The research goal of this dissertation is to make configurational HRM usable for science and practice by developing a simulation model and serious game. These tools offer HRM professionals the opportunity to design a multiyear HRM configuration that shapes employee behaviour, while enabling HRM research to get access to a level of detail that was not achieved earlier, contributing to the current state of the art knowledge on strategic HRM. To shape employee behavior in such a way that it contributes to overarching organizational goals, organizations often deploy a set of human resource management (HRM) practices. If the set of individual HRM-practices is designed correctly, they amplify each other in shaping the desired behavior. However, while there is wide agreement on the importance of combining HRM-practices in a configuration that reflects the organizational strategy, we notice a lack of consensus on which HRM-practices need to be combined given a specific strategic goal and organizational starting point. Furthermore, we did not find an agreement on how to design HRM configurations that shape the desired employee behavior within organizations in multiple years. As a result, HRM professionals that design HRM configurations are left empty handed. While the configurational approach has the potential to provide new insight on how HRM shapes employees’ behavior, applying the configurational mode of theorizing to HRM remains challenging. We explain this challenge by the level of theoretical and practical detail that is needed, by the application of the holistic principle when studying HRM configurations, and due to methodological issues. Traditional methods do not align to the dynamic assumptions and the large number of variables included in configurational HRM. In this dissertation we pose that the time is ripe to unlock the deserved value of configurational HRM for theory and practice. We do so by specifying the underlying assumptions and dynamic implications of the configurational mode of theorizing in HRM, and by defining and adding the needed level of detail. In the current research, configurational HRM is made applicable with the use of a simulation model and serious game. -172- Five sequential steps are taken to make configurational HRM applicable. Firstly, key principles of configurational HRM are identified. Secondly, to ground the simulation we look at the manifestation of ideal type HRM configurations in theory and practice. Thirdly, we collect the solidified practical knowledge of HRM professionals on the alignment of HRM-practices. Fourthly, an initial simulation model is created and tested. And finally, we solidified the simulation model for practice and research by implementing it in a serious game for HRM professionals. Taking these five steps, we have specified configurational HRM to an unprecedented level of detail that allows us to address its complexity empirically and theoretically. We claim that with the results of this research we have opened the scientific and empirical “black box” of configurational HRM. Furthermore, the simulation model and serious game provides HRM professionals with a tool to design firm specific HRM configurations in an interactive and fun way. While prior studies did already acknowledge the importance of alignment when designing HRM, the simulation model and serious game specify the general concept of alignment to a level at which HRM professionals and researchers can start selecting, designing, implementing and researching HRM configurations. The tools provide HRM professionals with a method to grasp, maneuver through the complexity of, and explore the implementation of multi-year firm specific HRM.
The research goal of this dissertation is to make configurational HRM usable for science and practice by developing a simulation model and serious game. These tools offer HRM professionals the opportunity to design a multiyear HRM configuration that shapes employee behaviour, while enabling HRM research to get access to a level of detail that was not achieved earlier, contributing to the current state of the art knowledge on strategic HRM. To shape employee behavior in such a way that it contributes to overarching organizational goals, organizations often deploy a set of human resource management (HRM) practices. If the set of individual HRM-practices is designed correctly, they amplify each other in shaping the desired behavior. However, while there is wide agreement on the importance of combining HRM-practices in a configuration that reflects the organizational strategy, we notice a lack of consensus on which HRM-practices need to be combined given a specific strategic goal and organizational starting point. Furthermore, we did not find an agreement on how to design HRM configurations that shape the desired employee behavior within organizations in multiple years. As a result, HRM professionals that design HRM configurations are left empty handed. While the configurational approach has the potential to provide new insight on how HRM shapes employees’ behavior, applying the configurational mode of theorizing to HRM remains challenging. We explain this challenge by the level of theoretical and practical detail that is needed, by the application of the holistic principle when studying HRM configurations, and due to methodological issues. Traditional methods do not align to the dynamic assumptions and the large number of variables included in configurational HRM. In this dissertation we pose that the time is ripe to unlock the deserved value of configurational HRM for theory and practice. We do so by specifying the underlying assumptions and dynamic implications of the configurational mode of theorizing in HRM, and by defining and adding the needed level of detail. In the current research, configurational HRM is made