Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Technological innovations enable rapid DNA analysis implementation possibilities. Concordantly, rapid DNA devices are being used in practice. However, the effects of implementing rapid DNA technologies in the crime scene investigation procedure have only been evaluated to a limited extent. In this study a field experiment was set up comparing 47 real crime scene cases following a rapid DNA analysis procedure outside of the laboratory (decentral), with 50 cases following the regular DNA analysis procedure at the forensic laboratory. The impact on duration of the investigative process, and on the quality of the analyzed trace results (97 blood and 38 saliva traces) was measured. The results of the study show that the duration of the investigation process has been significantly reduced in cases where the decentral rapid DNA procedure was deployed, compared to cases where the regular procedure was used. Most of the delay in the regular process lies in the procedural steps during the police investigation, not in the DNA analysis, which highlights the importance of an effective work process and having sufficient capacity available. This study also shows that rapid DNA techniques are less sensitive than regular DNA analysis equipment. The device used in this study was only to a limited extent suitable for the analysis of saliva traces secured at the crime scene and can mainly be used for the analysis of visible blood traces with an expected high DNA quantity of a single donor.
Background & Aim:Technological innovations enable rapid DNA analysis implementation possibilities. Concordantly, rapid DNA devices are being used in practice. However, the effects of implementing rapid DNA technologies in the crime scene investigation procedure have only been evaluated to a limited extent.In this study, the rapid DNA procedure at the crime scene was compared with a regular DNA procedure. We investigated the DNA-results of the RapidHIT200 on blood and saliva traces secured at the crime scene, and the impact of these rapid DNA profile results on the investigative process & DNA Hits.
Mobile Rapid DNA technology is close to being incorporated into crime scene investigations, with the potential to identify a perpetrator within hours. However, the use of these techniques entails the risk of losing the sample and potential evidence, because the device not only consumes the inserted sample, it is also is less sensitive than traditional technologies used in forensic laboratories. Scene of Crime Officers (SoCOs) therefore will face a ‘time/success rate trade-off’ issue when making a decision to apply this technology.In this study we designed and experimentally tested a Decision Support System (DSS) for the use of Rapid DNA technologies based on Rational Decision Theory (RDT). In a vignette study, where SoCOs had to decide on the use of a Rapid DNA analysis device, participating SoCOs were assigned to either the control group (making decisions under standard conditions), the Success Rate (SR) group (making decisions with additional information on DNA success rates of traces), or the DSS group (making decisions supported by introduction to RDT, including information on DNA success rates of traces).This study provides positive evidence that a systematic approach for decision-making on using Rapid DNA analysis assists SoCOs in the decision to use the rapid device. The results demonstrated that participants using a DSS made different and more transparent decisions on the use of Rapid DNA analysis when different case characteristics were explicitly considered. In the DSS group the decision to apply Rapid DNA analysis was influenced by the factors “time pressure” and “trace characteristics” like DNA success rates. In the SR group, the decisions depended solely on the trace characteristics and in the control group the decisions did not show any systematic differences on crime type or trace characteristic.Guiding complex decisions on the use of Rapid DNA analyses with a DSS could be an important step towards the use of these devices at the crime scene.
Routine neuropathology diagnostic methods are limited to histological staining techniques or directed PCR for pathogen detection and microbial cultures of brain abscesses are negative in one-third of the cases. Fortunately, due to improvements in technology, metagenomic sequencing of a conserved bacterial gene could provide an alternative diagnostic method. For histopathological work up, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue with highly degraded nucleic acids is the only material being available. Innovative amplicon-specific next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology has the capability to identify pathogens based on the degraded DNA within a few hours. This approach significantly accelerates diagnostics and is particularly valuable to identify challenging pathogens. This ensures optimal treatment for the patient, minimizing unnecessary health damage. Within this project, highly conserved primers in a universal PCR will be used, followed by determining the nucleotide sequence. Based on the obtained data, it is then precisely determined which microorganism(s) is/are responsible for the infection, even in cases of co-infection with multiple pathogens. This project will focus to answer the following research question; how can a new form of rapid molecular diagnostics contribute to the identification of microbial pathogens in CNS infections? The SME partner Molecular Biology Systems B.V. (MBS) develops and sells equipment for extremely rapid execution of the commonly used PCR. In this project, the lectorate Analysis Techniques in the Life Sciences (Avans) will, in collaboration with MBS, Westerdijk Institute (WI-KNAW) and the Institute of Neuropathology (Münster, DE) establish a new molecular approach for fast diagnosis within CNS infections using this MBS technology. This enables the monitoring of infectious diseases in a fast and user-friendly manner, resulting in an improved treatment plan.