Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
A substantial amount of studies have addressed the influence of sound on human performance. In many of these, however, the large acoustic differences between experimental conditions prevent a direct translation of the results to realistic effects of room acoustic interventions. This review identifies those studies which can be, in principle, translated to (changes in) room acoustic parameters and adds to the knowledge about the influence of the indoor sound environment on people. The review procedure is based on the effect room acoustics can have on the relevant quantifiers of the sound environment in a room or space. 272 papers containing empirical findings on the influence of sound or noise on some measure of human performance were found. Of these, only 12 papers complied with this review's criteria. A conceptual framework is suggested based on the analysis of results, positioning the role of room acoustics in the influence of sound on task performance. Furthermore, valuable insights are pre- sented that can be used in future studies on this topic. Whi le the influence of the sound environment on performance is clearly an issue in many situations, evidence regarding the effectiveness of strategies to control the sound environment by room acoustic design is lacking and should be a focus area in future studies.
The purpose of this research was to meta-analyze studies which experimentally induced an achievement goal state to examine its causal effect on the individual’s performance at the task at hand, and to investigate the moderator effects of feedback anticipation and time pressure. The data set comprised 19 papers, 79 individual effect sizes, and 3,482 participants. Performance measures represented task performance across a variety of tasks. The findings indicate that relative to avoidance goals (either performance-avoidance goals or mastery-avoidance goals), approach goals (either mastery-approach goals or performance-approach goals) enhance task performance. Furthermore, relative to performance-approach goals, mastery-approach goals lead to better performance, particularly when individuals do not anticipate feedback and when there is no time pressure. Implications and future directions for research are discussed.
Het doel van dit proefschrift betrof het verkennen van attituden en afwegingen rond taakherschikking tussen tandartsen en mondhygiënisten. Daarnaast werd nagegaan welke sociale kenmerken studenten toeschrijven aan elkaar, zichzelf en beide beroepsgroepen. Vervolgens werd het effect van een psychologische interventie in een onderwijssetting onderzocht op interprofessionele communicatie en percepties ten aanzien van interprofessionele taakverdeling. Tandartsen en mondhygiënisten hebben verschillende attituden ten opzichte van taakherschikking, vooral wat betreft de vrijgevestigde praktijk van mondhygiënisten. Dit laatste wordt het minst gewenst door tandartsen. Tandartsen en mondhygiënisten hebben verschillende afwegingen wanneer men een voor- of tegenstander is van dit beleid. De interprofessionele relatie tussen tandartsen en mondhygiënisten komt tot uiting in de attributie van specifieke sociale kenmerken. Tandheelkunde en mondzorgkunde studenten zijn beide de mening toegedaan dat tandartsen meer dominant zijn dan mondhygiënisten. Het faciliteren van interprofessionele groepsvorming kan zowel interprofessionele hiërarchie als tandarts-gecentreerde taakverdeling reduceren. Tijdens het eerste onderzoek (Hoofdstuk 2) werden verschillen tussen tandartsen en mondhygiënisten ontdekt ten aanzien van de taakuitbreiding van de mondhygiënist. De helft van alle tandartsen en de meeste mondhygiënisten hebben hierover een positieve attitude. Een interprofessionele kloof werd gevonden ten aanzien van de zelfstandige praktijkvoering van mondhygiënisten. Een minderheid van alle tandartsen heeft hierover een positieve attitude vergeleken met een meerderheid van alle mondhygiënisten. Dit suggereert dat de acceptatie van een zelfstandige mondhygiënist een groot obstakel is wanneer men taakherschikking wil implementeren. Tandartsen willen controle over de mondhygiënist behouden, daarom is het waarschijnlijk dat taakdelegatie boven taaksubstitutie wordt verkozen. Dit laatste betreft taakherschikking met professionele autonomie.
The focus of the research is 'Automated Analysis of Human Performance Data'. The three interconnected main components are (i)Human Performance (ii) Monitoring Human Performance and (iii) Automated Data Analysis . Human Performance is both the process and result of the person interacting with context to engage in tasks, whereas the performance range is determined by the interaction between the person and the context. Cheap and reliable wearable sensors allow for gathering large amounts of data, which is very useful for understanding, and possibly predicting, the performance of the user. Given the amount of data generated by such sensors, manual analysis becomes infeasible; tools should be devised for performing automated analysis looking for patterns, features, and anomalies. Such tools can help transform wearable sensors into reliable high resolution devices and help experts analyse wearable sensor data in the context of human performance, and use it for diagnosis and intervention purposes. Shyr and Spisic describe Automated Data Analysis as follows: Automated data analysis provides a systematic process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modelling data with the goal of discovering useful information, suggesting conclusions and supporting decision making for further analysis. Their philosophy is to do the tedious part of the work automatically, and allow experts to focus on performing their research and applying their domain knowledge. However, automated data analysis means that the system has to teach itself to interpret interim results and do iterations. Knuth stated: Science is knowledge which we understand so well that we can teach it to a computer; and if we don't fully understand something, it is an art to deal with it.[Knuth, 1974]. The knowledge on Human Performance and its Monitoring is to be 'taught' to the system. To be able to construct automated analysis systems, an overview of the essential processes and components of these systems is needed.Knuth Since the notion of an algorithm or a computer program provides us with an extremely useful test for the depth of our knowledge about any given subject, the process of going from an art to a science means that we learn how to automate something.
This project is to investigate Circular Calcium Carbonate (CCC) that is produced by pyrolysis from paper waste in an innovative process developed by the company Alucha Management B.V. (Alucha) located in Arnhem. Although there is a need to use circular materials in rubber formulations it has not yet been proven that the replacement of mined white fillers (e.g. Kaolin, Calcium Carbonate) by CCC in rubber applications is possible without a significant impact on the processing properties and part performance. The scope of this project is to investigate the use of Circular Calcium Carbonate (CCC) in various rubber formulations and articles made thereof.