Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Al sinds Thorbecke spreken we in hiërarchische termen over ons onderwijs. Het onderscheid tussen hoog- en laagopgeleid is tot in de haarvaten van de samenleving doorgedrongen.
Deze rede gaat over het verrichte werk en de eerste vervolgplannen van het NHL Stenden Thorbecke Academie lectoraat ‘Bestuur in een Digitaliserende Samenleving’. Dit lectoraat werkt actief samen en vormt samen met het lectoraat ‘digitale weerbaarheid van mens en organisatie’ en de cross-over ‘digital citizenship’ de onderzoeksgroep Cybersafety.
In 2019, the first "Atelier Book" was published . Since then, a few years have passed and numerous new Ateliers have emerged. With this new atelier book, through more than 30 portraits, the richness and variety of ateliers within our college are shown. The portraits are divided as follows: ateliers at the NHL Stenden locations, external ateliers and ateliers which the facilities are a strong determinant. These portraits show which issues are being worked on, how they cooperate with the field and researchers and what the added value of the Ateliers is. This atelier book also contains a number of in-depth articles that talk about working and learning in ateliers. The contribution in chapter 1 is about: what NHL Stenden aims at with ateliers, where do the ateliers differ and some experiences with ateliers. After the portraits in chapter 2, chapter 3 presents the 'Atelier Value Creation Model' and a model with design dimensions. Both provide tools for designing and evaluating ateliers. Chapter 4 zooms in on the effects of physical space on learning. Then, Chapter 5 discusses the outcomes of (current) research on ateliers.