Belevingsgerichte begeleiding is een vorm van begeleiden waarbij de gevoelens van de client en diens hulpvraag centraal staan. Het is een methode die wordt toegepast in diverse werkvelden, zoals de thuiszorg, de zorg voor verstandelijk gehandicapte mensen (snoezelen), maar ook binnen kinderdagverblijven en peuterspeelzalen en in de ouderenzorg. In dit leerpakket staat de belevingsgerichte begeleiding van demente ouderen centraal, waarbij de nadruk ligt op het oefenen van diverse vaardigheden, zoals aansluiten bij de beleving, herkennen van de fasen van verwardheid, afstemmen op het favoriete zintuig en verscheidene nonverbale technieken.
Belevingsgerichte begeleiding is een vorm van begeleiden waarbij de gevoelens van de client en diens hulpvraag centraal staan. Het is een methode die wordt toegepast in diverse werkvelden, zoals de thuiszorg, de zorg voor verstandelijk gehandicapte mensen (snoezelen), maar ook binnen kinderdagverblijven en peuterspeelzalen en in de ouderenzorg. In dit leerpakket staat de belevingsgerichte begeleiding van demente ouderen centraal, waarbij de nadruk ligt op het oefenen van diverse vaardigheden, zoals aansluiten bij de beleving, herkennen van de fasen van verwardheid, afstemmen op het favoriete zintuig en verscheidene nonverbale technieken.
In het kader van een interne cursus ‘Kwalitatieve onderzoeksvaardigheden’ ben ik begonnen met dit onderzoek. De hoofdvraag is: Zouden studenten met een naaste met psychische problemen hun familie ervaringen willen benutten in het kader van hun beroepsopleiding SPH en zo ja op welke manier?
Our unilateral diet has resulted in a deficiency of specific elements/components needed for well-functioning of the human body. Especially the element magnesium is low in our processed food and results in neuronal and muscular malfunctioning, problems in bone heath/strength, and increased chances of diabetes, depression and cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore, it has also been recognized that magnesium plays an important role in cognitive functioning (impairment and enhancement), especially for people suffering from neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson disease, Alzheimer, etc). Recently, it has been reported that magnesium addition positively effects sleep and calmness (anti-stress). In order to increase the bioavailability of magnesium cations, organic acids such as citrate, glycerophosphate and glycinate are often used as counterions. However, the magnesium supplements that are currently on the market still suffer from low bio-availability and often do not enter the brain significantly.The preparation of dual/multiple ligands of magnesium in which the organic acid not only functions as a carrier but also has synergistically/complementary biological effects is widely unexplored and needs further development. As a result, there is a strong need for dual/multiple magnesium supplements that are non-toxic, stable, prepared via an economically and ecologically attractive route, resulting in high bioavailability of magnesium in vivo, preferably positively influencing cognition/concentration
Electrohydrodynamic Atomization (EHDA), also known as Electrospray (ES), is a technology which uses strong electric fields to manipulate liquid atomization. Among many other areas, electrospray is currently used as an important tool for biomedical applications (droplet encapsulation), water technology (thermal desalination and metal recovery) and material sciences (nanofibers and nano spheres fabrication, metal recovery, selective membranes and batteries). A complete review about the particularities of this technology and its applications was recently published in a special edition of the Journal of Aerosol Sciences [1]. Even though EHDA is already applied in many different industrial processes, there are not many controlling tools commercially available which can be used to remotely operate the system as well as identify some spray characteristics, e.g. droplet size, operational mode, droplet production ratio. The AECTion project proposes the development of an innovative controlling system based on the electrospray current, signal processing & control and artificial intelligence to build a non-visual tool to control and characterize EHDA processes.
The AR in Staged Entertainment project focuses on utilizing immersive technologies to strengthen performances and create resiliency in live events. In this project The Experiencelab at BUas explores this by comparing live as well as pre-recorded events that utilize Augmented Reality technology to provide an added layer to the experience of the user. Experiences will be measured among others through observational measurements using biometrics. This projects runs in the Experience lab of BUas with partners The Effenaar and 4DR Studio and is connected to the networks and goals related to Chronosphere, Digireal and Makerspace. Project is powered by Fieldlab Events (PPS / ClickNL)..