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A tangible proof of the meaning and scope of human flourishing that can change not only organizations but also entire societies, is given by Robert Schuman, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs who launched the Schuman Declaration (1950) that gave birth to the EU. His leitmotiv was to be a faithful instrument in the hands of God in whichever circumstances. A strong personal relationship with God characterized his entire personal and professional life and implied the heroic practice of virtues. He strove for peace on the continent and therefore for reconciliation between France and Germany - countries that had been archenemies since the Treaty of Verdun (843). He previewed a peace project on coal and steel, former instruments of war. Schuman pursued a policy of reconciliation from the moment he became a member of the French Parliament (1919) and even during his captivity during the Second World War. His coherence of life was acknowledged by friend and foe and recognized also professionally. His profound Catholic faith brought human flourishing that changed not only French-German relationships, not only Europe, but the entire world. Schuman’s Europe would strive towards political unification through economic cooperation – as a means! – at the service of man and his transcendence so that man could flourish. These days man seems to be an instrument of the economy and politics instead of the other way round. A good moment to revive the person and thoughts of the Father of Europe.
With the EU struggling to maintain itself, it is highly relevant to look into the drive for and original vision on European unification of its principal architect, Robert Schuman, then French Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Schuman Declaration (1950) gave birth to the EU and procured the longest period of peace among its member states since the Treaty of Verdun (843). This article shows how Schuman’s Catholic faith influenced his life and therefore his politics. His drive to be a faithful instrument of Providence, supported by his origins from Alsace-Lorraine, made him strive towards peace on the European continent. He envisaged a European political integration through economic cooperation at the service of man and his transcendence and rooted in the common European spiritual and cultural heritage. This implied reconciliation, effective solidarity, subsidiarity and supranationality for European common interests through an integration in small steps.
Dit artikel is een samenvatting van mijn proefschrift over Schumans Europa en zijn referentiekader dat de oorspronkelijke visie weergeeft van de grondlegger van de Europese eenwording, Robert Schuman. Het laat zien hoe zijn gedachten, persoonlijkheid, katholieke geloof en afkomst uit Elzas-Lotharingen samenkomen in zijn visie op Europese eenwording. Hij ziet de raison d'être van de Europese eenwording bij het Europees spiritueel en cultureel erfgoed. Effectieve solidariteit over de grenzen heen beschouwt hij een logisch gevolg daarvan. Schuman is van mening dat de integratie stapje voor stapje zal moeten plaatsvinden en generaties zal duren. De nationale belangen zullen in dit proces en in deze visie van eenwording zoveel mogelijk worden ontzien, tenzij deze ingaan tegen de gemeenschappelijk Europese belangen. Schumans zienswijze werpt een verfrissende blik op de huidige situatie van de EU en geeft inzicht in de oorzaak van de EU-problemen. Het levert daarmee een denkkader waarmee gewerkt kan worden aan de oplossing. ABSTRACT This article is an excerpt of a doctoral dissertion on Schuman's Europe and his frame of reference that represents the original vision of the founder of the European union, Robert Schuman. It displays that his thoughts, personality, catholic religion and origin from Elzas-Lotharingen come together in his vision on the European union. He sees the raison d'être of European integration to the European spiritual and cultural heritage. He considers effective solidarity beyond borders thereof as a logical consequence. Schuman believes that the integration will take place step by step and will take generations. The national interests will be spared as much as possible in the process, unless these go against the common European interests. Schuman's way of thinking casts a refreshing look on the current situation of the European Union and provides insight into the cause of the European problems. It provides a conceptual framework that can be used for a solution.