sustainable waste management practices, agricultural food loss, and the waste generated at each stage of the production process were examined. The retrieved data were treated using the maximum inverse correspondence algorithm and the Galois Lattice was applied to generate clusters of highly affine producers. The results indicate 163 possible elements that generate the power set, and 31 maximum inverse correspondences were obtained. At this point, it is possible to determine the maximum number of relationships, called affinities. In general, all 15 considered farmers shared the measure of revaluation of food waste and 90% of the farmers shared affinity in measures related to ecological care and the proper management of waste. A practical implication of this study is the conformation of highly affine clusters for both policy and strategic decision-making.
Food and the city has never been a more urgent theme than today, and The European Union’s priority to commit to innovation in this field will certainly enhance its economic and external strength and improve its competitive position in the world of food and life sciences. Europea Netherlands held a seminar on this topic in May 2016, during the Dutch EU presidency.To be part of this international endeavour, the Netherlands need to strengthen the digital market, support innovation in the internal market, boost domestic policy reforms, and embed their knowledge and skills in a European society that challenges itself and continues to innovate. The Netherlands is a global player in the agro, food and horticultural sector and a major player in the export market of agricultural products. This sector is one of its main economic pillars. New knowledge is being developed as we speak, which is also an export product in high demand, providing sizeable employment. This is only possible because the sector is innovative and remains up-to-date. The peri-urban areas in the Netherlands (both urban and rural areas) are characterized by high population density. This necessitates thinking about manufacturing, food, logistics and water management(circular economy). Land-based education and life sciences in the Netherlands may appear to be specific, yet it is broad too: the primary sectors are included, as well as the manufacturing businesses and services associated with it. Participants learn to work in an innovative sector in a society in transition, bringing together multiple disciplines (cross-overs) and stakeholders. This education is practical and has a strong connection to the industry. During the Europea seminar five professorships, installed by the ministry of Economic Affairs, focused on transitions in the agro and food sector. The five professorships are posted at the Dutch Agricultural Universities of applied sciences, including teacher education for sustainable connected learning and development for professional education and business communities.
Societal actors across scales and geographies increasingly demand visual applications of systems thinking – the process of understanding and changing the reality of a system by considering its whole set of interdependencies – to address complex problems affecting food and agriculture. Yet, despite the wide offer of systems mapping tools, there is still little guidance for managers, policy-makers, civil society and changemakers in food and agriculture on how to choose, combine and use these tools on the basis of a sufficiently deep understanding of socio-ecological systems. Unfortunately, actors seeking to address complex problems with inadequate understandings of systems often have limited influence on the socio-ecological systems they inhabit, and sometimes even generate unintended negative consequences. Hence, we first review, discuss and exemplify seven key features of systems that should be – but rarely have been – incorporated in strategic decisions in the agri-food sector: interdependency, level-multiplicity, dynamism, path dependency, self-organization, non-linearity and complex causality. Second, on the basis of these features, we propose a collective process to systems mapping that grounds on the notion that the configuration of problems (i.e., how multiple issues entangle with each other) and the configuration of actors (i.e., how multiple actors relate to each other and share resources) represent two sides of the same coin. Third, we provide implications for societal actors - including decision-makers, trainers and facilitators - using systems mapping to trigger or accelerate systems change in five purposive ways: targeting multiple goals; generating ripple effects; mitigating unintended consequences; tackling systemic constraints, and collaborating with unconventional partners.
De wereldbevolking groeit van 7 miljard nu naar 9 miljard in 2040. De productiegroei van voedsel loopt hierop flink achter. Uit onderzoek van de FAO in 2011 komt naar voren dat wereldwijd elk jaar 1,3 miljard ton voedsel verloren gaat, ruim een derde van de voedselproductie. Binnen de EU gooien we 20% van het totaal voor de EU inwoners geproduceerde voedsel weg, inclusief het onvermijdbare verlies. Dat komt neer op 173 kg per EU inwoner per jaar. Ongeveer de helft daarvan wordt weggegooid in de productieketen tot en met de supermarkt. Agri-food reststromen zijn te vinden bij de voedselindustrie, boeren, veilingen, supermarkten etc. Die worden momenteel laagwaardig verwerkt in diervoeder, compost, potgrond, vergisting etc. Hoogwaardig verwerken gebeurt zelden, bv via de Voedselbank of de Verspillingsfabriek (soepen etc.). Dit project heeft primair als doel om reststromen vanuit de food industrie hoogwaardig te verwaarden, met 3D food printing als primaire technologie. 3D food printing is in 2006 ontstaan en sinds 2016 in een stroomversnelling gekomen. (Michelin) chefs, chocolatiers, patissiers, fooddesigners en catering hebben deze nieuwe techniek nu omarmd. Vanuit de voedselindustrie is er ook veel belangstelling, met name voor industriële toepassing en voorgevulde cartridges. Daarmee kan het Nespresso businessmodel voor een doorbraak in 3Dfoodprinting zorgen, een goedkope 3Dprinter voor consumenten waarbij verdiend wordt aan de cartridges. Belangrijk dus om toepassingen te vinden die de mogelijkheden van 3D food printing voor verwaarding van reststromen volop benutten.
