Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
The short-term aim of this R&D project (financed by the Centre of Expertise Creative Industries) is to develop a virtually simulated textile database that renders 3D visual representations of these fabrics. The idea is for this database to be open source and be able to interface with 3D design applications such as those of Lectra. The textile database will include a number of different digital datasets per textile that contain information about the fabric’s drape, weight, flexibility etc., to virtually render prototypes in a 3D simulated environment. As such, in building garments via a 3D software design application, designers will be able to see how a garment changes as new textiles are applied, and how textiles behave when constructed as different garments. This will take place on 3D avatars, which may be bespoke body scans, and will allow for coordinated and precise fitting and grading.
In our current and turbulent times, it is clear that some sort of organisational agility, in which-ever way achieved, is necessary to survive and thrive as an organisation. The question is how to achieve such manoeuvrability. We propose the use of design (thinking), with a focus on prototyping to iteratively develop greater organisational agility. Based on literature research into the circumstance that drive change, design, prototyping and a number of organisations that seem to have incorporated the right tactics, as well as observations made at a change-programme for a large Dutch corporate, we have developed a model to guide this process. The model proposes that an organisation should focus on developing a shared sense of purpose, to guide all its undertakings. Afterwards, employees should collaborate on iteratively creating the right (digital & physical) environments, culture and personal grounding for them and the organisation, to be able to achieve this purpose. Based on certain (dynamic) criteria and these various domains, personal responsibilities (action agendas) may constantly evolve and keep the organisation agile. This paper explains the reasoning behind the model and calls for further experimentation to take place to verify its effectiveness. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christine-de-lille-8039372/
Collaborative Mixed Reality Environments (CMREs) enable designing Performative Mixed Reality Experiences (PMREs) to engage participants’ physical bodies, mixed reality environments, and technologies utilized. However, the physical body is rarely purposefully incorporated throughout such design processes, leaving designers seated behind their desks, relying on their previous know-how and assumptions. In contrast, embodied design techniques from HCI and performing arts afford direct corporeal feedback to verify and adapt experiential aesthetics within the design process. This paper proposes a performative prototyping method, which combines bodystorming methods with Wizard of Oz techniques with a puppeteering approach, using inside-out somaesthetic- and outside-in dramaturgical perspectives. In addition, it suggests an interdisciplinary vocabulary to share and evaluate PMRE experiences during and after its design collaboration. This method is exemplified and investigated by comparing two case studies of PMRE design projects in higher-art education using the existing Social VR platform NEOS VR adapted as a CMRE.
Mediabedrijven en -organisaties maken steeds meer gebruik van algoritmes om hun gebruikers gepersonaliseerde aanbevelingen aan te bieden voor artikelen, muziek, series, films en video’s. Dergelijke aanbevelingsalgoritmes maken gebruik van technieken uit kunstmatige intelligentie om te voorspellen in welke inhoud een gebruiker geïnteresseerd is, bijvoorbeeld op basis van wat de gebruiker eerder heeft bekeken of beluisterd of op basis van wat andere gebruikers hebben bekeken of beluisterd. Publieke omroepen, die programma’s maken voor kijkers en luisteraars, en de Nederlandse Publieke Omroep (NPO), die in Nederland zorgt voor de distributie en uitzending van die programma’s, zien potentie in deze technologie. De NPO maakt nog slechts beperkt gebruik van automatische aanbevelingen om inhoud aan kijkers en luisteraars aan te bieden, maar zij verkent samen met een aantal partners uit het publieke omroepbestel de mogelijkheden om de technologie breder in te zetten. Anders dan de meeste mediabedrijven wordt de NPO wordt bekostigd door overheidsbudget en heeft het als expliciete missie om het Nederlandse publiek te verbinden en te verrijken met programma’s die informeren, inspireren en amuseren. Dit stelt andere eisen aan een aanbevelingsalgoritme. Waar het doel van commerciële partijen veelal bestaat uit het optimaliseren van winst en/of engagement, beoogt de NPO aanbevelingen te bieden op transparante en inzichtelijke wijze, en staat pluriformiteit (diversiteit in perspectieven) in aanbevelingen centraal. Op dit moment speelt bij de NPO de vraag welke principes (pluriformiteit, personalisatie, etc.) leidend moeten zijn in aanbevelingen en hoe deze principes geoperationaliseerd kunnen worden. Het doel van dit project is daarom om, middels literatuuronderzoek, interviews met experts en gebruikers, en prototyping, een aantal principes te identificeren en operationaliseren die geschikt zijn voor aanbevelingsalgoritmes van publieke omroepen.
Wie heeft er nou geen hekel aan wachten? Wij in ieder geval wel. Regelmatig als wij een voetbalwedstrijd bezoeken of een ander groot evenement komt het weer voor: ellenlange wachtrijen en doodgeslagen bier. Dat moet en kan beter in onze ogen. De oplossing? Het plaatsen van onze biermachine, de Bierport. Een innovatief apparaat dat een concrete oplossing biedt voor organisatoren van festivals, uitbaters van stadionbars of andere grootschalige evenementen. In nog geen halve minuut een kant en klaar traytje met jouw bier. Dit wordt de nieuwe standaard.
Agricultural/horticultural products account for 9% of Dutch gross domestic product. Yearly expansion of production involves major challenges concerning labour costs and plant health control. For growers, one of the most urgent problems is pest detection, as pests cause up to 10% harvest loss, while the use of chemicals is increasingly prohibited. For consumers, food safety is increasingly important. A potential solution for both challenges is frequent and automated pest monitoring. Although technological developments such as propeller-based drones and robotic arms are in full swing, these are not suitable for vertical horticulture (e.g. tomatoes, cucumbers). A better solution for less labour intensive pest detection in vertical crop horticulture, is a bio-inspired FW-MAV: Flapping Wings Micro Aerial Vehicle. Within this project we will develop tiny FW-MAVs inspired by insect agility, with high manoeuvrability for close plant inspection, even through leaves without damage. This project focusses on technical design, testing and prototyping of FW-MAV and on autonomous flight through vertically growing crops in greenhouses. The three biggest technical challenges for FW-MAV development are: 1) size, lower flight speed and hovering; 2) Flight time; and 3) Energy efficiency. The greenhouse environment and pest detection functionality pose additional challenges such as autonomous flight, high manoeuvrability, vertical take-off/landing, payload of sensors and other equipment. All of this is a multidisciplinary challenge requiring cross-domain collaboration between several partners, such as growers, biologists, entomologists and engineers with expertise in robotics, mechanics, aerodynamics, electronics, etc. In this project a co-creation based collaboration is established with all stakeholders involved, integrating technical and biological aspects.