Mediators generally find mediation of hierarchical workplace conflicts difficult, as it often involves structural power imbalances. This dissertation seeks to increase knowledge of how hierarchical conflict affects how parties and mediators perceive mediation across dyads and across time. Three questions are central to this: (a) How effective in the long-term is the mediation of hierarchical workplace conflicts? (b) How does perceived situational power in supervisor-subordinate dyads relate to mediation effectiveness? (c) Do supervisors and subordinates differ in their emotional experiences during mediation, and are mediators able to perceive these emotions accurately? To answer these questions, we rely on the literature on power, emotions, mediation, and conflict management. We introduce our research via a heuristic model (chapter one). We then present our quantitative empirical research in three chapters based on survey data we collected from supervisors, subordinates, and
Mediators generally find mediation of hierarchical workplace conflicts difficult, as it often involves structural power imbalances. This dissertation seeks to increase knowledge of how hierarchical conflict affects how parties and mediators perceive mediation across dyads and across time. Three questions are central to this: (a) How effective in the long-term is the mediation of hierarchical workplace conflicts? (b) How does perceived situational power in supervisor-subordinate dyads relate to mediation effectiveness? (c) Do supervisors and subordinates differ in their emotional experiences during mediation, and are mediators able to perceive these emotions accurately? To answer these questions, we rely on the literature on power, emotions, mediation, and conflict management. We introduce our research via a heuristic model (chapter one). We then present our quantitative empirical research in three chapters based on survey data we collected from supervisors, subordinates, and
Vroegtijdige scheiding van melkkoe en kalf roept in de samenleving in toenemende mate vragen op over de effecten daarvan op dierenwelzijn. In de visie van de Duurzame Zuivelketen (DZK) valt de zorg voor kalveren binnen de scope van zuivelkwaliteitssystemen. Ter onderbouwing van haar beleidsvisie aangaande vroegtijdig scheiden van koe en kalf heeft de DZK in 2015 onderzoek laten doen. Dit onderzoek is uitgevoerd door het lectoraat Welzijn van Dieren van Van Hall Larenstein. Het behelst literatuur- en survey-onderzoek waarmee de stand van zaken – wetenschappelijke kennis en gangbare praktijk – rond de kwestie in kaart is gebracht. Tenslotte is door praktijkdeskundigen, onderzoekers en melkveehouders gereflecteerd op de voorlopige resultaten.