Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Circularity and recycling are gaining increased attention, yet the amount of recycled plastic applied in new products remains low. To accelerate its uptake by businesses, it will be useful to empirically investigate the barriers, enablers, needs and, ultimately, requirements to increase uptake of recycled plastic feedstock for the production of new plastic products. During the six focus group sessions we conducted, a value chain approach was used to map the factors that actors face regarding the implementation of recycled materials. The identified factors were structured based on three levels: determining whether a certain factor acted as a barrier or enabler, identifying the steps in the value chain that the factor directly affected and the category it could be subdivided into. The results were then further processed by translating the (rather abstract) needs of businesses into (specific) requirements from industry. This study presented eight business requirements that require actions from other actors in the value chain: design for recycling, optimised waste processing, standardisation, material knowledge, showing possibilities, information and education, cooperation, and regulation and government intervention. The main scientific contributions were the value chain perspective and the applied relevance of the findings. Future studies may delve deeper into the individual factors identified.
Circularity and recycling are gaining increased attention, yet the amount of recycled plastic applied in new products remains low. To accelerate uptake by businesses, it will be useful to empirically investigate the main barriers and enablers that organisations experience when using recycled plastic feedstock for the production of new plastic products. In this research, categorisation is threefold: determining whether a certain factor acts as a barrier, enabler or both; identifying the steps in the value chain which the factor directly affects; and a categorisation in regulatory, economic, technical, systemic, organisational and cultural factors. Results from the focus group sessions show that main barriers seem to be: lack of clear policies and (stimulating) regulations, price differences between virgin and recycle materials, lower material quality and uncertainties about quality, availability and reliable stream of recyclate (from sufficient quality), lack of shortterm organisational goals, lack of knowledge, and lack of consumer demand and willingness. Comparing the results from a micro- and meso scale perspective, some factors are more important for certain steps in the value chain but may also (indirectly) influence the activities of others. Other factors affect all steps of the value chain. Moreover, the relevance of a factor may differ per actor depending on its positioning in the value chain and context, which comes along with uncertainties in industry. Further research may focus on extending literature review and address the needs of industry in order to increase uptake of recycled feedstock in new products.
In human-controlled environments, areas of wild plants are 'translated' into cultivated landscapes to accommodate social, cultural and economic needs. This article explores indoor, agricultural and (sub)urban landscape in the Netherlands, focusing on the use of plants both indoors and outdoors, and reveals anthropocentric, instrumental and unsustainable practices. The article also presents suggestions for alternative, more ethical and sustainable ways of relating to plants in the Netherlands and beyond. https://www.ecologicalcitizen.net/article.php?t=wilderness-plastic-plants-how-might-get-back-wildness https://www.linkedin.com/in/helenkopnina/
In het project wordt een nieuw door de HvA ontwikkelde methodiek (Open Collaborative Business Modelling methodiek, verder: ‘OCBM-methodiek’), toegepast om waardeproposities voor circulaire en biobased verpakkingen te ontwikkelen, samen met partijen uit de waardeketen. De inzet van biobased materialen is essentieel voor het terugdringen van het gebruik van fossiele plastics en – uiteindelijk – voor het bereiken van een volledig circulaire economie. De specifieke waardeketen waar het project zich op richt is die van verpakkingen op basis van Olifantsgras / Miscanthus. Projectpartner Vibers is een bedrijf dat dit gewas als grondstof gebruikt voor het produceren van o.a. verpakkingsmaterialen. Tijdens het project zal een viertal OCBM-sessies worden georganiseerd waarin Vibers in nauwe samenwerking met een wisselende groep ketenpartners en andere stakeholders een nieuwe waardepropositie formuleert. Projectpartner Kennisinstituut Duurzaam Verpakken (verder: KIDV) bewaakt in de OCBM-sessies de duurzaamheid van de ontwikkelde propositie en speelt een rol bij evaluatie van de OCBM-methodiek voor de verpakkingsindustrie. Het project levert daarmee twee belangrijke resultaten op: 1. Een met behulp van de OCBM-methodiek ontwikkelde waardepropositie voor een circulair business model waarin een biobased verpakking centraal staat; 2. Aanbevelingen voor het verfijnen van de OCBM-methodiek: specifieke aandachtspunten voor het ontwikkelen van innovatieve, circulaire business modellen met behulp van deze methodiek.
In this proposal, a consortium of knowledge institutes (wo, hbo) and industry aims to carry out the chemical re/upcycling of polyamides and polyurethanes by means of an ammonolysis, a depolymerisation reaction using ammonia (NH3). The products obtained are then purified from impurities and by-products, and in the case of polyurethanes, the amines obtained are reused for resynthesis of the polymer. In the depolymerisation of polyamides, the purified amides are converted to the corresponding amines by (in situ) hydrogenation or a Hofmann rearrangement, thereby forming new sources of amine. Alternatively, the amides are hydrolysed toward the corresponding carboxylic acids and reused in the repolymerisation towards polyamides. The above cycles are particularly suitable for end-of-life plastic streams from sorting installations that are not suitable for mechanical/chemical recycling. Any loss of material is compensated for by synthesis of amines from (mixtures of) end-of-life plastics and biomass (organic waste streams) and from end-of-life polyesters (ammonolysis). The ammonia required for depolymerisation can be synthesised from green hydrogen (Haber-Bosch process).By closing carbon cycles (high carbon efficiency) and supplementing the amines needed for the chain from biomass and end-of-life plastics, a significant CO2 saving is achieved as well as reduction in material input and waste. The research will focus on a number of specific industrially relevant cases/chains and will result in economically, ecologically (including safety) and socially acceptable routes for recycling polyamides and polyurethanes. Commercialisation of the results obtained are foreseen by the companies involved (a.o. Teijin and Covestro). Furthermore, as our project will result in a wide variety of new and drop-in (di)amines from sustainable sources, it will increase the attractiveness to use these sustainable monomers for currently prepared and new polyamides and polyurethanes. Also other market applications (pharma, fine chemicals, coatings, electronics, etc.) are foreseen for the sustainable amines synthesized within our proposition.