Dienst van SURF
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Empathy competence is considered a key aspect of excellent performancein communication professions. But we lack an overview of the specificknowledge, attitudes, and skills required to develop such competence inprofessional communication. Through interviews with 35 seasoned communication professionals, this article explores the role and nature ofempathy competence in professional interactions. The analysis resulted in aframework that details the skills, knowledge, and attitudinal aspects ofempathy; distinguishes five actions through which empathy manifests itself;and sketches relationships of empathy with several auxiliary factors. Theframework can be used for professional development, recruitment, and thedesign of communication education programs.
Legal professionals working in city and municipal government face changes in expectations about their roles within the organisation. Where in the past they mostly took on the reactive and detached role of guardians of legal quality, these days they are expected to take a more flexible, solution-oriented and cooperative stance. How do these legal professionals handle this shift? How far do they go in adapting and which factors play a role? Based on three different positions within the organisation I describe this process, focusing in particular on their perception of their professional roles, and their willingness to change. I conclude with some critical comments on the changing expectations from legal professionals.
Paperbijdrage conferentie EARLI SIG 14, 11-14 september 2018, Genève Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) that offer Professional Studies (PS) are required to educate students to become starting professionals with research competence, that enable them to deal with challenging tasks that professionals face in a dynamic knowledge society (e.g. Heggen, Karseth, & Kyvik, 2010). To assess professional and research competence, students at UAS in the Netherlands mostly develop a professional product for an external bidder as their graduation project. The professional product is an artefact that is ideally representative for students’ future professions within a specific domain, e.g. a strategic advice within the economic domain (e.g. Losse, 2016). Due to the integrative and complex character of this task, supervision is essential and we thus need to understand what expertise supervisors need and which are good pedagogic strategies. However, little is known about graduation project supervision at UAS. This literature review aims at providing knowledge about graduation project supervision and at revealing what further inquiry on graduation project supervision should aim at, by answering the following questions: 1. What expertise do supervisors need and what is known about pedagogic strategies in graduation project supervision at UAS? 2. What should further inquiry after graduation project supervision at UAS aim at?