ObjectiveFirst, to make an inventory of activity limitations commonly reported by knee osteoarthritis (OA) patients undergoing multidisciplinary rehabilitation. Second, to evaluate treatment outcome using the Patient Specific Functional Scale (PSFS) and compare it to the Western Ontario and McMasters Universities Osteoarthritis Index physical function subscale (WOMAC-pf).DesignAn observational study with assessments before and immediately after multidisciplinary rehabilitation. Five hundred and thirteen patients used the PSFS, a patient-reported tool to identify activity limitations and score the patient's ability to perform the activity on an 11-point Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), to report three activities in which they were limited. Frequencies and percentages of their highest-prioritized activity were calculated and categorized according to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF). Paired-samples T-tests were used to analyze the change in ability to perform the activities. Effect sizes of PSFS and WOMAC-pf were compared.ResultsMost patients indicated limitations in walking, walking up/down stairs, prolonged standing, and standing up from a chair. Following these common activities, 26 different activities were identified. The majority of these highest-prioritized activities fell under the first-level ICF category of Mobility. The ability to perform all activities significantly improved after treatment. Effect sizes ranged between 0.60 and 0.97 and were greater than the effect size of the WOMAC-pf (0.41).ConclusionKnee OA patients who undergo multidisciplinary rehabilitation exhibit improvements in performing daily activities. The PSFS is a valuable tool to evaluate patient-specific activity limitations and seems to capture improvements in activity limitations beyond the WOMAC-pf.
ObjectiveFirst, to make an inventory of activity limitations commonly reported by knee osteoarthritis (OA) patients undergoing multidisciplinary rehabilitation. Second, to evaluate treatment outcome using the Patient Specific Functional Scale (PSFS) and compare it to the Western Ontario and McMasters Universities Osteoarthritis Index physical function subscale (WOMAC-pf).DesignAn observational study with assessments before and immediately after multidisciplinary rehabilitation. Five hundred and thirteen patients used the PSFS, a patient-reported tool to identify activity limitations and score the patient's ability to perform the activity on an 11-point Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), to report three activities in which they were limited. Frequencies and percentages of their highest-prioritized activity were calculated and categorized according to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF). Paired-samples T-tests were used to analyze the change in ability to perform the activities. Effect sizes of PSFS and WOMAC-pf were compared.ResultsMost patients indicated limitations in walking, walking up/down stairs, prolonged standing, and standing up from a chair. Following these common activities, 26 different activities were identified. The majority of these highest-prioritized activities fell under the first-level ICF category of Mobility. The ability to perform all activities significantly improved after treatment. Effect sizes ranged between 0.60 and 0.97 and were greater than the effect size of the WOMAC-pf (0.41).ConclusionKnee OA patients who undergo multidisciplinary rehabilitation exhibit improvements in performing daily activities. The PSFS is a valuable tool to evaluate patient-specific activity limitations and seems to capture improvements in activity limitations beyond the WOMAC-pf.
Background: In face-to-face therapy for eating disorders, therapeutic alliance (TA) is an important predictor of symptomreduction and treatment completion. To date, however, little is known about TA during web-based cognitive behavioral therapy(web-CBT) and its association with symptom reduction, treatment completion, and the perspectives of patients versus therapists.Objective: This study aimed to investigate TA ratings measured at interim and after treatment, separately for patients andtherapists; the degree of agreement between therapists and patients (treatment completers and noncompleters) for TA ratings;and associations between patient and therapist TA ratings and both eating disorder pathology and treatment completion.Methods: A secondary analysis was performed on randomized controlled trial data of a web-CBT intervention for eatingdisorders. Participants were 170 females with bulimia nervosa (n=33), binge eating disorder (n=68), or eating disorder nototherwise specified (n=69); the mean age was 39.6 (SD 11.5) years. TA was operationalized using the Helping AllianceQuestionnaire (HAQ). Paired t tests were conducted to assess the change in TA from interim to after treatment. Intraclasscorrelations were calculated to determine cross-informant agreement with regard to HAQ scores between patients and therapists.A total of 2 stepwise regressive procedures (at interim and after treatment) were used to examine which HAQ scores predictedeating disorder pathology and therapy completion.Results: For treatment completers (128/170, 75.3%), the HAQ-total scores and HAQ-Helpfulness scores for both patients andtherapists improved significantly from interim to post treatment. For noncompleters (42/170, 24.7%), all HAQ scores decreasedsignificantly. For all HAQ scales, the agreement between patients and therapists was poor. However, the agreement was slightlybetter after treatment than at interim. Higher patient scores on the helpfulness subscale of the HAQ at interim and after treatmentwere associated with less eating disorder psychopathology. A positive association was found between the HAQ-total patientscores at interim and treatment completion. Finally, posttreatment HAQ-total patient scores and posttreatment HAQ-Helpfulnessscores of therapists were positively associated with treatment completion.Conclusions: Our study showed that TA in web-CBT is predictive of eating disorder pathology and treatment completion. Ofparticular importance is patients’ confidence in their abilities as measured with the HAQ-Helpfulness subscale when predictingposttreatment eating disorder pathology and treatment completion.