Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Background: Recent theoretical models emphasize the role of impulsive processes in alcohol addiction, which can be retrained with computerized Cognitive Bias Modification (CBM) training. In this study, the focus is on action tendencies that are activated relatively automatically. Objective: The aim of the study is to examine the effectiveness of online CBM Alcohol Avoidance Training using an adapted Approach-Avoidance Task as a supplement to treatment as usual (TAU) in an outpatient treatment setting. Methods: The effectiveness of 8 online sessions of CBM Alcohol Avoidance Training added to TAU is tested in a double-blind, randomized controlled trial with pre- and postassessments, plus follow-up assessments after 3 and 6 months. Participants are adult patients (age 18 years or over) currently following Web-based or face-to-face TAU to reduce or stop drinking. These patients are randomly assigned to a CBM Alcohol Avoidance or a placebo training. The primary outcome measure is a reduction in alcohol consumption. We hypothesize that TAU + CBM will result in up to a 13-percentage point incremental effect in the number of patients reaching the safe drinking guidelines compared to TAU + placebo CBM. Secondary outcome measures include an improvement in health status and a decrease in depression, anxiety, stress, and possible mediation by the change in approach bias. Finally, patients’ adherence, acceptability, and credibility will be examined. Results: The trial was funded in 2014 and is currently in the active participant recruitment phase (since May 2015). Enrolment will be completed in 2019. First results are expected to be submitted for publication in 2020. Conclusions: The main purpose of this study is to increase our knowledge about the added value of online Alcohol Avoidance Training as a supplement to TAU in an outpatient treatment setting. If the added effectiveness of the training is proven, the next step could be to incorporate the intervention into current treatment.
Previous research shows that automatic tendency to approach alcohol plays a causal role in problematic alcohol use and can be retrained by Approach Bias Modification (ApBM). ApBM has been shown to be effective for patients diagnosed with alcohol use disorder (AUD) in inpatient treatment. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of adding an online ApBM to treatment as usual (TAU) in an outpatient setting compared to receiving TAU with an online placebo training. 139 AUD patients receiving face-to-face or online treatment as usual (TAU) participated in the study. The patients were randomized to an active or placebo version of 8 sessions of online ApBM over a 5-week period. The weekly consumed standard units of alcohol (primary outcome) was measured at pre-and post-training, 3 and 6 months follow-up. Approach tendency was measured pre-and-post ApBM training. No additional effect of ApBM was found on alcohol intake, nor other outcomes such as craving, depression, anxiety, or stress. A significant reduction of the alcohol approach bias was found. This research showed that approach bias retraining in AUD patients in an outpatient treatment setting reduces the tendency to approach alcohol, but this training effect does not translate into a significant difference in alcohol reduction between groups. Explanations for the lack of effects of ApBM on alcohol consumption are treatment goal and severity of AUD. Future ApBM research should target outpatients with an abstinence goal and offer alternative, more user-friendly modes of delivering ApBM training.
Previous research shows that automatic tendency to approach alcohol plays a causal role in problematic alcohol use and can be retrained by Approach Bias Modification (ApBM). ApBM has been shown to be effective for patients diagnosed with alcohol use disorder (AUD) in inpatient treatment. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of adding an online ApBM to treatment as usual (TAU) in an outpatient setting compared to receiving TAU with an online placebo training. 139 AUD patients receiving face-to-face or online treatment as usual (TAU) participated in the study. The patients were randomized to an active or placebo version of 8 sessions of online ApBM over a 5-week period. The weekly consumed standard units of alcohol (primary outcome) was measured at pre-and post-training, 3 and 6 months follow-up. Approach tendency was measured pre-and-post ApBM training. No additional effect of ApBM was found on alcohol intake, nor other outcomes such as craving, depression, anxiety, or stress. A significant reduction of the alcohol approach bias was found. This research showed that approach bias retraining in AUD patients in an outpatient treatment setting reduces the tendency to approach alcohol, but this training effect does not translate into a significant difference in alcohol reduction between groups. Explanations for the lack of effects of ApBM on alcohol consumption are treatment goal and severity of AUD. Future ApBM research should target outpatients with an abstinence goal and offer alternative, more user-friendly modes of delivering ApBM training.
Hoewel cariës (gaatjes in het gebit) eenvoudig te voorkomen is heeft bijna de helft van alle vijfjarige kinderen cariës. Hiervan leidt naar schatting 10% aan ernstige cariës. Ernstige cariës op jonge leeftijd beperkt de algemene gezondheid, de kwaliteit van leven en belemmert de algemene ontwikkeling. Hoewel het een wettelijke basistaak van jeugdgezondheidszorg is, ontbreekt bij het consultatiebureau (CB) de focus op mondzorg. Adviezen op het CB over mondzorg en bezoek aan een mondzorgprofessional vanaf twee jaar blijken niet effectief. Slechts 33% van de kinderen in de leeftijd van 0-4 jaar heeft eenmaal een tandarts bezocht. Preventie in mondgezondheid bij peuters komt te laat en dit raakt met name kinderen uit de lagere sociale klassen. De schade is dan vaak al aanzienlijk en bij ernstige cariës is behandeling onder algehele anesthesie vaak vereist. Naast het feit dat kinderen te laat een mondzorgprofessional bezoeken, zijn er in Nederland geen interventies ter bevordering van mondgezondheid van peuters die voldoende onderbouwd, transparant en (kosten)effectief zijn. In dit gerandomiseerde praktijkonderzoek wordt het effect geëvalueerd van een preventief mondzorgprogramma gericht op het verbeteren van de mondgezondheid bij peuters in vergelijking met usual care. Daarmee wordt tegemoet gekomen aan de urgentie van de evaluatie van preventieve en zelfzorg bevorderende interventies gericht op jonge kinderen en het reduceren van ongelijkheden binnen de mondzorg. Gebaseerd op het succesvolle Schotse Childsmile zal er vanuit de eerstelijns mondzorg een mondzorgcoach (MZC) bij het consultatiebureau gedetacheerd worden om deze JGZ basistaak te ondersteunen. De MZC zal tijdens reguliere CB-bezoeken geïndividualiseerd preventief mondzorgadvies geven aan ouders op basis van het effectief gebleken non–operative caries treatment and prevention (NOCTP) principe. Bij succes van de MZC wordt een forse stijging verwacht van het aantal cariësvrije peuters (30%), een aanmerkelijke cariësreductie per kind (30%, ofwel circa 1,5 gaatje) en een significante kostenreductie.