The purpose of this study was to validate a causal and hierarchical model that describes the relations between goal orientations, information processing strategies and development of conceptual knowledge of pre-vocational secondary education-students (n=719; 14 schools). Preferences of students for certain types of goals and information processing strategies were examined using questionnaires. The development of conceptual knowledge was investigated by having students create concept maps before and after a learning situation (e.g. a project). Results of causal and hierarchical analyses showed that students' preferences for mastery and performance goals positively affected their preferences for using deep information processing strategies. Performance of surface information processing strategies had a negative effect on the development of conceptual knowledge.
The purpose of this study was to validate a causal and hierarchical model that describes the relations between goal orientations, information processing strategies and development of conceptual knowledge of pre-vocational secondary education-students (n=719; 14 schools). Preferences of students for certain types of goals and information processing strategies were examined using questionnaires. The development of conceptual knowledge was investigated by having students create concept maps before and after a learning situation (e.g. a project). Results of causal and hierarchical analyses showed that students' preferences for mastery and performance goals positively affected their preferences for using deep information processing strategies. Performance of surface information processing strategies had a negative effect on the development of conceptual knowledge.
Educational policies in the Netherlands reveal that the current mainstream participatory approach to citizenship education jeopardises students’ autonomy. Especially in Dutch post-secondary vocational education, citizenship education has been shown to be mainly aimed at socialization: initiating students into tradition, internalising rules, societal norms and values. This article reports on the findings of a research project, which is grounded in the assumption that integrating Bildung, citizenship education and critical thinking is a promising way to grapple with the perceived overemphasis on socialization strategies. We justify the interrelationship of critical thinking, Bildung, citizenship education, and professional training from two perspectives – historical and contemporary. It is only by combining these concepts, we contend, that educational professionals can create teaching materials more geared to developing autonomy, and prepare students in vocational training to navigate the political and societal dilemma’s on the work floor. Furthermore, we also clarify our perspective by offering three educational principles, used in our project to guide the design of teaching materials, that form a context for integrating citizenship, critical thinking, and Bildung in vocational education. A practical illustration is subsequently discussed.
Nxus is a Software as a Service startup that provides higher educational institutions with one integrated community and bias-free career platform. With this platform, Nxus connects employers, students and alumni in a unique and innovative way. The Nxus platform is already deployed university-wide by the launching partner, Radboud University. The Take-Off HBO feasibility grant allows Nxus to research the feasibility of further developing the existing platform to meet the needs of Secondary Vocational Institutions (MBO-instellingen). Nxus hereby aims to address 2 present-day societal issues, the shortage of internships for MBO students and internship discrimination in the recruitment and selection process.