Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Apart from tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA), a third PA appears to occur in human plasma. Its activity is initiated when appropriate triggers of the contact system are added, and the activation depends on the presence of factor XII and prekallikrein in plasma. The activity of this, so-called, contact-system dependent PA accounts for 30% of the PA activity in the dextran sulphate euglobulin fraction of plasma and was shown not to be an intrinsic property of one of the contact-system components, nor could it be inhibited by inhibitory antibodies against t-PA or u-PA. We have succeeded in identifying this third PA in dextran sulphate euglobulin fractions of human plasma. Its smallest unit (SDS-PAGE) is an inactive 110 kDa single-chain polypeptide which upon activation of the contact system is converted to a cleaved, disulphide-bridged molecule with PA activity. The native form, presumably, is an oligomer, since the apparent Mr on gel-chromatography is 600,000. The IEP is 4.8, much lower than that of t-PA and u-PA. Although the active 110 kDa polypeptide cannot be inhibited by anti-u-PA, it yet comprises a 37 kDa piece with some u-PA related antigenic determinants. However, these determinants are in a latent or cryptic form, only detectable after denaturation by SDS. The 110 kDa polypeptide is evidently not a dimer of 55 kDa u-PA or a complex of u-PA with an inhibitor.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
An analysis was made of the various possible activators of single-chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator (scu-PA) in the dextran sulphate euglobulin fraction (DEF) of human plasma. scu-PA activators were detected in an assay system in which the substrate scu-PA, in physiological concentration (50 pM), was immuno-immobilized. After activation of the immobilized scu-PA for a certain period of time the activity of the generated amount of immuno-immobilized two-chain u-PA was determined with plasminogen and the chromogenic substrate S-2251. The scu-PA activator activity (scuPA-AA) in the DEF of plasmas deficient in factor XII or prekallikrein was about half of that in the DEF of normal plasma. Separation of scuPA-AA in the DEF by gel chromatography showed to major peaks, one eluting with an apparent Mr of 500,000 and the other around Mr 100,000. The former peak, which coincided with the activity peak of the kallikrein-kininogen complex, was absent in the DEF of plasma depleted of prekallikrein and therefore was identified as kallikrein. The latter peak was still present in the depleted plasma and most likely represents plasmin, because its scuPA-AA coincided with the activity peak of plasmin and could be fully inhibited by antibodies raised against human plasminogen. It is concluded that plasmin and the contact-activation factor kallikrein each contribute for about 50% to the scuPA-AA in the DEF. Compared on a molar basis, however, plasmin was found to be almost 1,000 times more effective than kallikrein, and we conclude, therefore, that in vivo plasmin is the primary activator of scu-PA and the role of the contact system is of secondary importance.
Plasma urokinase, a plasminogen activator immunochemically related to urinary urokinase (UK), was removed from human plasma (3.5 ng/ml) by immuno-depletion with antibodies raised against UK. The remaining plasminogen activator activity of the depleted plasma could not be inhibited by anti-UK antibodies and a sensitive ELISA for UK did not detect any UK levels that were higher than the background of the assay (0.1 ng/ml). However, when the depleted plasma was subjected to SDS-PAGE, substantial amounts of protein were found hereafter around 110 and 46 kD which now gave a positive reaction in the ELISA (35-350 ng/ml plasma). From these observations it is concluded that in human plasma two types of UK-related protein occur: Type I, among which the plasma urokinase, has antigenic determinants which are directly accessible to the anti-UK antibodies, Type II has determinants in a latent form. The function of the 110 kD type-II protein is that of a plasminogen activator; that of the 46 kD protein is not yet clear.