applicable with the use of a simulation model and serious game. -172- Five sequential steps are taken to make configurational HRM applicable. Firstly, key principles of configurational HRM are identified. Secondly, to ground the simulation we look at the manifestation of ideal type HRM configurations in theory and practice. Thirdly, we collect the solidified practical knowledge of HRM professionals on the alignment of HRM-practices. Fourthly, an initial simulation model is created and tested. And finally, we solidified the simulation model for practice and research by implementing it in a serious game for HRM professionals. Taking these five steps, we have specified configurational HRM to an unprecedented level of detail that allows us to address its complexity empirically and theoretically. We claim that with the results of this research we have opened the scientific and empirical “black box” of configurational HRM. Furthermore, the simulation model and serious game provides HRM professionals with a tool to design firm specific HRM configurations in an interactive and fun way. While prior studies did already acknowledge the importance of alignment when designing HRM, the simulation model and serious game specify the general concept of alignment to a level at which HRM professionals and researchers can start selecting, designing, implementing and researching HRM configurations. The tools provide HRM professionals with a method to grasp, maneuver through the complexity of, and explore the implementation of multi-year firm specific HRM.
This paper lays the groundwork for building a communication model that will help cultivate communities of practice through the use of strategic communications. Theoretical models describing communities of practice in organizational knowledge generation typically have three main actors; the individual, the community and the organization. These models usually mention the necessity for their interaction, but are never specific about how this should be done. Furthermore, there has been little research on how communication processes can affect the relationship between the three actors in the model. This paper proposes that the interaction between the community, the individual members of the community and the organization must be facilitated and promoted through specific strategic communications in order to guarantee the success of the community. Topics such as knowledge sharing, knowledge building and organizational learning are looked at through a communication perspective.
Aeres University of Applied Sciences has placed internationalisation as a key driver in its overall strategy. By prioritising the internationalisation of education and educational consultancy the university has created solid opportunities for students, lecturers, and partners at regional, national, and international levels. Currently, more strategic development on internationalisation in applied research at Aeres is needed. There is an opportunity to utilise highly proficient researchers, state-of-the-art facilities, and an impressive national research portfolio, and for this, there is a need to develop international research agenda, a key priority for AeresResearch4EU. To address this need, Aeres University of Applied Sciences aims to strengthen its internationalisation efforts with its research activities, opening the door to many opportunities, and most importantly, creating an international research agenda spanning the university's three locations. The main objectives of AeresResearch4EU are to analyse the existing research strategy and professorships and develop them towards a global research agenda for the European Union. By focusing on international research projects, Aeres can further enhance its reputation as a leading institution for applied research in agriculture, food, environment, and green technologies. AeresResearch4EU aims to create new partnerships and collaborations with researchers and institutions across Europe, allowing Aeres to contribute to developing innovative and sustainable solutions to global challenges. With its strong commitment to internationalisation and its focus on applied research, Aeres University of Applied Sciences is poised to become an essential player in the European research landscape.
The impacts of tourism on destinations and the perceptions of local communities have been a major concern both for the industry and research in the past decades. However, tourism planning has been mainly focused on traditions that promote the increase of tourism without taking under consideration the wellbeing of both residents and visitors. To develop a more sustainable tourism model, the inclusion of local residents in tourism decision-making is vital. However, this is not always possible due to structural, economic and socio-cultural restrictions that residents face resulting to their disempowerment. This study aims to explore and interpret the formal processes around tourism decision-making and community empowerment in urban settings. The research proposes a comparative study of three urban destinations in Europe (The Hague in the Netherlands, San Sebastian in Spain and, Ioannina in Greece) that experience similar degree of tourism growth. The proposed study will use a design-based approach in order to understand tourism decision-making and what empowers or disempowers community participation within the destinations. Based on the findings of primary and secondary data, a community empowerment model will be applied in one the destinations as a pilot for resident engagement in tourism planning. The evaluation of the pilot will allow for an optimized model to be created with implications for tourism planning at a local level that can contribute to sustainable destinations that safeguard the interests of local residents and tourists.
