Crew resource management (CRM) training for flight crews is widespread and has been credited with improving aviation safety. As other industries have adopted CRM, they have interpreted CRM in different ways. We sought to understand how industries have adopted CRM, regarding its conceptualisation and evaluation. For this, we conducted a systematic review of CRM studies in theMaritime, Nuclear Power, Oil and Gas, and Air Traffic Control industries. We searched three electronic databases (Web of Science, Science Direct, Scopus) and CRM reviews for papers. We analysed these papers on their goals, scope, levers of change, and evaluation. To synthesise, we compared the analysis results across industries. We found that most CRM programs have the broad goals of improving safety and efficiency. However, there are differences in the scope and levers of change between programs, both within and between industries. Most evaluative studies suffer from methodological weaknesses, and the evaluation does not align with how studies conceptualise CRM. These results challenge the assumption that there is a clear link between CRM training and enhanced safety in the analysed industries. Future CRM research needs to provide a clear conceptualisation—how CRM is expected to improve safety—and select evaluation measures consistent with this.
Crew resource management (CRM) training for flight crews is widespread and has been credited with improving aviation safety. As other industries have adopted CRM, they have interpreted CRM in different ways. We sought to understand how industries have adopted CRM, regarding its conceptualisation and evaluation. For this, we conducted a systematic review of CRM studies in theMaritime, Nuclear Power, Oil and Gas, and Air Traffic Control industries. We searched three electronic databases (Web of Science, Science Direct, Scopus) and CRM reviews for papers. We analysed these papers on their goals, scope, levers of change, and evaluation. To synthesise, we compared the analysis results across industries. We found that most CRM programs have the broad goals of improving safety and efficiency. However, there are differences in the scope and levers of change between programs, both within and between industries. Most evaluative studies suffer from methodological weaknesses, and the evaluation does not align with how studies conceptualise CRM. These results challenge the assumption that there is a clear link between CRM training and enhanced safety in the analysed industries. Future CRM research needs to provide a clear conceptualisation—how CRM is expected to improve safety—and select evaluation measures consistent with this.
Airport capacity has become a constraint in the air transportation networks, due to the growth of air traffic demand and the lack of resources able to accommodate this demand. This paper presents the algorithmic implementations of a decision support system for making a more efficient use of the airspace and ground capacity. The system would be able to provide support for air traffic controllers in handling large amount of flights while reducing to a minimum the potential conflicts. In this framework, airspace together with ground airport operations are considered. Conflicts are defined as separation minima violation between aircraft for what concerns airspace and runways, and as capacity overloads for taxiway network and terminals. The methodology proposed in this work consists of an iterative approach that couples optimization and simulation to find solutions that are resilient to perturbations due to the uncertainty present in different phases of the arrival and departure process. An optimization model was employed to find a (sub)optimal solution while a discrete event-based simulation model evaluated the objective function. By coupling simulation with optimization, we generate more robust solutions resilient to variability in the operations, this is supported by a case study of Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport.
The main challenge addressed in FTMAAS (Freight Traffic Management As A Service) is the integration of logistics and traffic management information. Digitalization is progressing quickly in both areas, but operational connections and synergies are scarce. The mission of the FTMAAS Living Lab is to connect these two subsystems by developing, implementing and testing integrating software applications that benefit both worlds. The Living Lab focuses on the International Freight Corridor South (Rotterdam-Venlo) and manages 3 main running cases and 6 research subprojects. Research focuses on questions of value creation, analytics and optimization of both logistics and network level traffic management.
Dankzij digitalisering maken logistieke processen een efficiencyslag door. Een specifieke groep van toepassingen bevindt zich in de afstemming tussen logistiek en verkeer. Enerzijds kunnen logistieke planning en –uitvoering op verkeersomstandigheden worden geoptimaliseerd; anderzijds kan verkeersmanagement baat hebben bij informatie over transportprocessen. Tot nu toe ontwikkelen deze werelden zich gescheiden, en ontbreekt het aan een programma waarin systematisch alle raakvlakken worden verkend en kansrijke applicaties worden ontwikkeld. Het programma brengt deze werelden bijeen en ontwikkelt het concept van “verkeersmanagement voor goederenvervoer als dienst” zodat kansrijke toepassingen en de voorwaarden voor realisatie in beeld komen.
The main challenge addressed in FTMAAS (Freight Traffic Management As A Service) is the integration of logistics and traffic management information. Digitalization is progressing quickly in both areas, but operational connections and synergies are scarce. The mission of the FTMAAS Living Lab is to connect these two subsystems by developing, implementing and testing integrating software applications that benefit both worlds. The Living Lab focuses on the International Freight Corridor South (Rotterdam-Venlo) and manages 3 main running cases and 6 research subprojects. Research focuses on questions of value creation, analytics and optimization of both logistics and network level traffic management.