Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Combining electric cars with utility services seems to be a natural fit and holds the promise to tackle various mobility as well as electricity challenges at the same time. So far no viable business model for vehicle-to-grid technology has emerged, raising the question which characteristics a vehicle-to-grid business model should have. Drawing on an exploratory study amongst 189 Dutch consumers this study seeks to understand consumer preferences in vehicle-to-grid business models using conjoint analysis, factor analysis and cluster analysis. The results suggest that consumers prefer private ownership of an EV and a bidirectional charger instead of community ownership of bidirectional charger, they prefer utility companies instead of car companies as the aggregator and they require home and public charging. The most salient attributes in a V2G business model seem to be functional rather than financial or social. The customer segment with the highest willingness to adopt V2G prefers functional attributes. Based on the findings, the study proposes a business model that incorporates the derived preferences
The following report aims to introduce the main me2 specifications, and to describe the requirements needed to develop the me2 project. Me2 is a technological platform where the behaviours related to energy consumption could be monitored, and also to increase the energy efficiency.In order to have a better understanding about the use of that kind of platforms, a brief literature review is firstly presented, where some of the main behaviour changing mechanisms practices are highlighted. Also, a policy analysis was developed to give an extended overview of the existing market structures and barriers, as well as, the technical features that are relevant for the development of a venture like me2.The report will end with a detailed description of what the me2 user will be like. This information is mostly based on the pre-pilot survey and on a cross-cultural analysis between Portugal and the Netherlands. This comparison is fundamental for a better understanding about the target community used in this project. Concerning to the functional systems requirements, they are also described in this report, giving special attention to what is called me2 Logic, that includes the front-end platform, back-end activities, and the algorithms to user engagement.Therefore, this report delivers, in a very detailed way, all the reviewed information and procedures needed to be determined prior to the platform’s establishment, and regarding its implementation for the project’s first pilot in Lisbon.
Journalists in the 21st century are expected to work for different platforms, gather online information, become multi‐media professionals, and learn how to deal with amateur contributions. The business model of gathering, producing and distributing news changed rapidly. Producing content is not enough; moderation and curation are at least as important when it comes to working for digital platforms. There is a growing pressure on news organizations to produce more inexpensive content for digital platforms, resulting in new models of low‐cost or even free content production. Aggregation, either by humans or machines ‘finding’ news and re‐publishing it, is gaining importance. At so‐called ‘content farms’ freelancers, part‐timers and amateurs produce articles that are expected to end up high in web searches. Apart from this low‐pay model a no‐pay model emerged were bloggers write for no compensation at all. At the Huffington Post thousands of bloggers actually work for free. Other websites use similar models, sometimes offering writers a fixed price depending on the number of clicks a page gets. We analyse the background, the consequences for journalists and journalism and the implications for online news organizations. We investigate aggregation services and content farms and no‐pay or low‐pay news websites that mainly use bloggers for input.
In dit project zullen de benodigde ontwikkelingen en praktijktests worden uitgevoerd om een nieuw type ‘hybride’ coöperatieve aggregator op te zetten voor het aggregeren van collectieve met lokale decentrale flexibiliteit en collectieve met lokale decentrale duurzame opwek, e.e.a. tussen en binnen twee energiegemeenschappen De projectpartners willen in dit pilotproject aantonen dat het mogelijk kan worden om vanuit een coöperatieve aggregator geautomatiseerd flexibiliteit ontsluiten bij de deelnemende prosumers en bedrijven in meerdere communities en naar meerdere markten in combinatie met een collectieve opwek-opslag faciliteit Activiteiten: Hanze zal zich richten op de techno-economische aspecten van portfoliomanagement, (sub)pooling en value stacking. Tevens zal Hanze gesprekken met de eindgebruikers faciliteren en voeren voor, tijdens en na het project voor een hogere slagingskans door een gestructureerde sociale inbedding onder (potentiële) deelnemers in de coöperatie.