Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Abstract gepubliceerd in Elsevier: Introduction: Recent research has identified the issue of ‘dose creep’ in diagnostic radiography and claims it is due to the introduction of CR and DR technology. More recently radiographers have reported that they do not regularly manipulate exposure factors for different sized patients and rely on pre-set exposures. The aim of the study was to identify any variation in knowledge and radiographic practice across Europe when imaging the chest, abdomen and pelvis using digital imaging. Methods: A random selection of 50% of educational institutes (n ¼ 17) which were affiliated members of the European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS) were contacted via their contact details supplied on the EFRS website. Each of these institutes identified appropriate radiographic staff in their clinical network to complete an online survey via SurveyMonkey. Data was collected on exposures used for 3 common x-ray examinations using CR/DR, range of equipment in use, staff educational training and awareness of DRL. Descriptive statistics were performed with the aid of Excel and SPSS version 21. Results: A response rate of 70% was achieved from the affiliated educational members of EFRS and a rate of 55% from the individual hospitals in 12 countries across Europe. Variation was identified in practice when imaging the chest, abdomen and pelvis using both CR and DR digital systems. There is wide variation in radiographer training/education across countries.
Poster KIM voor de ECR is nu online te zien via EPOS: https://epos.myesr.org/poster/esr/ecr2022/C-16092 posternummer: C-16092, ECR 2022 Purpose Artificial Intelligence (AI) has developed at high speed the last few years and will substantially change various disciplines (1,2). These changes are also noticeable in the field of radiology, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy. However, the focus of attention has mainly been on the radiologist profession, whereas the role of the radiographer has been largely ignored (3). As long as AI for radiology was focused on image recognition and diagnosis, the little attention for the radiographer might be justifiable. But with AI becoming more and more a part of the workflow management, treatment planning and image reconstruction for example, the work of the radiographer will change. However, their training (courses Medical Imaging and Radiotherapeutic Techniques) hardly contain any AI education. Radiographers in the Netherlands are therefore not prepared for changes that will come with the introduction of AI into everyday work.