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Studies among people with dementia demonstrated that the sleep quality and rhythm improves significantly when people are exposed to ambient bright light. Since almost half of the healthy older people also indicate to suffer from chronic sleep disorders, the question arises whether ambient bright light can be beneficial to healthy older people. Particularly the effect on sleep/wake rhythm in relation to the exposure to natural light is the focus. It was hypothesised that the sleep quality would be worse in winter due to a lower daylight dose than in summer due to the lower illuminance and exposure duration. A field study was conducted to examine the relationship between daylight exposure and sleep quality in 14 healthy older adults living independently in their own dwellings in the Netherlands. All participants were asked to take part of the study both during the summer period as well as during the winter period. Therefore, they had to wear an actigraph for five consecutive days which measured sleep, activity and light exposure. Results confirmed that people were significantly longer exposed to high illumination levels (>1000 lx) in summer than in winter. Sleep quality measures, however, did not differ significantly between summer and winter. A significant, positive correlation was found between exposure duration to high illuminance from daylight during the day and the sleep efficiency the following night in summer, implying that being exposed to high illuminance for a longer time period has a positive effect on sleep efficiency for the individual data. There was also a tendency of less frequent napping in case of longer exposure duration to light for both seasons. Sleep quality does not differ between summer and winter but is related to the duration of the exposure to bright light the day prior to the night. CC-BY Original article at http://solarlits.com/jd/5-14 http://dx.doi.org/10.15627/jd.2018.2 https://www.dehaagsehogeschool.nl/onderzoek/lectoraten/details/urban-ageing#over-het-lectoraat
This work examined window/door opening as means of bedroom ventilation and the consequent effect upon occupants’ sleep, using data from 17 healthy volunteers. Bedroom CO2 level, temperature, and relative humidity were measured over 5 days, for two cases: open window or door (internal, bedroom door), and closed window and door. Participant filled questionnaires and sleep diary provided subjective measure of sleep quality. Actigraphy objectively monitored the participants during sleep. Additionally, a FlexSensor, placed under pillows of participants, detected movement during sleep. Average CO2 level for the Open conditions was 717 ppm (SD = 197 ppm) and for Closed conditions was 1150 ppm (SD = 463 ppm). Absolute humidity levels were similar for both conditions, while Open conditions were slightly cooler (mean = 19.7°C, SD = 1.8°C) than Closed (mean = 20.1°C, SD = 1.5°C). Results showed significant correlations (P < .001) between actigraphy data and questionnaire responses for: sleep latency (r = .45), sleep length (r = .87), and number of awakenings (r = .28). Of all analyzed sleep parameters, questionnaire‐based depth of sleep (P = .002) and actigraphy‐based sleep phase (P = .003) were significantly different between Open and Closed conditions.
The need for care will increase in the coming years. Most people with a disability or old age receive support from an informal caregiver. Caring for a person with dementia can be difficult because of the BPSD (Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia). BPSD, including sleep disturbance, is an important factor for a higher care load. In this scoping review, we aim to investigate whether technology is available to support the informal caregiver, to lower the care burden, improve sleep quality, and therefore influence the reduction of social isolation of informal caregivers of people with dementia. A scoping review is performed following the methodological framework by Arksey and O'Mally and Rumrill et al., the scoping review includes scientific and other sources (unpublished literature, websites, reports, etc.). The findings of the scoping review shows that there are technology applications available to support the informal caregiver of a person with dementia. The technology applications mostly contribute to lower the care burden and/or improve sleep quality and therefore may contribute to reduce social isolation. The technology applications found target either the person with dementia, the informal caregiver, or both.
