Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Research has pointed out opportunities and research agendas to integrate sustainability issues with supply chain and operations management. However, we find that it is still not mainstream practice to systematically take a sustainability approach in tackling supply chain and operations management issues. In this paper, we make use of behavioral theory to explain the current lack of integration. We conclude through abductive reasoning that the reasons for procrastinating integration of sustainability in supply chain and operations management research are the conflicting nature of the task and the inherent context, which is the focus on operations rather than environmental or social issues.
Our current dependency on the oil and gas (O&G) industry for economic development and social activities necessitates research into the sustainability of the industry's supply chains. At present, studies on sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) practices in the industry do not include firm-internal factors that affect the sustainability strategies employed by different functional areas of its supply chains. Our study aims to address this gap by identifying the relevant internal factors and exploring their relationship with SSCM strategies. Specifically, we discuss the commitment to and preparedness for sustainable practices of companies that operate in upstream and downstream O&G supply chain. We study the impact of these factors on their sustainability strategies of four key supply chain functions: supplier management, production management, product stewardship and logistics management. The analyses of data collected through a survey among 81 companies show that management preparedness may enhance sustainable supply chain strategies in the O&G industry more than commitment does. Among the preparedness measures, management of supply chain operational risks is found to be vital to the sustainability of all supply chain functions except for production management practices. The findings also highlight the central importance of supplier and logistics management to the achievement of sustainable O&G supply chains. Companies must also develop an organizational culture that encourages, for example, team collaboration and proactive behaviour to finding innovative sustainability solutions in order to translate commitment to sustainable practices into actions that can produce actual difference to their SSCM practices.
In een circulaire economie worden producten en grondstoffen hergebruikt. Er is geen sprake van afval maar van grondstoffen. Bedrijven die circulair ondernemen kiezen bewust voor hernieuwbare hulpbronnen of zorgen dat de materialen optimaal kunnen worden hergebruikt of hoogwaardig gerecycled. Een circulair bedrijfsmodel vraagt veelal om een andere financieringsconstructie. Zo hebben producten die worden hergebruikt of op hoogwaardige wijze worden gerecycled altijd een financiële restwaarde. Deze dient inzichtelijk te zijn en afgestemd te worden met de verschillende ketenpartners en met financiers. De financieringsbehoefte van een onderneming verandert ook als een bedrijf ervoor kiest om producten niet te verkopen, maar via een overeenkomst beschikbaar te stellen aan gebruikers. Mkb-bedrijven die circulair willen gaan ondernemen, geven aan problemen te ondervinden bij het vinden van passende financiering voor hun circulaire bedrijfsmodel. Zij hebben behoefte aan nieuwe kennis over hoe zij hun financiering moeten organiseren om niet alleen circulair maar ook winstgevend te ondernemen. Uit gesprekken en workshops met bedrijven, zijn de volgende praktijkvragen naar voren gekomen: 1. hoe kunnen we de financiële (rest)waardes van onze producten bepalen en verbinden aan zakelijke afspraken over hergebruik en recycling? 2. hoe kunnen we financiële contracten opstellen met ketenpartners waardoor gebruikers worden gefaciliteerd en gestimuleerd om producten opnieuw te gebruiken en te recyclen? 3. hoe kunnen we financiering aantrekken en wat betekent dit voor onze onderneming en samenwerking binnen de logistieke keten? Onder leiding van het Windesheim lectoraat Supply Chain Management wordt in dit project in een consortium met Stenden, University of Aruba, Sustainable Finance Lab (verbonden aan Universiteit Utrecht), Ilab Green PAC, Bureau Innovatie, MKB-ondernemingen en financiers onderzoek gedaan naar financieringsmogelijkheden binnen de circulaire logistieke keten. De resultaten van dit casestudieonderzoek worden breed gedeeld met bedrijven en onderwijs via masterclasses en lesprogramma's.
English: This living lab aims to support the creation, development and implementation of next generation concepts for sustainable healthcare logistics, with special attention for last mile solutions. Dutch healthcare providers are on the verge of a transition towards (more) sustainable business models, spurred by e.g., increasing healthcare costs, ongoing budget cuts, tight labor market conditions and increasing ecological awareness. Consequently, healthcare providers need to improve and innovate their business model and underlying logistics concept(s). Simultaneously, many cities are struggling with congestion in traffic, air quality and liveability in general. This calls for Last Mile Logistics (LML) concepts that can address challenges like effective and efficient resource planning, scheduling and utilization and, particularly, sustainability goals. LML can reduce environmental and social impact by decreasing emissions, congestion and pollution through effectively consolidating in-flows of goods and providing innovative solutions for care, wellbeing and related services. The research and initiatives in the living lab will address the following challenges: reducing the ecological footprint, reducing (healthcare-related) costs, improving service quality, decreasing loneliness of frail citizens and improving the livability of urban areas (reducing congestion and emissions). Given the scarcity and fragmentation of knowledge on healthcare logistics in organizations the living lab will also act as a learning community for (future) healthcare- and logistics professionals, thereby supporting the development of human capital. By working closely with related stakeholders and using a transdisciplinary research approach it is ensured that the developed knowledge and solutions deliver a contribution to societal challenges and have sound business potential.
English: This living lab aims to support the creation, development and implementation of next generation concepts for sustainable healthcare logistics, with special attention for last mile solutions. Dutch healthcare providers are on the verge of a transition towards (more) sustainable business models, spurred by e.g., increasing healthcare costs, ongoing budget cuts, tight labor market conditions and increasing ecological awareness. Consequently, healthcare providers need to improve and innovate their business model and underlying logistics concept(s). Simultaneously, many cities are struggling with congestion in traffic, air quality and liveability in general. This calls for Last Mile Logistics (LML) concepts that can address challenges like effective and efficient resource planning, scheduling and utilization and, particularly, sustainability goals. LML can reduce environmental and social impact by decreasing emissions, congestion and pollution through effectively consolidating in-flows of goods and providing innovative solutions for care, wellbeing and related services. The research and initiatives in the living lab will address the following challenges: reducing the ecological footprint, reducing (healthcare-related) costs, improving service quality, decreasing loneliness of frail citizens and improving the livability of urban areas (reducing congestion and emissions). Given the scarcity and fragmentation of knowledge on healthcare logistics in organizations the living lab will also act as a learning community for (future) healthcare- and logistics professionals, thereby supporting the development of human capital. By working closely with related stakeholders and using a transdisciplinary research approach it is ensured that the developed knowledge and solutions deliver a contribution to societal challenges and have sound business potential.