Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
This paper presents the design of the offshore energy simulation CEL as a flow network, and its integration in the MSP Challenge 2050 simulation game platform. This platform is designed to aid learning about the key characteristics and complexity of marine or maritime spatial planning (MSP). The addition of CEL to this platform greatly AIDS MSP authorities in learning about and planning for offshore energy production, a highly topical and big development in human activities at sea. Rather than a standard flow network, CEL incorporates three additions to accommodate for the specificities of energy grids: an additional node for each team's expected energy, a split of each node representing an object into input and output parts to include the node's capacity, and bidirectional edges for all cables to enable more complex energy grid designs. Implemented with Dinic's algorithm it takes less than 30ms for the simulation to run for the average amount of grids included in an MSP Challenge 2050 game session. In this manner CEL enables MSP authorities and their energy stakeholders to use MSP Challenge 2050 for designing and testing more comprehensive offshore energy grids.
Within the context of the Iliad project, the authors present technical challenges and the first results of having valid 3D scenes of (non-)existing offshore wind farms procedurally and automatically generated within either the Unreal or Unity game engine. The Iliad – Digital Twins of the Ocean project (EU Horizon 2020) aims to develop a ‘system of systems’ for creating cutting-edge digital twins of specific sea and ocean areas for diverse purposes related to their sustainable use and protection. One of the Iliad pilots addresses the topic of offshore floating wind farm construction or maintenance scenario testing and validation using the Unity 3D game engine. This work will speed up the development of these scenarios by procedurally and automatically creating the Unity 3D scene rather than manually (which is done at present). The main technical challenges concern the data-driven approach, in which a JSON configuration file drives the scene creation. The first results show a base wind farm running in Unreal 5.1. The final product will be able to handle environmental conditions, biological conditions, and specific human activities as input parameters.
Small and medium-sized enterprises have found their way into multi-cultural relations to outsource or offshore their business processes. Relationships are built either from an economic or emotional point of view. Our study particularly focused on how SMEs owner/managers build, maintain, and –when necessary– exit their relationships with other SMEs by using trust as a core element. We have chosen for a qualitative research strategy by conducting semi-structured interviews in The Netherlands, Germany, UK, Denmark and Sweden. The countries selected are representatives of the application of Northern-European and Anglo-Saxon business models. Our results suggest that trust is of the essence in the relationship building process and that the perception of trust needs to be understood and managed in multi-cultural relations by all parties involved. We can also conclude from our results that SMEs are intrinsically inclined to base their offshore activities on trust. For practical reasons, partners in relationships need to be educated and trained how to build trust in multi-cultural relations. Future research should focus on the firms’ culture to examine the influence on trustful multi-culture relationships.
Coastal nourishments, where sand from offshore is placed near or at the beach, are nowadays a key coastal protection method for narrow beaches and hinterlands worldwide. Recent sea level rise projections and the increasing involvement of multiple stakeholders in adaptation strategies have resulted in a desire for nourishment solutions that fit a larger geographical scale (O 10 km) and a longer time horizon (O decades). Dutch frontrunner pilot experiments such as the Sandmotor and Ameland inlet nourishment, as well as the Hondsbossche Dunes coastal reinforcement project have all been implemented from this perspective, with the specific aim to encompass solutions that fit in a renewed climate-resilient coastal protection strategy. By capitalizing on recent large-scale nourishments, the proposed Coastal landSCAPE project C-SCAPE will employ and advance the newly developed Dynamic Adaptive Policy Pathways (DAPP) approach to construct a sustainable long-term nourishment strategy in the face of an uncertain future, linking climate and landscape scales to benefits for nature and society. Novel long-term sandy solutions will be examined using this pathways method, identifying tipping points that may exist if distinct strategies are being continued. Crucial elements for the construction of adaptive pathways are 1) a clear view on the long-term feasibility of different nourishment alternatives, and 2) solid, science-based quantification methods for integral evaluation of the social, economic, morphological and ecological outcomes of various pathways. As currently both elements are lacking, we propose to erect a Living Lab for Climate Adaptation within the C-SCAPE project. In this Living Lab, specific attention is paid to the socio-economic implications of the nourished landscape, as we examine how morphological and ecological development of the large-scale nourishment strategies and their design choices (e.g. concentrated vs alongshore uniform, subaqueous vs subaerial, geomorphological features like artificial lagoons) translate to social acceptance.
Het project FIXAR richt zich op het beantwoorden van de vraag: Hoe kan de luchtvaart- en windenergiesector composietenreparaties middels geautomatiseerde technologieën economisch verantwoord maken? Deze vraag komt voort uit eerdere ervaringen in RAAK-mkb projecten op het gebied van composietfabricage, oriëntatie op de nationale en internationale markt en uit de feedback van het betrokken mkb. Het mkb staat voor de uitdaging kennis en ervaring met automatiseringsoplossingen op te doen en nieuwe inspectietechnologieën in te voeren, wil het de groeiende behoefte aan composietenreparaties het hoofd bieden. De doelstelling van het project is dan ook, het door praktijkgericht onderzoek ontwikkelen van geautomatiseerde methoden voor duurzame geautomatiseerde composietenreparaties die technisch- en economisch haalbaar zijn. Om dit doel te bereiken wordt door Hogeschool Inholland samengewerkt met een aantal kennisinstituten en mkb-partners. Het project is opgebouwd rondom vier deelonderzoeken. Hiermee zijn alle aspecten van composietenreparaties gedekt; hulpmiddelen voor geautomatiseerde reparaties, inspectie en validatie, materiaalonderzoek en opleiding van medewerkers. Gelet op de state of the art-kennis, ligt de focus op luchtvaart en windenergie. Het zijn namelijk juist deze twee sectoren die het meest van elkaar kunnen profiteren. Binnen de deelonderzoeken komen state of the art-zaken aan bod als drones en Augement Reality. Aangezien het onderzoek zich richt op actuele problemen bij de bedrijven, zal een deel van het onderzoek bij de bedrijven zelf plaatsvinden en kunnen deze bedrijven direct profiteren van de resultaten van het onderzoek. In het onderwijs komen stage- en afstudeerplekken beschikbaar voor de studenten van de deelnemende hogescholen. Daarnaast vindt er een duurzame vertaalslag plaats van de projectresultaten en bevindingen middels het realiseren van onderwijsmateriaal t.b.v. de curricula van de opleidingen aviation, luchtvaarttechnologie, werktuigbouwkunde, en technische informatica. Het project heeft een blijvende impact op de beroepspraktijk omdat het deelnemende mkb met de resultaten uit dit project hun kennis van reparatieprocessen op hoger niveau brengt.