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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Higher body mass index (BMI) is associated with lower mortality in mechanically ventilated critically ill patients. However, it is yet unclear which body component is responsible for this relationship.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Higher body mass index (BMI) is associated with lower mortality in mechanically ventilated critically ill patients. However, it is yet unclear which body component is responsible for this relationship.
Er lijkt een duidelijke mate van evidentie te bestaan betreffende de relatie fysieke activiteit, respectievelijk fitheid en gezondheid in de algemene populatie en bij bepaalde pathologieën. Er is evenwel nog behoefte aan verder wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar mogelijke determinanten en onderliggende mechanismen, als ook naar evidentie bij bepaalde, specifieke aandoeningen. Tevens mag duidelijk zijn dat ondanks de bestaande evidentie fysieke activiteit/oefening te weinig toegepast wordt in de gezondheidszorg. Het onderzoek naar de effectiviteit van gezondheidskundige interventies is dan ook uitermate belangrijk. Dit lectoraat hoopt dan ook een bescheiden bijdrage hieraan te kunnen leveren. Hiervoor heeft zij reeds afspraken tot samenwerking met de academische en medische wereld (in Utrecht, Amsterdam, Maastricht en Leuven), met de gezondheidszorg (RIVM Bilthoven en GG&GD Utrecht) en met de beroepen- of bedrijfswereld (Politie regio Utrecht; Enraf Nonius, Delft). De beoogde doelstellingen zullen echter naar alle waarschijnlijkheid beduidend meer tijd in beslag nemen dan de periode van 4 jaar die de Stichting Kennis Ontwikkeling voorzien heeft met betrekking tot het oprichten en financieren van de lectoraten.
Er lijkt een duidelijke mate van evidentie te bestaan betreffende de relatie fysieke activiteit, respectievelijk fitheid en gezondheid in de algemene populatie en bij bepaalde pathologieën. Er is evenwel nog behoefte aan verder wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar mogelijke determinanten en onderliggende mechanismen, als ook naar evidentie bij bepaalde, specifieke aandoeningen. Tevens mag duidelijk zijn dat ondanks de bestaande evidentie fysieke activiteit/oefening te weinig toegepast wordt in de gezondheidszorg. Het onderzoek naar de effectiviteit van gezondheidskundige interventies is dan ook uitermate belangrijk. Dit lectoraat hoopt dan ook een bescheiden bijdrage hieraan te kunnen leveren. Hiervoor heeft zij reeds afspraken tot samenwerking met de academische en medische wereld (in Utrecht, Amsterdam, Maastricht en Leuven), met de gezondheidszorg (RIVM Bilthoven en GG&GD Utrecht) en met de beroepen- of bedrijfswereld (Politie regio Utrecht; Enraf Nonius, Delft). De beoogde doelstellingen zullen echter naar alle waarschijnlijkheid beduidend meer tijd in beslag nemen dan de periode van 4 jaar die de Stichting Kennis Ontwikkeling voorzien heeft met betrekking tot het oprichten en financieren van de lectoraten.
At the beginning of the twenty first century obesity entered Dutch maternity care as a ‘new illness’ challenging maternity care professionals in providing optimal care for women with higher BMI’s. International research revealed that obese women had more perinatal problems than normal weight women. However, the effect of higher BMIs on perinatal outcomes had never been studied in women eligible for midwife-led primary care at the outset of their pregnancy. In the context of the Dutch maternity care system, it was not clear if obesity should be treated as a high-risk situation always requiring obstetrician-led care or as a condition that may lead to problems that could be detected in a timely manner in midwife-led care using the usual risk assessment tools. With the increased attention on obesity in maternity care there was also increased interest in GWG. Regarding GWG in the Netherlands, the effect of insufficient or excessive GWG on perinatal outcomes had never been studied and there were no validated guidelines for GWG. A midwife’s care for the individual woman in the context of the Dutch maternity care system - characterised by ‘midwife-led care if possible, obstetrician-led care if needed’ - is hampered by the lack of national multidisciplinary consensus regarding obesity and weight gain. Obesity has not yet been included in the OIL and local protocols contain varying recommendations. To enable sound clinical decisions and to offer optimal individual care for pregnant women in the Netherlands more insights in weight and weight gain in relation to perinatal outcomes are required. With this thesis the author intends to contribute to the body of knowledge on weight and weight gain to enhance optimal midwife-led primary care for the individual woman and to guide midwives’ clinical decision-making.
At the beginning of the twenty first century obesity entered Dutch maternity care as a ‘new illness’ challenging maternity care professionals in providing optimal care for women with higher BMI’s. International research revealed that obese women had more perinatal problems than normal weight women. However, the effect of higher BMIs on perinatal outcomes had never been studied in women eligible for midwife-led primary care at the outset of their pregnancy. In the context of the Dutch maternity care system, it was not clear if obesity should be treated as a high-risk situation always requiring obstetrician-led care or as a condition that may lead to problems that could be detected in a timely manner in midwife-led care using the usual risk assessment tools. With the increased attention on obesity in maternity care there was also increased interest in GWG. Regarding GWG in the Netherlands, the effect of insufficient or excessive GWG on perinatal outcomes had never been studied and there were no validated guidelines for GWG. A midwife’s care for the individual woman in the context of the Dutch maternity care system - characterised by ‘midwife-led care if possible, obstetrician-led care if needed’ - is hampered by the lack of national multidisciplinary consensus regarding obesity and weight gain. Obesity has not yet been included in the OIL and local protocols contain varying recommendations. To enable sound clinical decisions and to offer optimal individual care for pregnant women in the Netherlands more insights in weight and weight gain in relation to perinatal outcomes are required. With this thesis the author intends to contribute to the body of knowledge on weight and weight gain to enhance optimal midwife-led primary care for the individual woman and to guide midwives’ clinical decision-making.
Aim and method: To examine in obese people the potential effectiveness of a six-week, two times weekly aquajogging program on body composition, fitness, health-related quality of life and exercise beliefs. Fifteen otherwise healthy obese persons participated in a pilot study. Results: Total fat mass and waist circumference decreased 1.4 kg (p = .03) and 3.1 cm (p = .005) respectively. The distance in the Six-Minute Walk Test increased 41 meters (p = .001). Three scales of the Impact of Weight on Quality of Life-Lite questionnaire improved: physical function (p = .008), self-esteem (p = .004), and public distress (p = .04). Increased perceived exercise benefits (p = .02) and decreased embarrassment (p = .03) were observed. Conclusions: Aquajogging was associated with reduced body fat and waist circumference, and improved aerobic fitness and quality of life. These findings suggest the usefulness of conducting a randomized controlled trial with long-term outcome assessments.