The present study deals with the numerical modelling of hybridlaminated composites, which can be proved especially useful in theengineering and maintenance of advanced aerospace primary structures. Thelamina is comprised of continuous carbon fibers, thermosetting epoxypolymer matrix, as well as carbon nanostructures, such as graphene orcarbon nanotubes, inclusions. Halpin-Tsai equations combined with resultsobtained from nanomechanical analysis are employed in order to evaluatethe elastic properties of the carbon nanostructure/polymer matrix. Then, theobtained elastic properties of the hybrid matrix are used to calculate theorthotropic macro-mechanical properties of the unidirectional compositelamina. A hybrid composite plate is modelled as a 2D structure via theutilization of 4-node, quadrilateral, stress/displacement shell finite elementswith reduced integration formulation. The convergence and analysisaccuracy are tested. The mechanical performance of the hybrid compositesis investigated by considering specific configurations and applyingappropriate loading and boundary conditions. The results are compared withthe corresponding ones found in the open literature, where it is possible.
The present study deals with the numerical modelling of hybridlaminated composites, which can be proved especially useful in theengineering and maintenance of advanced aerospace primary structures. Thelamina is comprised of continuous carbon fibers, thermosetting epoxypolymer matrix, as well as carbon nanostructures, such as graphene orcarbon nanotubes, inclusions. Halpin-Tsai equations combined with resultsobtained from nanomechanical analysis are employed in order to evaluatethe elastic properties of the carbon nanostructure/polymer matrix. Then, theobtained elastic properties of the hybrid matrix are used to calculate theorthotropic macro-mechanical properties of the unidirectional compositelamina. A hybrid composite plate is modelled as a 2D structure via theutilization of 4-node, quadrilateral, stress/displacement shell finite elementswith reduced integration formulation. The convergence and analysisaccuracy are tested. The mechanical performance of the hybrid compositesis investigated by considering specific configurations and applyingappropriate loading and boundary conditions. The results are compared withthe corresponding ones found in the open literature, where it is possible.
Deze publicatie is gemaakt in het kader van het project "Proceskeuze voor de fabricage van producten met hoge nauwkeurigheidseisen te vervaardigen in kleine series" en verschijnt tezamen met de publicatie "Een vergelijking van het laserlassen met conventionele lastechnieken voor kleine series producten". Het doel van deze publicatie is het ondersteunen van de ontwerper en de werkvoorbereider bij het kiezen van het optimale omvormproces wat betreft technologie en economie. Hierbij dient niet alleen te worden uitgegaan van de eisen die aan het eindproduct gesteld worden, maar er dient ook rekening te worden gehouden met de eisen die opvolgende bewerkingen, zoals lasprocessen aan halffabrikaten stellen.