In the Netherlands, the Agri-Food and Water Top Sectors aim at climate neutral food systems that close loops in the food value chains from farm to fork, based on efficiency of natural resource management, optimum use of food, a reduced use of natural resources and less environmental pressure, and optimum use of residue streams. It is also in their ambitions to promote and market Dutch circular solutions in foreign countries, such as emergent economies. The transition to a circular economy in the food chain in emergent economies requires a radical transformation, in which an integrated approach is required. In this regard, Indonesia strives for green development representing an advantageous market opportunity for Dutch SME’s offering circular innovations on the food value chain. The consortium in this project would like to explore the opportunities for applying integrated approaches contributing to the transition to a circular economy in the food chain of emerging countries, in this case Indonesia, that could open market opportunities in the agri-food sector. The integrated approach includes innovations on effective use of natural resources (e.g., soil and water), innovations on ‘reshaping’ local organization and governance, and innovations on food/streams value chains.
Noord-Holland kent een belangrijke en innovatieve maakindustrie. Het gaat hierbij om relatief kleine nichespelers, die een grote internationale markt bedienen. In 2016 werd het TechnoSpitsen netwerk Noord-Holland opgericht, met als doelstelling “Het slim verbinden van (nieuwe) technologieën, kansen en uitdagingen, mensen en kennis, bedrijven en onderwijs, voor een innovatieve en toekomstbestendige maakindustrie”. Door samenwerken in “open innovatie” bundelen bedrijven en Hogeschool de krachten: • Samenwerken met collega-bedrijven, leren van elkaar • Samenwerken met studenten en daardoor een betere instroom van nieuw talent • Samenwerken met docent-onderzoekers, waardoor vernieuwende ideeën kunnen doorstromen naar de praktijk en naar het onderwijs. KIJKEN MET ANDERE OGEN doet praktijkonderzoek naar de mogelijkheden en toegevoegde waarde van moderne beeldbewerkingstechnieken en beeldbewerkingssoftware (computer vision). Door de inzet van geavanceerde vision technieken komen we tot verbeteringen in het ontwerp van hun machine-ontwerp en productieproces. Meer specifiek: • Verbeteringen in productiviteit door kortere cyclustijd of doorlooptijd • Verbeteringen in de productkwaliteit en nauwkeurigheid van werken (zero defects) • Verbeteringen in het storingsgedrag (kortere down-time, minder storingen) • Verbeteringen in de omstelflexibiliteit (sneller overgaan op ander product) Met camera’s die meer kleuren kunnen zien dan het menselijk oog – infrarood, ultraviolet, X-ray kunnen we letterlijk ‘Kijken met Andere Ogen’! Beeldvormende technieken, oorspronkelijk ontwikkeld voor ruimtevaart, astronomie en medische toepassingen, worden als nieuwe beeldvormende chips in compacte behuizingen ondergebracht en komen beschikbaar voor nieuwe robottoepassingen in industrie en agri-food. Met nieuwe GPU gebaseerde HW-architecturen, en moderne deep learning algoritmes, kunnen we relatief snel nieuwe toepassingen met geavanceerde objectherkenning bouwen. Leren uit voorbeelden in plaats van programmeren. Door computer-gegenereerde beelden te combineren met ‘live’ beelden wordt het mogelijk om de resultaten van metingen ‘live’ inzichtelijk te maken (Augmented Reality). ‘Andere ogen’ die meekijken en tips geven tijdens inspectie of training.