Breast cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer that affects women worldwide, posing a significant burden on public health. While advancements in early detection and improved treatments have led to a remarkable 90% five-year survival rate and an 83% ten-year survival rate, this has also resulted in more prophylactic mastectomies being performed. Despite advancements in breast-conserving techniques, immunotherapy, and hormone therapy, many women still undergo mastectomies as part of their cancer treatment. In all cases, this results in scarring, and additional side effects from treatment modalities may arise. The loss of a breast can profoundly impact health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Although HRQoL has improved greatly during the recent years, systematic and local therapy having side effects is not uncommon, and this needs more attention.
Breast cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer that affects women worldwide, posing a significant burden on public health. While advancements in early detection and improved treatments have led to a remarkable 90% five-year survival rate and an 83% ten-year survival rate, this has also resulted in more prophylactic mastectomies being performed. Despite advancements in breast-conserving techniques, immunotherapy, and hormone therapy, many women still undergo mastectomies as part of their cancer treatment. In all cases, this results in scarring, and additional side effects from treatment modalities may arise. The loss of a breast can profoundly impact health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Although HRQoL has improved greatly during the recent years, systematic and local therapy having side effects is not uncommon, and this needs more attention.
In 2014 heeft Hogeschool Inholland samen met het RIVM voor het Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport een pilotproject uitgevoerd. In dit project hebben studenten Medische Beeldvormende en Radiotherapeutische Technieken dosismetingen uitgevoerd bij 8 ziekenhuizen en deze getoetst aan de Diagnostische Referentieniveaus (DRN’s). In alle gevallen bleken de toetsingswaarden lager dan het DRN en in de meeste gevallen ook lager dan de streefwaarde. De verschillen in doses tussen de ziekenhuizen waren maximaal een factor 2-3. Opvallend genoeg werden in een enkel geval soortgelijke verschillen binnen 1 ziekenhuis aangetroffen. In 2015 wordt dit project uitgebreid en gaan de Fontys Hogeschool en de Hanzehogeschool meedoen.