Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
This is a revised PAPAI (Personal Adapted Physical Activity Instructor) handbook 2020, part of the Sport Empowers Disabled Youth 2 (SEDY2) project. The original handbook of the PAPAI project, based on Finnish pilot-phase experiences, was written in 2016 by Aija Saari and Heidi Skantz. This revised (2020) PAPAI handbook contains updated materials and lessons learned by the Finnish Paralympic Committee and Inholland University during 2017-2020.
Purpose: Classification is a defining factor for competition in wheelchair sports, but it is a delicate and time-consuming process with often questionable validity. New inertial sensor-based measurement methods applied in match play and field tests allow for more precise and objective estimates of the impairment effect on wheelchair-mobility performance. The aim of the present research was to evaluate whether these measures could offer an alternative point of view for classification. Methods: Six standard wheelchair-mobility performance outcomes of different classification groups were measured in match play (n = 29), as well as best possible performance in a field test (n = 47). Results: In match results, a clear relationship between classification and performance level is shown, with increased performance outcomes in each adjacent higher-classification group. Three outcomes differed significantly between the low- and mid-classified groups, and 1, between the mid- and high-classified groups. In best performance (field test), there was a split between the low- and mid-classified groups (5 out of 6 outcomes differed significantly) but hardly any difference between the mid- and high-classified groups. This observed split was confirmed by cluster analysis, revealing the existence of only 2 performance-based clusters. Conclusions: The use of inertial sensor technology to obtain objective measures of wheelchair-mobility performance, combined with a standardized field test, produced alternative views for evidence-based classification. The results of this approach provide arguments for a reduced number of classes in wheelchair basketball. Future use of inertial sensors in match play and field testing could enhance evaluation of classification guidelines, as well as individual athlete performance. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1123/ijspp.2017-0326 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rienkvdslikke/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/moniqueberger/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/annemarie-de-witte-9582b154/
Zeventien dagen na de Olympische Spelen vonden in Rio de Janeiro de Paralympische Spelen plaats. Rio had met betrekking tot de Paralympische Spelen voor het bid een concept ontwikkeld rondom het thema 'Live your Passion'. Daarbij zouden de Paralympische Spelen gebruikt worden om economische, stedelijke en sociale ontwikkeling in Brazilië te stimuleren. Het plan maakte deel uit van de visie van de Braziliaanse regering om te investeren in sport als katalysator voor sociale integratie. De intentie was om de Paralympische Spelen te gebruiken om een meer inclusieve samenleving te creëren. Dit hoofdstuk beschrijft de Paralympische Spelen en de investeringen die daarmee gepaard gingen, de beleving van het publiek bij de Spelen die uiteindelijk tot ‘The People’s Games’ werden gedoopt en uitzonderlijke atletische prestaties tijdens ‘The Best Games ever’. Tot slot wordt de legacy, de nalatenschap, met betrekking tot het vergroten van de toegankelijkheid voor mensen met een beperking beschreven.