The project aims to improve palliative care in China through the competence development of Chinese teachers, professionals, and students focusing on the horizontal priority of digital transformation.Palliative care (PC) has been recognised as a public health priority, and during recent years, has seen advances in several aspects. However, severe inequities in the access and availability of PC worldwide remain. Annually, approximately 56.8 million people need palliative care, where 25.7% of the care focuses on the last year of person’s life (Connor, 2020).China has set aims for reaching the health care standards of the developed countries by 2030 through the Healthy China Strategy 2030, where one of the improvement areas in health care includes palliative care, thus continuing the previous efforts.The project provides a constructive, holistic, and innovative set of actions aimed at resulting in lasting outcomes and continued development of palliative care education and services. Raising the awareness of all stakeholders on palliative care, including the public, is highly relevant and needed. Evidence based practice guidelines and education are urgently required for both general and specialised palliative care levels, to increase the competencies for health educators, professionals, and students. This is to improve the availability and quality of person-centered palliative care in China. Considering the aging population, increase in various chronic illnesses, the challenging care environment, and the moderate health care resources, competence development and the utilisation of digitalisation in palliative care are paramount in supporting the transition of experts into the palliative care practice environment.General objective of the project is to enhance the competences in palliative care in China through education and training to improve the quality of life for citizens. Project develops the competences of current and future health care professionals in China to transform the palliative care theory and practice to impact the target groups and the society in the long-term. As recognised by the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC), palliative care competences need to be developed in collaboration. This includes shared willingness to learn from each other to improve the sought outcomes in palliative care (EAPC 2019). Since all individuals have a right to health care, project develops person-centered and culturally sensitive practices taking into consideration ethics and social norms. As concepts around palliative care can focus on physical, psychological, social, or spiritual related illnesses (WHO 2020), project develops innovative pedagogy focusing on evidence-based practice, communication, and competence development utilising digital methods and tools. Concepts of reflection, values and views are in the forefront to improve palliative care for the future. Important aspects in project development include health promotion, digital competences and digital health literacy skills of professionals, patients, and their caregivers. Project objective is tied to the principles of the European Commission’s (EU) Digital Decade that stresses the importance of placing people and their rights in the forefront of the digital transformation, while enhancing solidarity, inclusion, freedom of choice and participation. In addition, concepts of safety, security, empowerment, and the promotion of sustainable actions are valued. (European Commission: Digital targets for 2030).Through the existing collaboration, strategic focus areas of the partners, and the principles of the call, the PalcNet project consortium was formed by the following partners: JAMK University of Applied Sciences (JAMK ), Ramon Llull University (URL), Hanze University of Applied Sciences (HUAS), Beijing Union Medical College Hospital (PUMCH), Guangzhou Health Science College (GHSC), Beihua University (BHU), and Harbin Medical University (HMU). As project develops new knowledge, innovations and practice through capacity building, finalisation of the consortium considered partners development strategy regarding health care, (especially palliative care), ability to create long-term impact, including the focus on enhancing higher education according to the horizontal priority. In addition, partners’ expertise and geographical location was also considered important to facilitate long-term impact of the results.Primary target groups of the project include partner country’s (China) staff members, teachers, researchers, health care professionals and bachelor level students engaging in project implementation. Secondary target groups include those groups who will use the outputs and results and continue in further development in palliative care upon the lifetime of the project.