Inulin is a soluble dietary fibre, also classified as a prebiotic, extracted from chicory roots. The present study aimed to determine the effect of consumption of native chicory inulin on the stool frequency of middle-aged to older adults (40–75 years old) with uncomfortably but not clinically relevant low stool frequency, specified as two to four days without bowel movements per week. Two randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled crossover trials were conducted using similar protocols in differing populations. Trial A was conducted in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and subsequently Trial B was conducted in Newcastle, United Kingdom. Both trials involved supplementation for 5 weeks with 10 g per day of inulin or placebo, a washout period of 2 weeks, and then crossed over to receive the other treatment. In Trial B, faecal gut microbiota composition was assessed using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. In Trial A, which 10 volunteers completed, the stool frequency was significantly increased to an average 4.9 ± 0.23 (SEM) times per week during inulin periods versus 3.6 ± 0.25 in the periods with placebo (p = 0.01). In contrast, in Trial B which 20 volunteers completed, there was no significant effect of the inulin on stool frequency (7.5 ± 2.1 times per week with inulin, 8.1 ± 3.0 with placebo, p = 0.35). However, many subjects in Trial B had a stool frequency >5 per week also for the placebo period, in breach of the inclusion criteria. Combining the data of 16 low stool frequency subjects from Trials A and B showed a significant effect of inulin to increase stool frequency from 4.1 to 5.0 per week (p = 0.032). Regarding secondary outcomes, stool consistency was significantly softer with inulin treatment compared to placebo periods, it increased 0.29 on the Bristol stool scale (p = 0.008) when data from all subjects of Trials A and B were combined. No other differences in bowel habit parameters due to inulin consumption were significant. None of the differences in specific bacterial abundance, alpha or beta diversity were significant, however the trends were in directions consistent with published studies on other types of inulin. We conclude that 10 g per day of native chicory inulin can increase stool frequency in subjects with low stool frequency.
Inulin is a soluble dietary fibre, also classified as a prebiotic, extracted from chicory roots. The present study aimed to determine the effect of consumption of native chicory inulin on the stool frequency of middle-aged to older adults (40–75 years old) with uncomfortably but not clinically relevant low stool frequency, specified as two to four days without bowel movements per week. Two randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled crossover trials were conducted using similar protocols in differing populations. Trial A was conducted in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and subsequently Trial B was conducted in Newcastle, United Kingdom. Both trials involved supplementation for 5 weeks with 10 g per day of inulin or placebo, a washout period of 2 weeks, and then crossed over to receive the other treatment. In Trial B, faecal gut microbiota composition was assessed using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. In Trial A, which 10 volunteers completed, the stool frequency was significantly increased to an average 4.9 ± 0.23 (SEM) times per week during inulin periods versus 3.6 ± 0.25 in the periods with placebo (p = 0.01). In contrast, in Trial B which 20 volunteers completed, there was no significant effect of the inulin on stool frequency (7.5 ± 2.1 times per week with inulin, 8.1 ± 3.0 with placebo, p = 0.35). However, many subjects in Trial B had a stool frequency >5 per week also for the placebo period, in breach of the inclusion criteria. Combining the data of 16 low stool frequency subjects from Trials A and B showed a significant effect of inulin to increase stool frequency from 4.1 to 5.0 per week (p = 0.032). Regarding secondary outcomes, stool consistency was significantly softer with inulin treatment compared to placebo periods, it increased 0.29 on the Bristol stool scale (p = 0.008) when data from all subjects of Trials A and B were combined. No other differences in bowel habit parameters due to inulin consumption were significant. None of the differences in specific bacterial abundance, alpha or beta diversity were significant, however the trends were in directions consistent with published studies on other types of inulin. We conclude that 10 g per day of native chicory inulin can increase stool frequency in subjects with low stool frequency.
Cupplement; Koffie voor sporters. Een dagelijks kopje verrijkt in vitamines kan sporters helpen om te voorzien in de extra behoefte van deze vitamines. Uit HU onderzoek blijkt dat koffie uit cups in principe kunnen worden verrijkt met vitamines. In dit project voorstel zullen de volgende vervolg activiteiten worden verricht, namelijk: • Analyse van de beschikbaarheid van vitamines in koffie namelijk; o wateroplosbare vitamines, (andere vitBs). o vetoplosbare vitamines (vitD). • Kwaliteit en shelf life testen. • Smaakoptimalisatie na verrijking. Het uiteindelijk resultaat zal zijn, een koffie blend in cups verrijkt met vit B en D waarvan de smaak is geoptimaliseerd.
Unwanted tomatoes represent ~20% of the European market, meaning that ~3 million metric tons of tomatoes are wasted every year. On a national scale, this translates to 7000 tons of tomato waste every year. Considering the challenge that food spillage represents worldwide and that the Netherlands wants to be circular by 2050, it is important to find a way to circularize these tomatoes back into the food chain. Moreover, tomatoes are the largest greenhouse crop in the Netherlands, which means that reducing the waste of this crop will positively and significantly affect the circularity and sustainability of the Dutch food system. A way to bring these tomatoes back into the food chain is through fermentation with lactic acid bacteria (LAB), which are already used in many food applications. In this project, we will assemble a unique new mix (co-culture) of LAB bacteria, which will lead to a stable fermented product with low sugar, low pH and a fresh taste, without compromising its nutritional value. This fermentation will prevent the contamination of the product with other microorganisms, providing the product with a prolonged shelf life, and will have a positive impact on the health of the consumers. Up until now, only non-fermented products have been produced from rejected tomatoes. This solution allows for an in-between product that can be used towards many different applications. This process will be upscaled to pilot scale with our consortium partners HAN BioCentre, Keep Food Simple, LLTB and Kramer B.V. The aim is to optimize the process and taste the end result of the different fermentations, so the end product is an attractive, circular, and tasty fermented tomato paste. These results will help to advance the circularity and sustainability of our food system, both at a national and European level.