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Nederlandse versie: Hoe staat het ervoor met de pioniersplekken die vanuit de Protestantse Kerk gestart zijn? Dit rapport geeft u een indruk. In deze tussenstand staan niet de cijfers centraal, maar zoomen we in op wat pionieren betekent in de concrete levens van mensen. We hebben onderzoek gedaan naar de sociale relaties en geloofsontwikkeling van bezoekers van pioniersplekken. Eerst zetten we op een rij waar nu pioniersplekken actief zijn, hoeveel mensen er betrokken zijn en waarom plekken soms ook weer stoppen. English version: What is the state of affairs of the pioneering spots that have been started by the Protestant Church? This report gives an impression. This state of affairs is not about the numbers. Instead we will focus on what pioneering means concretely in the lives of people. We have done research into social relations and religious development of visitors of pioneering spots. First, we list the pioneering spots which are active now, how many people are involved in them and why spots are sometimes discontinued.
At its core, raving has existed in opposition to normativity, and so has electronic music. If newcomers enticed by hard trance remixes of 2000’s Top 40 hits embrace this opposition, it is often done in ways removed from history. As Loren Granic AKA Goddollars, co-founder and resident of A Club Called Rhonda in Los Angeles, stated: “Many of the newcomers are straight/white kids who are very far removed from the LGBT community, despite fist-pumping by the millions to a music that was born from gay people of colour sweating their asses off at 5 AM in a Chicago warehouse.” If the role marginalized people have played in the creation and pioneering of their favourite music is ignored, how would people react when told that their fun might also harm marginalized groups? The ethics of lockdown raves have always been fraught, as their repercussions reverberate beyond the people who choose to attend them; meanwhile, data shows that people of colour were more likely to be targeted for attending raves during the lockdown.
As part of an undergraduate research design class, we measured tourism experiences of 617tourists, during a day, and their potential impact, in a quantitative, cross-sectional manner. In May2023, a total of 30 tourism and experience design students teamed up from Breda University ofApplied Sciences, Netherlands, and Brigham Young University students, United States, andapproached tourists at 45 various tourist hot spots in the Rotterdam and the Amsterdam area