Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Op verzoek van Jelle Scheurleer: Purpose: To investigate the accuracy of dose calculation on cone beam CT (CBCT) data sets after HU-RED calibration and validation in phantom studies and clinical patients. Material and methods: Calibration of HU-RED curves for kV-CBCT were generated for three clinical protocols (H&N, thorax and pelvis) by using a Gammex RMI phantom with human tissue equivalent inserts and additional perspex blocks to account for patient scatter. Two calibration curves per clinical protocol were defined, one for the Varian Truebeam 2.0 and another for the OBI systems (Varian, Palo Ato). Differences in HU values with respect to the CT-calibration curve were evaluated for all the inserts. Four radiotherapy plans (breast, prostate, H&N and lung) were produced on an anthropomorphic phantom (Alderson) to evaluate dose differences on the kV-CBCT with the new calibration curves with respect to the CT based dose calculation. Dose differences were evaluated according to the D2%, D98% and Dmean metrics extracted from the DVHs of the plans and - evaluation (2%, 1mm) on the three planes at the isocenter for all plans. Clinical evaluation was performed on 5 patients and dose differences were evaluated as in the phantom study.
Abstract: Plan adaptation during the course of (chemo)radiotherapy of H&N cancer requires repeat CT scanning to capture anatomy changes such as parotid gland shrinkage. Hydration, applied to prevent nephrotoxicity from cisplatin, could temporarily alter the hydrogen balance and hence the captured anatomy. The aim of this study was to determine geometric changes of parotid glands as function of hydration during chemoradiotherapy compared to a control group treated with radiotherapy only.
Background and purpose: Automatic approaches are widely implemented to automate dose optimization in radiotherapy treatment planning. This study systematically investigates how to configure automatic planning in order to create the best possible plans. Materials and methods: Automatic plans were generated using protocol based automatic iterative optimization. Starting from a simple automation protocol which consisted of the constraints for targets and organs at risk (OAR), the performance of the automatic approach was evaluated in terms of target coverage, OAR sparing, conformity, beam complexity, and plan quality. More complex protocols were systematically explored to improve the quality of the automatic plans. The protocols could be improved by adding a dose goal on the outer 2 mm of the PTV, by setting goals on strategically chosen subparts of OARs, by adding goals for conformity, and by limiting the leaf motion. For prostate plans, development of an automated post-optimization procedure was required to achieve precise control over the dose distribution. Automatic and manually optimized plans were compared for 20 head and neck (H&N), 20 prostate, and 20 rectum cancer patients. Results: Based on simple automation protocols, the automatic optimizer was not always able to generate adequate treatment plans. For the improved final configurations for the three sites, the dose was lower in automatic plans compared to the manual plans in 12 out of 13 considered OARs. In blind tests, the automatic plans were preferred in 80% of cases. Conclusions: With adequate, advanced, protocols the automatic planning approach is able to create high-quality treatment plans.