Regular physical activity is considered to be an important component of a healthy lifestyle that decreases the risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, hypertension, colon and breast cancer, obesity and other debilitating conditions. Physical activity can also improve functional capacity and therefore also the quality of life in older adults. Despite all these favorable aspects, a substantial part of the Dutch older adult population is still underactive or even sedentary. To change this for the better, the Groningen Active Living Model (GALM) was developed.Aim of GALM is to stimulate recreational sports activities in sedentary and underactive older adults in the 55-65 age band. After a door-to-door visit as part of an intensive recruitment phase, a fitness test was conducted followed by the GALM recreational sports program. This program was based on principles from evolutionary-biological play theory and insights fromsocial cognitive theory. The program was versatile in nature (e.g. softball, dance, self-defense, swimming, athletics, etc.) in two main ways: a) to improve compliance with the program different sports were offered, which was reported to be more appealing for older adults; b) by aiming at more components of motor fitness (e.g. strength, flexibility, speed, endurance and coordination). Between 1997 and 2005 more than 552,000 persons were visited door-to-door, over 55,700 were tested, and 41,310 participated in the GALM recreational sports program. The aim of the present thesis is to determine the effects of participation in the GALM recreational sports program on physical activity, health and fitness outcomes.Chapter 2 describes the effectiveness of the GALM recruitment in selecting and recruiting sedentary and underactive older adults. Three municipalities in the Netherlands were selected, and in every municipality four neighborhoods were included. Two of each of the four neighborhoods were randomly assigned as intervention and the others as control neighborhoods. In total, 8,504 persons were mailed and received a home visit. During this home visit the GALM recruitment questionnaire was collected on which the selection between sedentary/underactive and physically active older adults was based. Ultimately we succeeded inincluding 12.3% (315 of the 2,551 qualifying) of the older adults, 79.4% of whom could be indeed considered sedentary or underactive. The cost of successfully recruiting an older adult was estimated at $84.To assess the effects of a physical activity intervention on health and fitness and explain the results, it is necessary to know program characteristics regarding frequency, intensity, time and content of the activities. With respect to the GALM recreational sports activity program, the only unknown characteristic was intensity. Chapter 3 describes the intensity of this program systematically. Using heart rate monitors, data of 97 persons (mean age 60.1 yr) were collected in three municipalities. The mean intensity of all 15 GALM sessions was 73.7% of the predicted maximal heart rate. Six percent of the monitored heart rate time could be classified as light, 33% as moderate and 61% as hard. In summary, the GALM recreational sports program meets the 1998 ACSM recommendations for intensity necessary to improve cardiorespiratory fitness.Chapters 4 and 5 describe the effects of 6 and 12 months of participation in the GALM recreational sports program, and 181 persons were followed over time. Results after 6 months revealed only few significant between-group differences favoring the intervention group (i.e. sleep, diastolic blood pressure, perceived fitness score and grip strength). Changes in energyexpenditure for leisure-time physical activities (EELTPA) showed an increase in both study groups. From 6 to 12 months a decrease in EELTPA occurred in the intervention group and an increase in the control group. The significant positive time effects for the health outcomes (diastolic blood pressure, BMI, percentage of body fat) that were found after 6 months were diminishedfrom 6 to 12 months. However, the energy expenditure for recreational sports activities (EERECSPORT) demonstrated a continuous increase over 12 months. Parallel to this, significant main effects for time were found in performance-based fitness outcomes (i.e. simple reaction time, leg strength, flexibility of hamstrings and lower back, and aerobic endurance). After 12 months only a significant between-group difference for flexibility of the hamstrings andlower back was found, favoring the control group. In conclusion, a short-term increase in EELTPA was found with accompanying improvements in health outcomes that more or less disappeared in 6 to 12 months. In the long term, results showed a continuous increase in EERECSPORT and performance-based fitness. This latter increase is probably a reflection of the significantimprovement over time in EERECSPORT and the fact that recreational sports activities are of a higher intensity.Aerobic endurance is regarded as the most important component of motor fitness that is relevant for older adults to function independently. In Chapter 6, the development in aerobic endurance after 18 months of participation in the GALM recreational sports program was assessed by means of changes in heart rate during fixed submaximal exercise. Since both groups were comparable regarding changes in energy expenditure for physical activity after 6 months and testing confirmed this, both groups were combined and considered as one group. Multilevel analyses were conducted and models for change were developed. A significant decrease in heart rate over time was found at all walking speeds (4, 5, 6 and 7 km/h). The average decrease in heart rate was 5.5, 6.0, 10.0 and 9.0 beats/min for the 4, 5, 6 and 7 km/h walking speeds, respectively. The relative decrease varied from 5.1 to 7.4% relative to average heart rates at baseline. These results illustrate that participation in the GALM recreational sports program has a positive significant effect on aerobic endurance, and that the participants are able to perform at submaximal intensity more easily.Based on the overall results it can be concluded that this study contributes to the field in how to effectively recruit sedentary and underactive older adults and stimulate them to become and stay active in recreational sports activities. As far as we know, this recruitment in combination with the recreational sport program is not only unique but also effective toward increasing performance-based fitness in the long term. Short-term effects were found in other leisure-time activities and health outcomes. To further stimulate other leisure-time and probably health outcomes besides the favorable effects that were already seen, additional interventions that pay more attention to behavioral change in terms of how to integrate other activities besides sports activities are recommended.
YOUNG-D is a European project on the prevention and management of anxiety, stress and sleep problems in people with early onset dementia (OED).The overall aim of this project is to increase awareness and knowledge of (future) health care providers in the included EU-partners on psychosocial and behavioral program YOUNG-D in people with early onset dementia in order to prevent and manage anxiety, stress and sleep problems, which in turn increases heart rate variability, wellbeing and quality of life.ErasmusprojectThis project aims to educate and sensitize health care providers, organisations and health care students and -lecturers about early onset dementia. More specifically, this project focuses on knowledge transfer about aspects in the prevention and management of anxiety, stress and sleep problems in people with early onset dementia by means of a psychosocial and behavioural program. Activities to implement(1) the development and organisation of a train-the-trainer course for professional health caregivers and organisations.; (2) the health care organisation partner in each European country (partner) will enroll the six week psychosocial and behavioural program in its own setting; (3) knowledge transfer towards future health care students and lecturers will be provided per country by means of a blended learning module. Planned results: (1) Development of the train-the-trainer course: a syllabus and a joint report(2) Implementation of the six week program in each health care setting in the included health care partners and a joint report (3) development of blended learning course and a joint report