Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
This chapter investigates the deeply mediatized experience of place and space within the lived practice of events by studying two annual Dutch cultural events as cases: Oerol Festival (2017) and 3FM Serious Request (2017). Drawing on substantial datasets containing online and offline participant observations, both short in situ interviews and longer in-depth interviews with a total of 248 interviewees and large datasets from Twitter and Instagram, this chapter demonstrates that media concurrently de-spatialize, in the sense that they diminish spatial borders and overcome distance, and affirm embodied experiences of being-in-place. I argue that it is liveness - the potential connection, through media, to events that matter to us as they unfold - that creates the closeness between the near and the far elements within the “eventsphere” and binds it all together into one event-space.
In our research we focus on the architectural characteristics of a location, seen as a precondition to appeal to the imaginative power of learners that plays a part in satisfying their (presupposed) spiritual hunger and longings for a better world. The concepts space, nonplace, and place, in their relation to the concepts place attachment and sense of place are central in our research. In written and videotaped texts, pupils tell about their attachment to places and sense of place. The preliminary analysis of the texts of the pupils shows that friends and teacher(s) occupy a central place in these pupils’ place attachment and sense of place.
There has been a rapidly growing number of studies of the geographical aspects of happiness and well-being. Many of these studies have been highlighting the role of space and place and of individual and spatial contextual determinants of happiness. However, most of the studies to date do not explicitly consider spatial clustering and possible spatial spillover effects of happiness and well-being. The few studies that do consider spatial clustering and spillovers conduct the analysis at a relatively coarse geographical scale of country or region. This article analyses such effects at a much smaller geographical unit: community areas. These are small area level geographies at the intra-urban level. In particular, the article presents a spatial econometric approach to the analysis of life satisfaction data aggregated to 1,215 communities in Canada and examines spatial clustering and spatial spillovers. Communities are suitable given that they form a small geographical reference point for households. We find that communities’ life satisfaction is spatially clustered while regression results show that it is associated to the life satisfaction of neighbouring communities as well as to the latter's average household income and unemployment rate. We consider the role of shared cultural traits and institutions that may explain such spillovers of life satisfaction. The findings highlight the importance of neighbouring characteristics when discussing policies to improve the well-being of a (small area) place.
Zowel bij ondernemers als onder kunstenaars zien we steeds meer initiatieven gericht op de ontwikkeling van een ‘volhoudbare’ economie. Partijen uit deze domeinen zoeken manieren om een generatieve economie te bewerkstelligen die – anders dan een extractieve economie (‘de economie van het leegtrekken’) – sociaal rechtvaardig en ecologisch duurzaam wil zijn. Omdat kunstenaars en ondernemers in hun zoektocht naar innovaties-met-impact verschillende kwaliteiten inbrengen, wordt veel verwacht van samenwerking tussen de twee sectoren. In de praktijk echter is synergie eerder regel dan uitzondering. De grote verschillen tussen de twee ‘innovatiesferen’ leiden vooralsnog tot meer gedoe dan complementariteit. In het vraagarticulatietraject dat ten grondslag ligt aan SUSTAIN kwam naar voren dat hier een belangrijke rol is weggelegd voor zogeheten innovatiebrokers: derde partijen die werelden van ondernemerschap en kunst op duurzame wijze met elkaar weten te verbinden. In SUSTAIN willen we de body of knowledge en het handelingsinstrumentarium van deze innovatiebrokers verrijken. Door met praktijkgericht onderzoek juist in deze beroepsgroep te investeren, hopen we een hefboomeffect richting de volhoudbare economie te creëren: we dragen bij aan de effectiviteit van de samenwerking tussen de innovatiesferen kunst en ondernemerschap. Onze hoofdvraag luidt: Wat kunnen innovatiebrokers op het snijvlak van kunst en ondernemen in de verschillende fases van het innovatietraject leren en doen om de synergie van de samenwerking tussen ondernemers en kunstenaars te vergroten en zo een duurzame bijdrage te leveren aan de transitie richting een volhoudbare economie? Gedurende het onderzoek ontwikkelen we een gefundeerd Brokers Kenniscanvas dat beschrijft welke vraagstukken zich aandienen in samenwerkingsverbanden tussen kunstenaars en ondernemers en hoe de innovatiebrokers die vraagstukken hanteerbaar en productief kunnen maken. We richten ons welbewust op het ‘gedoe’ in de samenwerking en ontwikkelen vóór en mét de innovatiebrokers kennis over hoe vandaaruit synergie te realiseren.
The city of Amsterdam is well-known for its creative citizens, innovative use of public spaces, and bottom up and informal (citizen) initiatives. Many of these initiatives are endorsed and - after some time - formalised by local government. However, some need to be relocated or disappear due to densification-strategies. This is particularly the case in contexts of urban growth and not unique for Amsterdam. Depending on the specific circumstances, densification strategies compensate densification with nature conservation and/or public space programs. Densification is a contested approach – chiefly because it often entails quantitative approaches that are abstracting specific places into numerical value and generalized policy ambitions that do not resonate with the creative language and practical wisdom and imagination at play in the specific places. Often, these strategies also involve uncertainty regarding their relationship with informal citizen initiatives. Particularly in the urban fringe, we see a variety of initiatives that have developed over the years and which have obtained temporary approval for their activities. In this pop-up research we explore if, and how techniques of research by design contribute to making productive these confrontations – between formal and informal resources, between practical wisdom and generalised knowledge, between local creative-artistic and more general quantitative approaches - with the broader aim to create more sustainable and liveable cities.
In the Dutch National Environmental Vision the societal challenge of building sustainable 1 million homes by 2035, is associated to the energy and mobility transitions. New living and working locations are mapped on existing urbanized sites - mainly at catchment areas of public transportation (PT) nodes or stations – and connected to good accessibility. The stations of the future become hubs, where you can transfer from one mode of transport to another, and find places to meet up, work, exercise and eat. In order to reduce congestions and CO2 emissions, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management has developed a vision on the future of public transport in PT 2040 based on Door-to-Door solutions. This requires the development of new city policies in the field of bicycle and car parking, shared mobility systems, environmental zones (car-free) and public space design. The hubs are important enablers of the mobility transition (promoting the transition from car to PT or bike, in combination with shared mobility to be prepared for a post-pandemic phase). Most stations do not meet the new mobility requirements and face problems such as lack of space for bicycle parking and shared modes, as well as lack of public space. How to improve mobility transition, make it seamless and create public space for more inviting and attractive stations for people and with less cars? WALK-IN will develop a toolkit for designers which provide generic guidelines and spatial solutions for the integration of sustainable mobility in public space at PT nodes. The toolkit is developed between and with academia, public and private partners. The project aims to develop a new network and an EU funding proposal on Energy transition and Sustainability or for the forthcoming Driving Urban Transitions program from the Joint Program Initiative Urban Europe.